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Best Elden Ring 1.08 Faith Builds - Top 5 Most Overpowered Faith Weapons In Elden Ring

1/3/2023 5:17:37 PM

Elden Ring 1.08 patch notes include not only further balancing improvements and bug fixes, but also new build opportunities. Which faith weapon or build is the best after Elden Ring patch 1.08? Today, we're going to be covering the top 5 Elden Ring best faith builds and weapons 2023. This is just going to be for PVE.


Elden Ring 1.08 Faith Build Guide - Top 5 Best Faith Builds & Weapons In Elden Ring Patch 1.08

In this Elden Ring 1.08 build guide, we are introducing 5 different best faith build. The first build focus on using Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword. The second build focus on using Halo Scythe. The third build focus on using Coded Sword. The third build focus on using Godslayer's Greatsword. Last but not the least, the fifth build focuses on using Blasphemous Blade. We are in-depth about the stats, gear, talisman, incantation, and tips for each Elden Ring best faith build 1.08.


No. 1 - Elden Ring Best Faith Builds (Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword)

This is one of the best Elden Ring faith builds that utilize the Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword. 



The stats for this build are going to have 50 vigor, 20 mind, 25 endurance, and 50 strength and faith.



Then we're going to be utilizing the Clawmark Seal, this is going to be the best option because it has the highest income scaling with this stat split.



-As for our incantation, it's going to have Bestial Slings that can be doing decent damage alongside this build. It did just get nerfed on top of this posture break potential so it's longer as good in that territory. But for cleaning up kills are still perfectly fine.

-Rock Sling is a very solid range option, especially alongside the Clawmark Seal can be doing a lot more damage, and the posture and stagger damage you do get for this spell are very very good.

-Frenzied Burst is very good for picking off enemies at a far distance because it has a lot of range

-Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Strike is a much better crowd-control option and definitely better against larger bosses.

-As for our passive spells going to have Golden Vow, and Flame Grant Me Strength with nice damage boosters especially Flame Grant Me Strength is going to our fire and physical damage which is exactly what our weapon itself is going to be doing.

-As for healing spells, we wouldn't really use any healing spells alongside using the Clawmark seal being which doesn't really pair together nicely unless you're using a healing over time type of spell.



As for our Talisman, it's going to have both Flock's Canvas to boost our spell damage. Shard of Alexander to boost our weapon skill damage and Great-Jar's Arsenal to boost our equipment load because we've been using a heavy weapon, we want to have some Poise as well and heavier armor.



But as for open itself, Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword is a very solid up and definitely one of the best in the game. It did just get a whole bunch of Buffs over many different patches to the Curved Swords itself in terms of like how quickly they actually swing, and how much posture damage they actually do as well. The weapon art Magma Guillotine is very strong. it does an enormous amount of damage. Another good thing about this weapon is the heavy attack that it does get, it is very short range, but it comes out so quickly and it does a lot of damage. So it definitely utilizes the heavy attack and the weapon.


Elden Ring Best 1.08 Faith Build (Halo Scythe)

We're going to have the best Elden Ring 1.08 dex and faith build utilizing the Halo Scythe. 



As for the stats going to have 50 vigor, 25 mind, 20 endurance, 40 dexterity, and 60 faith.



-With that 60 faith, the best deal to use is going to be the Godslayer's Seal which is going to boost our Black Flame incantations as well. A Black Flame is a very solid range option and being that the Godslayer's Seals is going to indirectly buff it.



-Speaking of which our incantation is going to have Catch Flame which pretty much going to be the best short-range option in the game being that how quickly they can be cast over and over again. Very high DPS doesn't really stagger very well but it's definitely worth using.

-Scouring Black Flame, another Black Flame incantation that's going to get buffed with the Godslayer's Seal. It is a pretty decent area of effect options good to hit for hitting multiple targets at once, especially with this build when using the Halo Scythe. There's really only a single target type of ash of war, so having something that's good for AOE is very nice.

-Then we're going to have Pest Threads because it's very good at hitting very large bosses. It's going to hit them multiple times it does very high damage.

-We going to have Golden Vow and Blessing of the Erdtree and more damage.



As for our talismans though going to have both Flock's Canvas again just to boost our damage. We are going to have the Sacred Scorpion Charm and Shard of Alexander. The reason why we're going to have the Sacred Scorpion Charm is that our weapon ash of war it does pure holy damage.



We just want to print a spec into disabling the ash of war over and over again being that it's very quick as a good range. It does very good damage and is pretty cheap only 11 FP per cost. So we're just going to stand out a distance and just keep spamming the ash of war over and over again and if need be. When they get close, we can just use the weapon itself because it's a scythe that has a very good moveset and it does bleed. So it's very good and does decent damage and we have our incantations to help back us up as well. The ash of war is going to be the main selling point of this most overpowered Elden Ring 1.08 faith build.


Elden Ring Faith Build 1.08 (Coded Sword)


This is a pure Faith Build that utilizes the Coded Sword. As for the stats going to have 50 vigor, 40 mind, 17 endurance, and 80 Faith.



-The seals for this going to have multiple, including the Erdtree Seal, Gravel Stone Seal, and Frenzied Flame Seal. We're only actually going to use the Erdtree Seal to cast incantations but we're just going to have the other ones to use to gain the benefits of them.

-The Gravel Stone Seal is going to have that equipped when we're going to cast lightning incantations.

Then equip the Frenzied Flame Seal when we're going to use Frenzied Flame Seal incantations. You don't actually have to use them as long as you have them equipped, it's perfectly fine hence why we have multiple seals that are going to always use the Erdtree Seal.



-As for the incantations though Catch Flame is the best short-range option. -Flame, Fall Upon Them is very good for hitting multiple targets at once being there hits like throwing multiple fireballs.

-Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear is pretty good for hitting one or two targets at the same time.

-Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike is good for hitting a multitude of targets or a very large boss.

-Frenzied Burst is a very good range option like pretty much a sniper.

-Pest Threads are once again good for larger bosses.



-Flock's Canvas obviously for more damage without spells.

-Radagon Icon for a cost of faster casting speed. Being that we're going to go with a pure cost input, you definitely want to have this type of talisman.

-We're going to have the Death Ritual Spear Talisman. So being that we're having a Caster build, we're going to be at a distance in most cases.



We're going to have Golden Vow, Erdtree Hill, and Blessing of the Erdtree just for more health all over the place. With 80 faith, the Erdtree Hill is going to pretty much do your entire health bar. It was going to be a full house hence why we have the Ritual Sword Talisman. For a weapon, it is going to be created sword obviously it's the only option or it's like the best option for a pure faith build that has a pure faith scaling and doesn't have scalings or requirements in any other state. It is doing pure holy damage which is not really that great at the end game is that a lot of bosses are pretty strong against holy damage. But the weapon itself is still pretty nice, it's a straight sword and it has a nice move. The main point of this build is they cast spells all over the place.


Elden Ring Patch 1.08 Faith Build (Godslayer's Greatsword)

This is another best Elden Ring dex faith build after patch. This time we're using the Godslayer's Greatsword.



As for the stats, that's going to have 50 vigor, 25 mind, 25 endurance, and 20 strength. Because that's the minimum requirement to one hand the Godslayer's Greatsword. 46 dexterity and 45 faith as for the incantations press a lot of the same ones.



-Frenzied Burst is still the best range option.

-Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike is very good cracker control and good for boss damage.

-Pest Threads are the same thing, good for like larger bosses.

-Golden Vow has more damage.

-Flame Grant Me Strength obviously has more damage and more fire damage as well hence what the Godslayer's Greatsword does.

-Blessing of the Erdtree for this nice health region over time.



Flock's Canvas Talisman for more spell damage. Shard of Alexander and the Great-Jar's Arsenal.



We are going to have Godslayer's Greatsword but we are going to have a backup weapon in the Black Knife. The reason being is because it has pretty much the exact same scalings. With the Black Knife, it is a pretty good secondary option. Because it's a dagger, it's very quick. If you want to clean up kills pretty quickly, you can switch to it and use it. Or if you want to go with some stealth gameplay, having the dagger on the offhand to switch to it to get backstabs is very handy as well being that it has 110 critical. So it's going to be doing more crit damage than what the Godslayer's Greatsword was going to be doing.


The weapon out of the Black Knife does that damage over time and decreases the maximum health by 10%. So you can like lead off a boss fight with that weapon knot itself, do a whole chunk of damage, take away 10 of their health bar for a long time and you can like have added them with the webinar of the Godslayer's Greatsword which is very good because it's very high damage. The entire combo does take 30 FP but it's definitely worth it being how hard that it actually hits itself. The Godslayer's Greatsword has a very solid moveset, definitely one of the best movesets and one of the best weapons in Elden Ring 1.08.


Elden Ring Faith Build 1.08 (Blasphemous Blade)

We're sure to nobody's surprise, we're going to have the Blasphemous Blade with a dex and faith build.



The stats for this going to have 50 faith, 25 mind, 20 endurance, 26 strength, 40 dexterity, and 50 faith. The reason we have more dexterity than strength even though it's a quality scaling is that we’d rather have that more dexterity for faster casting speed than being that we're going to use a lot of spells as well.



The seal of choice is going to be the Frenzied Flame which has the highest scaling out of everything. If you do plan on using some healing spells, you can have the Godslayer's Seal.



-As for the incantations, you are going to have Catch Flame once again the best orange option.

-Frenzied Burst and Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear for a short-range option -Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike for like crowd control, large boss damage.

-Elden Ring Blessing of the Erdtree and Golden Vow for more damage.

-Flame Grant Me Strength once again for more damage and that weapons are going to have split fire damage so it pairs nicely with that.



As for our talismans, we are going to have the Flock's Canvas Talisman, the Carian Filigreed Crest, Shard of Alexander as well as Taker's Cameo which are going to restore HP upon defeating enemies. It is going to play nicely with the blast ones played being that one. Once you get a kill is going to give you health back and when you actually get a weapon not hit or when you are hit with the ash of war is going to give you a chunk of health back as well. All that paired together, it's going to have a whole bunch of health regen.



You can just keep spamming the ash of war for days, we're going to be using the Carian Filigreed Crest, so it's going to decrease our FPA consumption. On top of that being that, it is pretty expensive. But with the Carian Filigreed Crest, it brings it down to 23 FP which is very solid. That compared with a lot of the spells that we're going to be using as well. We don't really need them, you just need to spam the ash of war for days, you'll trade out, you'll just even lose any type of health and it does a lot of damage.


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