Frosty Fest has brought new golden gifts 2022 to Rocket League. How to complete the new Rocket League golden gift challenges? In this Rocket League golden gift 2022 guide, we are showing the rewards, golden gift ‘22 crates opening, and the fastest way to complete them as well.
Rocket League Golden Gifts 2022 Crates Guide
This year’s Rocket League winter wonderment comes courtesy of Lofi Girl. Complete Frosty Fest challenges to unlock cuddly cats, warm cocoa, and oodles of freshly-fallen snow. Players can kick back and enjoy three weeks of limited-time modes with a different mode every week. Most importantly, you can get 5 Rocket League golden gift 22 for free and you will be able to trade them and make big profits.
Quickest Ways To Get Rocket League Golden Gifts ‘22
Firstly, what you want to do is you want to head over to the challenges section and then you want to scroll down to where it says golden gifts and see how many you have completed. Then you want to go to your casual ones and load into a match as that will allow you to complete the golden gift challenges as quickly as possible. Once you're in a match you want to basically start playing, as usual, however, you do not want to score and you want to try and make sure that they don't score as well.
So we recommend freestyling or basically just keeping the ball outside of their half. If you are a player with less skill level, then it's not the end of the world. If you get scored on because you still forfeit early on in the game it allows you to complete the match quicker than you would usually do anyways. As soon as the timer does hit four minutes, then you want to Forfeit and leave the match as quickly as possible. As it allows you to load into another casual match and reduces the amount of wait time between games.
Then once you've done that you can just load back onto your challenges and you can see you've completed one game. If you repeat this enough times, you'll complete every single Rocket League golden gift 2022. It does take me about three hours however you will be able to sell then sell all of these golden gifts to full 1500 Rocket League credits.
Rocket League Golden Gift ‘22 Rewards
In this Rocket League golden gift 22 crates, we are going to reward with the elevation series, vindicator series, and player’s choice series. Elevation has mainframe, dissolver, etc. Player’s choice has mainframe, draco, zombas, reaper wheels, etc. This is the craziest series of crates to open because it doubles the chance of mainframe since 2 series have mainframe.
Rocket League Golden Gift ‘22 Crates Opening
CoralCoke opened 50 new golden gift 22 crates in Rocket League so that we have a chance to see what Rocket League items we might receive after opening golden gift crates.
50 Rocket League Golden Gift 22 Opening
1. Yamane Wheels
2. Fennec: Edge Burst Decal
3. Draco Wheels
4. Breakout: Ripped Comic Decal
5. Octane: Kane Animated Decal
6. Mainframe Animated Decal
7. Singularity Goal Explosion
8. Jager 619 Body
9. Jager 619 Body
10. Draco Wheels
11. Singularity Goal Explosion
12. Nimbus Body
13. Bob’s Ramen Player Banner
14. Infinium Wheels
15. Venom: Retro Sun Decal
16. Dominus: Or-Aise Decal
17. Octane: Dragon Lord Animated Decal
18. Creeper Wheels
19. Draco Wheels
20. Venom: Retro Sun Decal
21. Shattered Goal Explosion
22. Truncheon Wheels
23. Comet Rocket Boost
24. Finny Wheels
25. Comet Rocket Boost
26. Yamane Wheels
27. Breakout: Ripped Comic
28. Dino Paint Finish
29. Apparatus Wheels
30. Venom: Retro Sun Decal
31. Truncheon Wheels
32. Octane: Dragon Lord Animated Decal
33. Picket Wheels
34. Infinium Wheels
35. Raijin Wheels
36. Sentinel Body
37. Glorifier Animated Decal
38. Neurq - Agitator Goal Explosion
39. Solar Flare Goal Explosion
40. Octane: Lone Wolf Decal
41. Creeper Wheels
42. Mainframe Animated Decal
43. Mainframe Animated Decal
44. Gernot Wheels
45. Clodhopper Wheels
46. Dissolver Animated Decal
47. Picket Wheels
48. Zomba Wheels
49. Neyoyo
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