Today we're going to be talking about some named items that you can farm solo to increase your gear score in New World, make your character more powerful and get yourselves ready to do some dungeons if you feel so inclined.
New World Best Items To Farm For Solo - How To Raise Gear Score Guide
For those of you who don't know, Amazon introduced the system with the brimstone sands where if you get a named item so it sees like shiny glowy things, they will always be 590 gear score regardless of your like expertise, all your own like personal gear score that you've received in the past. In today’s guide, we’ll go through weapons first, then armor and duel jewelry. But before getting straight into this New World gear score raising/farming guide, here are 3 notes you should know:
- These items are not necessarily going to be best in slots, some of them are pretty good, but a lot of them you are going to replace with dungeon loot later on. The concept here is that a lot of you like the solo and chill in New World and maybe you're finding dungeons or group play a little bit intimidating, so if you do just want to play solo and get some good gear for yourself and then maybe look to move into those dungeons later on.
- Brimstone Quest Rewards: The other thing on the weapon front is that you should do your quests in Brimstone Sands, there's actually a lot of really nice legendary items that you can get that don't scale down to your gear score. For example, the Discerning Eye and because it's a quest reward, we just get it full in at 615 with all of the perks enabled. Basically, all of your quests and brimstones specifically the main storyline has some good stuff, but a lot of these side quests and brimstone sands will give you some pretty awesome weapons.
- Drops we didn’t include: The third and final thing is we have excluded some items like Doc Vengeance, it is a really good void Gauntlet, it is a named item and it does drop in the open world, so you might be saying why have you not included this in the solo list of farmable items and that's because it's not really farmable, it drops from 1223 different enemies and also comes from 70 different chests in the game, it's very hard to specifically target this item. So the items that we're going to be showing in this guide drop specifically from one boss and they have a proven track record of dropping pretty consistently right.
Now let’s take a look at items in New World that you can solo farm for.
Swords To Farm For Score Gearing
- Guardian’s Resolve: This is a pretty solid tank sword and also a DPS sword for those of you playing sword and shield in a DPS mode, it comes with refreshing move and corrupted bane and when you upgraded 600 gear score, you also get 14 strikes, so definitely an all-round good sword. It's got strength index which might be not ideal if you're looking for the pure strength and constitution builds that we see a lot of tanks go for, but all in all, it is pretty good and it's very easily farmable.
- Pit Lord Dominator: This one has constitution, mortal lifesteal and lifestealing.
- Titanwall: It is a tower shield, so this is going to be good for tanks and this is the best sort of named item that you can get open world as a tank and it has refreshing ward, sturdy and fortifying shield rush and it drops from Titanic Saturn and he is available in the brimstone Sands.
- Maat’s Scale: It seems to be the best and this comes from the judge of purity who is located again in the brimstone Sands and you can find the judge of purity and the judge of sin both looking at each other in the rough area.
- Putrid Fishbone: This is a pretty solid set of perks on this Rapier keenly Jagged Enchanted and Keen, so we don't have any corrupted Bane, but it does drop from a really easy mob to farm, it's a little alligator that you find in Reekwater only 5K HP or less than 5K HP on this thing, so it should be very easy to solo farm provided you can make your way in there.
- Bonechopper: It has angry earth bane, keenly fortified and it upgrades to get rogue at 600 gear score, so definitely worth the upgrade. And it drops in the strangle pitch Road area.
- Knife of God: It has corrupted bane, keenly empowered and the third perk that it upgrades with is trenchant rend. This one drops from Tribune Ursula the Gladiatrix. He is located in the brimstone sands over here you can find them in the tent I can confirm I've had the knife of God drop quite a few times for myself and it's not a bad sword however one alternative I also wanted to present is
- Jupiter's Judgment: It doesn't have corrupted bane, so it is a bit more of an all-rounder contains keen and mortal power and then the third perk it upgrades with is trenchant wren. So you'll get the 590 gear score of all of these weapons with only two perks, but the third perk you'll get when you get to 600 expertise and upgrade with humble shots. This one drops from a mob with a good chunk of HP, so you have to be a bit more careful farming this mod.
- Yul’kithir: It's not really a solo farm item, but it is a Warhammer you can craft and it has sundering shockwave, chain void and keenly empowered and because it's a craftable, it won't get downscaled to your expertise.
- Mirepaw’s Fist
- Earthbinder Ward
- Wallbuilder
- Primus axe: It has refreshing ward, thwathing strikes, and then the keenly empowered. This one drops from Primus Galba who is located in the Brimstone Sands, it's a pretty easy solo farm, not the best greatax, but it is something to start you on your journey into the end game.
- Khnum’s Key: This solo farm boss drop has keen speed, rogue and the ancient bane. Rogue is pretty good for DPS, you can make sure you go for those backstabs and it drops from keeper khanum who is located in the brimstone sands and is a fairly easy solo farm. So h maybe not the best spear, but it is something you can pick up to get that journey into end game going.
- Signum Phalarae
Ice Gauntlets
- Frozen Hope
Void Gauntlets
- Corrupt Sacrifice: This is a healing void gauntlet, it obviously has intelligence on, so it's not like best in slot, but it's got blast which is important that's the criteria that we need for our healing void gauntlets and the third poker upgrades with is life stealing. Also ancient bane means it's not too bad to take into Lazarus in order to start farming that expertise up.
- Disintegrating Depths: This is the DPS void gauntlet, it is got corrupted bane and enchanted, so this is going to be a great one to bring into tempest heart and potentially even mutated the Depths Dynasty and mutated Tempest if you do want to upgrade it with Emerald shots.
- Tide of Moonlight
- Sulfurous Roar
- Warden's Answer
- Ironbark Blaster
Armor Drops to Farm For Solo
- Crown of Sobek
- Castum Crown of the Goat-King
- Cleri’s Cowl
- Clossal Stormplate: It gets ancient ward when upgraded, and is not a bad starting tank chest for a fresh level 60.
- Royal Lagoon Chestwraps: It is a good starting drop for dex users, though the perks are PVP orientated.
- Blacksmith’s Memento: It gives corrupted ward but is not worth upgrading for indestructible.
- Spearman’s Gloves: They have ancient ward and work for a medium equip load dexterity build.
- Joyful Gloves: They are great gloves for healers fresh to level 60.
- Weighted Greaves: They have ancient ward and a good pickup for tank players.
- Focus of Dalao: They are great legs for fresh level 60 healers as they have fortifying sacred ground on them, a must-have perk.
- Regular Pants: They are great for any light or medium equip load build as they have constitution on them, the only downside in they upgrade to get resilient, a pvp perk.
- Heavy Burden: It is the only solo farm friendly heavy boots you can get, but contain the pvp perk resilient, so will need to be replaced when an upgrade presents itself.
- Maat’s Blessing
- Requiem Pendant
- Treasure of the Pit
- Heart of Dalao
- Heat of Hepu
- Baal Hoop
- Starbound Rememberence Charm
- Invoked By Her Two Hands
- Tarot’s Ritual Trinket
So these are all the items to farm as a solo player to raise your gear score in New World! These solo farm items are not really best in slot, you are going to find better stuff later on in the game, but if you're a fresh level 60 player and you're just looking for mobs that you can either get a few hours to play or a few minutes to play in the day, you can go over and try and farm some of these items maybe even leave you yourself AFK until they respawn and come back in, most of the mob should respawn in under 10 minutes.
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