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Dragonflight Season 1 Gear Guide: Alts, Adventure Mode, How to Get Assembly Guardian's Ring in WoW Dragonflight

12/2/2022 4:25:24 PM

We'll make a quick guide with some tips and a few sources of gear stuff, Knowledge wisdoms, learnings from the first two days of dragonflight.

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When Does Mythic Zero Dungeon Open Up

Mythic zeroes are indeed open, they are open this week and next week, and then Mythic plus opens up, and then we got another character that's almost level 70, that character we've done mostly dungeon spam leveling with which we think it's probably a little bit slower than doing side quests it'll end up being something like a five or six hour run in total from level 69.6 on it,  but that would be the kind of speed we'd expect for a full stack dungeon farming, but that is with a full group of geared players, if you're queuing, it'll be slower than that, there is however one good thing to come out of Dungeons, and that is randomly like four of the eight dungeons appear to be dropping 346 gear even in normal mode when you're leveling through them, so level Q for those when you have your alt, can be a really good way to get some extra gear and then once you get max level put it on get a little bit of a catch up or a little boost to your character's item mobile.

How Does the Adventure Mode Work

The answer to that is when you finish your first character, they once you finish the campaign in Valdrakken, you'll get one of the rewards will basically say Adventure Mode unlocked, once that happens, your alt is in adventure mode if like once you get off the Zeppelin or the boat or whatever, you get to the wing rest Embassy, once you do like the first like two or three minutes of quests there, you will then get to see The Scouting map, and you'll be in adventure mode, and you'll have like all that you'll see all the world quests show up and everything like that, and that's how you'll know that it's working, and you're in adventure mode and not tied down to the strict order of the zones that your first character was in that kind of stuff, and you could go around, you could do hunts, you could do dailies, you could do World quests, you do whatever you want.


Dragonriding Races

Dragonriding obviously very powerful collecting all 48 of the Dragon glyphs, doing it once unlocks them all for your account, but your all characters will have to go into the talent tree which you can unlock, you can open up just by clicking on this thing, you don't have to  go visit the place that you originally, you'd have to go visit the observatory every time you want to update your talents, but so your alt will have all 48 of the glyphs if you've got them all on your main, but you will have to actually go through and click all these buttons once on your alt to get the powers that you have learned, another Dragonriding tip, if we turn our camera straight up and then press the two button right the lunge upward one, very quickly you'll actually get a lot of speed by doing that, now if you don't have your camera aimed straight up, if you're just looking forward instead, you're just looking forward instead,  then you don't actually generate as much speed by pressing two, so it's still a good button, but by far, we've found the best way you can use your two button, the Skyward Ascent is when you want to cover a long distance just right at the start of your journey as long as you have at least two Vigor you can just go up and like press two twice and by doing that you're just you generate a lot of speed, and a lot of altitude, and then you just tilt your camera slightly down, go wherever you want to go, the big tip is just try tilting your camera up before pressing two and you'll find for some reason it seems to work better.


How to Get Assembly Guardian's Ring

A way to get a 389 ring, couple different 389 Rings, If you grind for about 30 minutes, and you have 200 gold, the grind spot is like right we guess we should be on a character that actually has this unlocked but like right up here in the Cobalt Assembly,  and there is there's an elite World quest or at least there was in this area that you could do and  take the Cobalt Assembly flight path and the steps to do this are you take the flight path to here the Cobalt Assembly, you do the quest there which very quick, you go into the keep area, and you just kill the mobs, and just by doing that  you will unlock enough rap the Rings don't show up on the vendor until you got the required rep but once you get rank four, there are 389 Rings there.

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