The first season of World of Warcraft Dragonflight expansion is coming soon, today we’ll talk about some important things you should know about WoW Dragonflight Season 1, including the release date for different regions, raid loot & schedule, M+ dungeon pool, PvP mount, seasonal rewards, crafted gear & materials.
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Release Date
The World of Warcraft Dragonflight expansion launched on November 28, the Dragonflight Season 1 is scheduled to release on December 13 for North America and December 14 for Europe.
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Raid Schedule & Loot
In this season, all three of the Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties of the brand new 8-boss raid Vault of the Incarnates will be available right away on day one of Season 1, all of them will be released on the same day, and the Raid Finder Wing 1 to 3 will come out in the following weeks.
Week of December 12: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Vault of the Incarnates open in each region.
Week of December 19: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 1 opens.
Week of January 2: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 2 opens.
Week of January 16: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 3 opens.
What comes with the raid in Dragonflight Season 1? Raging Magmammoth mount is an achievement reward once you complete the Vault of the Incarnates raid starting December 13.
One major change to this season is that your loot rewards have been slightly revamped, the first group loot is back and is going to be the only loot type when inside the raid, personal loot is still available for Mythic plus. In terms of the raid loots, there are three item level tiers within each difficulty, you’ll have a chance to gain better gear when defeating harder bosses. Unique items have a decreased drop chance from a few bosses, they also have their item level boosted by plus six from whatever that boss gives, for example, Eranog drops one of these unique items, the Seal of Diurna’s Chosen, while Mythic+ Eranog would usually drop 415 item level loot, if he drops one of these very rare rings, it will be at 421 item level. Below we list all unique items in the Vault of the Incarnates raid.
Whispering Incarnate Icon
Seal of Diurna’s Chosen
Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky
M+ Loot Changes
One of the biggest changes for Season 1 M+ is the loot reward system, End of Dungeon and Great Vault rewards now scale all the way up to plus 20 keystones instead of just plus 15. the highest item level loot available from the Great Vault for Mythic+ is 421, which is equivalent to wing bosses in the raid and only three item levels behind the final two raid bosses instead of the seven that it was in Shadowlands.
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 M+ Dungeon Pool
Not all 8 new Dragonflight dungeons are available for Season 1 Mythic plus pool, only four of Dragonflight dungeons will be in the pool, alongside the other four dungeons revamped from the previous expansions. For each Dragonflight season, the M+ dungeon pool will be made up of different dungeons than the previous season, so the four Dragonflight dungeons that are not included in the season one pool will be put in the season two pool.
Dragonflight Season 1 Mythic+ Dungeons
Ruby Life Pools (Dragonflight)
Algeth'ar Academy (Dragonflight)
The Azure Vault (Dragonflight)
The Nokhud Offensive (Dragonflight)
Halls of Valor (Legion)
Court of Stars (Legion)
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (Warlords of Draenor)
Temple of the Jade Serpent (Mists of Pandaria)
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 PvP Mount
The new PvP mount for Dragonflight Season 1 is called Vicious Sabertooth, you can earn a Vicious Sabertooth for Alliance and another one for Horde.
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Crafted Gear & Materials
Professions are getting a significant rework in Dragonflight, which includes the addition of some powerful crafted gear, you can bring your own bind-on pickup materials to crafters and they can create gear for you and earn commissions. To earn those materials, Spark of Ingenuity is a useful item for high-item-level crafted gear, you will also need some upgrade materials throughout the season from raid M+ and PVP. Primal Chaos is used across the board and drops from pretty much anywhere no matter the difficulty, Primal Focus which drops from Heroic raid bosses is used to make an optional reagent for crafting heroically powerful equipment. These lets you upgrade your gear all the way up to the 405 item level. Concentrated Primal Focus drops from Mythic raid bosses and Mythic plus Keys 16 and up, will let you go all the way up to the item level cap on crafted gear at 418.
WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Rewards
Dragonflight Keystone Explorer
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror
Dragonflight Keystone Master
Dragonflight Keystone Hero
Keystone Hero: The Azure Vault
Keystone Hero: The Nokhud Offensive
Keystone Hero: Ruby Life Pools
Keystone Hero: Algeth'ar Academy
Keystone Hero: Halls of Valor
Keystone Hero: Court of Stars
Keystone Hero: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Keystone Hero: Temple of the Jade Serpent
Various Dragonflight tier lists and cheap WoW gold for sale at AOEAH, welcome to visit us more.
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