This is a guide for Elden Ring armor set ranking & tier list, we've got a whole roster of armors to run down and review both an appearance and in level of defense.
Elden Ring Armor Set Ranking & Tier List
S Tier
-Beast Champion Set
-General Radahn Set
-Hoslow's Set
-Leather Set
-Noble's Set
-Sanguine Noble Set
A Tier
-Banished Knight Set
-Blaidd Set
-Blue Cloth Set
-Briar Set
-Carian Knight Set
-Cleanrot Set
-Depraved Perfumer Set
-Drake Knight Set
-Elden Lord Set
-Fingerprint Set
-Kaiden Set
-Knight Set
-Malenia's Set
-Maliketh's Set
-Night's Cavalry Set
-Nomadic Merchant Set
-Raging Wolf Set
-Ronin Set
-Royal Knight Set
-Traveler's Set
-Twinned Set
-Zamor Set
B Tier
-Alberich's Set
-Battlemage Set
-Blackflame Set
-Bloodhound Set
-Confessor Set
-Eccentric's Set
-Fia's Set
-Fur Raiment Set
-Gelmir Knight Set
-Guardian Set
-Haligtree Knight Set
-High Page Set
-House Marais Set
-Iron Set
-Leyndell Knight Set
-Lusat's Set
-Night Maiden Set
-Nox Monk & Swordstress Sets
-Perfumer Set
-Preceptor Set
-Redmane Knight Set
-Ruler Set
-Scaled Set
-Snow Witch Set
-Tree Sentinel Set
-Vulgar Militia Set
-White Reed Set
Alberich's Set
Alberich's Set actually has one of the extremely few chess pieces where the altered version, actually fits with more outfits, it's a simple traveler's coat with a golden trim and with the amount of gold colored outfits in this game, it's not hard at all to find other boots and gloves to match this with, the blood crystals on the shoulders match really well with the blood crystals of the glove portions, but that they're literally designed to, so that's not unexpected or anything, when you take off the cape, however, it suddenly becomes extremely versatile.
Battlemage Set
It gives a well-deserved home to the Albert gloves, parts of Azur’s and Lusat’s sets, The Shining headband is probably one of the favorites that mesh with this set, the wealth of colors and different designs make it compatible with any hood.
C Tier
-All-Knowing Set
-Astrologer Set
-Azur's Set
-Bandit Set
-Black Knife Set
-Bloodsoaked Set
-Blue Silver Mail Set
-Champion Set
-Consort Set
-Crucible Knight Set
-Cuckoo Knight's Set
-Duelist Set
-Errant Sorcerer Set
-Exile Set
-Finger Maiden Set
-Fire Monk Set
-Fire Prelate Set
-Godrick Knight Set
-Goldmask's Set
-Land of Reed's Set
-Mausoleum Knight Set
-Mushroom Set
-Page Set
-Perfumer Traveler Set
-Queen's Set
-Raptor Set
-Rotten Duelist Set
-Sage Set
-Shaman Set
-Spellblade Set
-Vagabond Knight Set
-Veteran Set
-War Surgeon Set
All-Knowing Set
Because it looks so damn fashionable and Chic and smooth and the thick duvet, he's got tied to the back of his neck looks super comfortable, it has such a weirdly unique and burnished texture about it that makes it incredibly awkward to try and fit it in with anything else, the helmet can sort of be wedged into other outfits and heavy armors and whatnot, but it rarely ever feels like the helmet consented to be there, it's great as a set, but it has absolutely no flexibility with any other set which gives us this really ambivalent feeling.
Astrologer Set
The boots can go with other colorful robes like battle mage or Guardian, basically, this set makes you look like some college gal in Colorado that went through a spiritual awakening.
Azur's Set
This is an amazing set if you want your character to look like a master sorcerer, it's a very selfish set, if you so much just try to match any part of this set with any other piece, you'll come up short.
Bandit Set
It explores a very discomforting Middle Ground where wearing any kind of Manchester just exposes your knobby little tarnished elbows, it's balanced out by the fact that the mask and Boots can fit well with any other pitch black colored set the Lord of bloodrobe coupled with the mask makes me look like this battle-ready Blood cleric that apparently is conscious of the modern plague, the bottom half of the Bandit boots are a kind of Ashen black which pairs really well with a black flame monk.
D Tier
-Albinauric Set
-Aristocrat Set
-Blue Festive Set
-Chain Set
-Festive Set
-Godrick Soldier Set
-Godskin Apostle Set
-Guilty Set
-Juvenile Scholar Set
-Lazuli Set
-Lionel Set
-Old Aristocrat Set
-Omenkiller Set
-Prisoner Set
-Prophet Set
-Raya Lucarian Sorcerer Set
-Royal Remains Set
-Traveling Maiden Set
Albinauric Set
Because the Poise is actually the highest of any light armor piece, there is but at the expense of stepping outside your house actually looking like you ate the whole family's Thanksgiving feast and then dove into a polluted lake, the chainmail is so filthy, the coloring itself doesn't even match with anything else so good luck finding anything that doesn't end up making you look like a rusted iron dumpling, only reason we could argue for it is if you were in PvP and wanted to make a bit out of looking repulsive.
Aristocrat Set
It makes you look like an NPC, but that headband can squeeze into so many unexpected spots in almost every single outfit the game even gives you, it's just subtle and unobtrusive enough to look intentional no matter what set you pair it with, and it's just bright enough to demand the right amount of attention, the rest of the set quite literally pales in comparison, the only pieces we had trouble matching this with were other sets that were purposefully designed to look dark.
F Tier
-Commoner's Set
-Godrick Foot Soldier Set
-Godskin Noble Set
-Highwayman Set
-Malformed Dragon Set
-Marionette Set
-Omen Set
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