We will be covering all of the healers in dragonflight and ranking them on their competitive viability in PvP, mostly, through the lens of ranked solo queue the most exciting new feature of the expansion which we're imagining a lot of you are very eager to get your hands on, we've been studying and watching and observing a lot of other players and their points of views and their opinions going into this to try and construct a list which is more or less a prediction, given the information that we currently have right now in the dragonflight beta.
WoW Dragonflight Healer PVP Tier List
S Tier - Preservation Evoker
Preservation Evoker
Its performance is phenomenal, you have insane Mobility tons of like crowd control immunity avoidance, you have massive up front burst with fire breath and tip the scales, you can reposition allies, reposition enemies while navigating around the map, you have a good consistent healing through your Echoes and through your heal over time effects that you can apply to your targets you have nice emergency heels with verdant Embrace, that's going to be your main heel that you recover, you've got lots of cooldowns like Emerald communion is like Tranquility bubble for Druids for evoker here, you've got things like time dilation which is basically a one minute cooldown ice block you can put on your teammates, it's very rare that we've seen somebody die through time dilation and then you have a raid wide cooldown called rewind which is like Revival that just rewinds all the damage that's happened.
A Tier - Mistweaver Monk, Resto Druid
Mistweaver Monk
It seems like it's more designed for PVE and hitting mobs, and just aoeing with feline Stomp and spinning crane kick, and it's not so much gonna be good in small group combat and you're just going to expose your positioning, now you did get spear hand strike back, we've noticed that being able to like roll up and interrupt the Mage, that's trying to sheep you or fear or something feels really good and satisfying, and its output is remarkably high, so we do think that it is this maybe the strongest healer overall in terms of output, but because we don't think that it's bringing that fist weaving element or offensive capabilities the same thing that's been lacking carrying forward from shadowlands, while these are both doing remarkable amounts of healing you have basically the same amount of Mobility.
Resto Druid
This is a really versatile healer, it's going to be flexible and fit with pretty much everything, brings really important things to to the solo Shuffle environment like Tranquility, but Divine shield to protect yourself iron bark to assist allies if you're splitting your Hots with Life Plan being as powerful as it is, you'll be good at multi Target healing and single Target healing, you do work well with warlocks you work well with melee DPS, you can play with anything in the game so you're really versatile and flexible, offensively, you do bring some damage you will contribute things like instant Moon fire that will be buffed up through your Druid Talent points as you heal targets, so you get these big 40K Moon fires, every once in a while which is super satisfying to do haven't seen a lot of people running the balance affinity and the few that we do it doesn't really look too great, it's just a lot of global cooldowns to use it, and you you lose that on a lot of Defense not going down the left side of the Druid tree, so we haven't really seen a lot of Druids being able to make it work in that regard, but because of its flexibility, it's versatility, it's damage output.
B Tier - Discipline Priest, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin
Discipline Priest
Let's just get started with the healers here, we've got Discipline Priest, the first major thing to take into consideration with ranked, solo queue is that games are very fast, you are likely not going to lose as a Healer in ranked solo queue because of your Mana, you will more than likely want to opt out of talents that have to do with Mana regeneration for more damage or more recovery, because it is intense with the dampening ramping up as fast as it is and the Damage output alongside of that, you'll have some juice left in the tank with the way that it is at the moment, so while Mana has stereotypically been a problem for discipline priests, we don't think it's going to be as much of a problem, the main sticking point for discipline that's holding it back at the moment for us is its Mobility, it is the least mobile healer, even even over holy priest, it is the least mobile healer, you got some new talents that allow Fade to remove snares which is going to be really important for you to escape, but you're likely going to notice if you played in shadowlands not having door Shadows, not having Soul shape to move around the map, so you need to be an expert with your positioning and the thing is is you also don't really do too great with the DPS specs that are excelling at the moment warlocks, demon Hunters, death Knights, these are not typically what you're wanting to see on the opposing team, so healers that have defensive cooldown sounds that require your DPS to be stationary when you're in ranked solo queue, the DPS that play and ranked solo queue are like the children in the ballroom at the mall like they are all over the place, they're doing some weird things in the corner, and they're not gonna stay in your barrier, that's just the main thing you need to be aware of they're not going to stay in your barrier.
Holy Priest
The main advantages you have as holy priest as opposed to disciplined priest is access to honor talents like being able to fly up into the air with Divine Ascension, being able to escape melee attackers, so if you get a lobby with like death Knights, and Warriors, and Demon hunters, and lions, and tigers, and bears, you will have tools to escape them that discipline doesn't at the moment, you don't really do as much overall damage, but you can bring some nice burst damage with Holy Fire that we've noticed here overall damage will be lower, but it's more front loaded, the way that you deal damage, it's probably close, you have better emergency healing, your cooldowns with Guardian Spirit are more guaranteed like you they don't have to worry about them running out of the Guardian Spirit, they're just going to get that and if they die it'll resurrect them for a moment and then give you a second chance to kind of Bounce them back into the fight, you dude you do generally struggle, and you're not really synergized a lot with the best classes probably the same reason that Paladin is is lower on this list is.
C Tier - Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
It has not stood off the page to us, you still have some Mana problems as you did in shadowlands, although it's not again in Solo Shuffle probably not going to be a big deal, but we haven't seen Paladin popping off, we think it's probably still going to be a bit of a struggle, now some of the strengths that you do bring is you have like powerful just complete stops on damage output, it's probably going to be good because of that you still have high output with avenging wrath, we haven't seen anything like surprisingly new with this, they're kind of trolling you paladins a little bit with so much emphasis on consecration especially on red.
Resto Shaman
Shaman is also kind of a Struggle Bus even though you can actually get double Earthen wall totem, so you can put another wall totem and play Titanic recall, and reset it, and get two Earthen wall totems for one twice a value, you can run this really heavy Riptide build that's procking ascendances and boosting your healing, but you feel really dependent on healing tide for your recovery and really depending on ascendance, and you'll be next to your teammates for that AOE splash healing so you get a compromise your positioning very dangerous, you are very squishy, people will just attack you a lot of times is what we've noticed is as the meta has evolved it'll start running you down train the blue, you bring a lot of burst damage, honestly with storm keeper, you can lob out some really big lightning bolts, and lava bursts you're probably going to want to focus on being an offensive healer than a defensive one, so kind of like just using all your cooldowns to keep your teammates alive and keeping them aggressive and Rush down your opponents which is we think should be the archetype for Shaman healer with things like Purge and running through and disruption and being aggressive we like that.
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