World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Pre Patch event is coming. Today, in the Dragonflight Pre-Patch event guide, we'll be going over everything that is coming during the Prepatch event, the rewards, and what else is going on.
WoW Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Guide: Date, Locations, Quests, Rewards, Items, Gear & More
Dragonflight Pre-Patch event releases on November 15. This includes a redesigned Uldaman dungeon for level 60 and higher players as well as an open-world event where our newest foes the primalists will invade several zones across Azeroth. The main part of this Pre-Patch event is Primal Storms or Elemental Invasions. Next, check our guide for the Dragonflight WoW Prepatch event.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Currency
Swatching these Primalist Invasions will reward a new bind on account currency. This currency is used to purchase item level 252 gear for every armor slot in the game. This puts it frankly on the low end of overall item level gear. However, it does have the added benefit of being a unique color variant of the gear you're going to earn while questing throughout the Dragon Isles. So for transmog collectors, the item level is kind of a moot point. 252 gear can still help new players or brand new drag through Evokers though as this WOW Dragonflight Primal Storms pre patch event launch is the same day that you'll be able to create or drag through Evokers for the first time if you've already purchased Dragonflight. Since the new primeval essence currency is bound on account, you can send this to any of your characters on your account so that they don't get one shot while doing other content like World bosses, dungeons, raids, or battlegrounds.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Quests
When the World of Warcraft Dragonflight Pre-Patch event starts, you'll receive a quest to talk with either Abyssian or Wrathion depending on if your hoarder alliance respectively. This very short quest chain will get you caught up on the plot for the upcoming expansion. You'll be introduced to a number of characters as you assemble a crew for your Dragon Isle Expedition with multiple breadcrumb quests leading you to the new Primalist Invasions, the Uldaman dungeon revamp, and the level 60 item level 252 gear vendor as well.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Vendor
For horde players, this will all be located on the Zeppelin Tower near the coastline of Durotar just outside of Orgrimmar. For Alliance, your event vendors and quest givers will be on the docks of Stormwind. You'll have two quests that'll point you in the right direction for taking part in the Dragonflight Prepatch event goodies. A primal threat will require you to collect 10 modes of primeval energy and rewards you with 30 primeval essences, some gold, and the new primal storming pet. These are dropped by enemies in each of the primal Invasion zones.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Locations
To know which Primal Invasions are active, just look at your main map of Azeroth. You should see glowy rock icons with a couple of different colors on them in multiple areas of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. So far it seems like normally three of the four Invasion sites will be active for a few hours at a time. These events take place in the northern Barrens, Un'goro Crater, Tirisfal Glades, and the Badlands.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Invasions
There are four different elemental invasions and there are earth, fire, storm, and water. With their powers combined, they are the Primalist Invasion types. The element of each Invasion site can change every three hours by the looks of it. Every 30 minutes or so the Dragonflight WOW Pre Patch Invasion event actually triggers.
Primalist Invasion Tips
Once you're in an Invasion Zone you'll know if it's active, because you'll see a big skull on the map instead of one of those glowy rock icons that are scattered around the rest of the area. There should be a giant elemental enemy that is immune to damage. To break its immunity and fight it, you'll need to drop the elemental protection bar down to zero, which just means help kill all the other elemental thingies in the nearby area until the bar is empty. Once you do this, the big Elemental becomes active and the real fight can begin. Each of the four elements has its own mechanics, so just avoid any ground swirlies or bad-looking puddles and bring its health to zero before yours reaches zero and it'll work every time. Be sure to loot all the enemies you kill including that big boss because they'll all drop Primeval Essences and potentially some 252 item level gear as well.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Rewards
New Heirloom Trinket
A rare drop also comes from each of the four Elemental bosses, dimmed primeval fire, water, storm, and earth. If you collect all four of these rare drops during the Primal Storm Dragonflight Pre-Patch event, you can combine them to make a brand-new heirloom trinket, the unstable elemental confluence. By the looks of it, it's only going to scale up to level 59 when fully upgraded. The benefit of an heirloom item is that you can use this trinket on all characters on your account by accessing it via your heirloom tab. However, it is potentially a very low item-level reward and the tooltip is very vague. It's hard to say how good this will end up being at best it might just be nice if you're leveling a new character since you can use heirlooms as low as level one. But item level 183 is extremely low when you're going into Dragonflight since all these other events are giving 252, 272, and 285 and that's just for the regular gear from event items.
Feat of Strength (Against the Elements)
There is also a hidden achievement for killing all four of the different elemental bosses against the elements. So if you're an achievement point hunter, then you'll want to make sure you do this, because it'll only be able to be done during the Dragonflight Pre-Patch event.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Items
The Primeval Essence vendor does have a variety of goodies other than gear that you can purchase. For 100 Essences, you can buy the bag of furious winds toy let's let you pull a Miroku from Inuyasha and you whip out your very own wind tunnel and can suck up nearby critters.
20 Slot Reagent Bag
For a mere 5 Essences, you can purchase a 20-slot reagent bag. This reagent bag occupies the new extra bag slot introduced in Dragonflight and can only be used for crafting regions. This is a virtually free way to get some extra inventory slots while you're leveling and then later on you can purchase a larger reagent bag from crafters at the auction house.
Dragonflight Pre Patch Event Gear
278 Gear (Uldaman)
The Uldaman Revamp is a huge way to get some easy item level 278 gear. Normally to queue for a dungeon, you need to be above a certain character item level based on your gear. Currently on the PTR though this isn't the case and literally anyone who's level 60 is able to cue in. So the best thing you can do is grab some of that Primeval Essence vendor gear, goes over all the world bosses that are currently active which can give you up to item level 285 gear. Regardless Uldaman is a really great source of loot and the best part is you're guaranteed an item level 278 weapon from doing it at least once.
This is thanks to the dungeon quest, Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past. You can queue for this by using the dungeon group finder and searching for the specific dungeon section. This way you don't have to fly all the way to the Badlands to partake in this dungeon. This ensures you'll have a pretty decent weapon or offhand as well as a lot of transmog rewards since any quest completed now gives you any missing appearances that were eligible rewards as long as it's an item you're able to equip.
The new Uldaman dungeon is a fairly straightforward setup with 5 bosses in total which means you have 5 chances per run to get a piece of loot. It also doesn't hurt to get in there and try it a few times since this is one of the dungeons you'll potentially end up queuing into while leveling up to 70 in Dragonflight. So this gives you the opportunity to get the hang of it, although it isn't part of the Mythic plus rotation until Season 2 if that's something you care about in the future.
Hope this WoW Dragonflight Pre Patch event guide helps explain the new Dragonflight Pre-Patch Events that are going on. This will all be active until Dragonflight launches for its worldwide release schedule. Taking advantage of some of the easy ways to get gear that are currently available as well as getting unique transmog, toys, pets, and other rewards too.
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