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WotLK 2v2 Comp Tier List For Season 5 - Ranking All Best Arena Comps For Wrath Classic PvP Season 5

10/17/2022 6:03:19 PM

If you want to know the best 2v2 & 3v3 comps for Wrath of the Lich Classic, then you've come to the right place. In this WotLK 2v2 comp ranking tier list, we will be telling you everything about the 2s in Wrath of the Lich King Classic season 5 PvP. 

WotLK Classic 2V2 Comp Tier List For Season 5 PvP - Best Comps In 2s For Season 5

S Tier 2v2 Comps for Season 5

Holy Paladin Warrior

The first best 2v2 comp in the entire game is the Holy Paladin Warrior, who would have thought the best melee and the best healer would make for a good comp, but you might be asking why is it so strong. Paladins and warriors are one of the few classes with multiple defensive CDs, you might be familiar with the cooldown trading meta in more modern expansions, but this isn't really a thing for most comps in Wrath Classic where consistent damage is more prevalent. It just so happens that Warriors have the best consistent pressure too, this requires them to have lots of uptime which is no problem with freedom and a spammable magic dispel that provides some increased resistance with sacred cleansing. Ask any rank one player what they think the best 2v2 comp is and the majority of them will tell you it's Paladin Warriors. Instead of relying on gimmicks, this comp is simply a brick wall and is a massive execution test for any player looking to climb the ladder.

Discipline Priest Rogue

This comp represents the other end of the Healer GPS Spectrum in 2v2, sacrificing consistent pressure for more bursty damage waves. Just like on retail, the Wrath version has its win condition built around Shadow dance, locking down the kill target, see seeing an off target, hoping to force one or more cooldowns before retreating to do it again. This priests in particular are the most offensively capable healer with a solid damage tool kit combined with the best dispel in the game which together give them huge kill potential with the burst of a subtlety road.

Holy Paladin DK

This is just for season 5, as the expansion progresses, this comp will have a small Fall From Grace especially when better PVE train gets like Solace and Bobble come to Define later seasons. One of the advantages of this comp in season 5 is that it can simply Outlast the Mana bar of enemy healers which becomes less of a problem once Solace comes into the mix. As far as Bobble is concerned, this trinket is a soft counter to strangulate since it can be used while silenced to effectively trade one to one. As this comp is still strong in the early expansion while damage is at its highest, the combination of hammer of Justice into strangulate is really scary for any team and unholy dks and holy paladins both do exceptionally well into double DPS setups thanks to their abundance of defensive cooldowns. And with that, we have our three comps that will define the meta during season 5, these combos have really consistent win rates across the board and although they have a few counters, they are far and few between.

A Tier Comps for 2v2 Season 5


It has the option of playing with a one-handed red Paladin, this comp has all the similar benefits of the Holy version just with more damage. One-handed Ret paladins still have all the same things that make their team so tanky including sacred shield and divine sacrifice, while also being equipped with instant cast off heals and dispel protection thanks to Steel of engine stacking. Frost is a bit of an odd spec and plays a bit more setup bass in Wrath Classic, that is due to hunger and cold which can be used to set up kills alongside Hammer of Justice. While Frost DK isn't nearly as versatile as its unholy counterpart, it still has a place in The meta in the early stages of the expansion.

Feral Druid 

Then we have two feral druid comps with feral disc priests potentially pushing the boundary into S tier territory. This comp is a contender to the top 3 setups we mentioned earlier. But with one caveat, the fact that it is significantly less for forgiving. In the hands of two amazing players, the comp is easily top 4, but anything less than perfection drops it down an entire tier. Feral Druid damage is incredibly high and when combined with the offensive pressure of a disc priest, it's nearly unhealable even without an MS effect, that being said ferals are super squishy and need to adopt a rigid Hit and Run play style in order to square up with other enemy melee. This comp has a good matchup spread into DKs and warriors but will hard struggle into Rogues who are at Peak strength in season 5. 

Hunter Specs

Then we have all 3 Hunter specs with some deadly setups of their own, both marks and survival can do well playing with a discipline priest. These Hunter specs can do some good pressure on their own but just need the extra push of a priest or a red Paladin to truly elevate their offensive toolkit. Survival hunters will be at their strongest in season 5 simply due to damage output being the highest during this time, especially considering the overwhelming majority of their damage comes from magic which isn't reduced by plate armor giving them good matchups into high armor targets. Hunters on the other hand do almost pure physical damage, but when combined with an Enhancement Shaman and 2v2 are a brutal execution test in earlier seasons since their damage is so disproportionately high. This comp can expect to have super fast games that are either won or lost in a single interaction. 


On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Mages who require a bit more finesse than BM Hunters. Frost is by far the most popular Mage spec and generally does best with either a priest or sub rogue. These comps essentially do the same type of thing which is to do quick burst of damage combined with control and playing evasive before waiting for cooldowns and DRS to reset. The main difficulty of these double DPS setups is simply the fact that Holy paladins and Unholy DKs are quite popular and their abundance of defensive cooldowns makes it really difficult to consistently capitalize off the setups.

Paladin Comps

Then we have two Paladin comps. The first being Ret disc which is optimally played with the more standard two-handed build. The general problem with red in 2v2 is that they lack both an interrupt and a healing reduction effect which means they need a lot of offensive support from their Partners which dis priest are able to provide. Ret disc is a comp that lends itself to much longer games and generally looks to capitalize on defensive mistakes, doing huge damage pushes for small brief moments. One huge advantage of this comp is that both players have a defensive magic to spell, meaning they are great at punishing enemy teams who don't cross CC properly.

Restoration Shaman on the other hand, this comp is good but if you value your sanity reputation, you might want to steer clear of its dampening Fiesta, this comp can have infinitely long games.

Disc Priest Rogue 

Next up we have two variants of the traditional disc priest Rogue with Rogue SP and assassination Disc. One Niche interaction between Shadow priests and Rogues is that cheap shot, kidney shot and psychic horror are on completely different DRS, allowing this comp to do insanely powerful setups on a single target. This means any Target without a trinket is vulnerable to up to 13 seconds of lockdown which is an insanely long time given damage values in season 5. 

Assassination on the other hand is a bit off meta but still highly competitive in Wrath Classic. One of the biggest advantages of playing Assassination is something many people don't even know about and it's the fact that Assassination Rogues take 20% more healing thanks to a passive talent. And thanks to Deadly Brew, they are able to effectively apply 3 different poisons, adding some dispel protection to their healing reduction effect. In any case, these slightly off-brand priest Rogue comps are bound to be quite popular in season 5 and for good reason.

Elemental and Enhancement Shaman Comps 

For elemental shaman, Ellie is in a bit of an awkward place in 2v2 since they don't really offer the same consistent pressure as something like a DK or Warrior despite all three classes being high tier. Playing with the Holy Paladin is one option, but we should note that this comp is notoriously slow and boring. Just like Paladin Warrior, this comp is a brick wall and it's no surprise that the combination of these three classes will come to form one of the best 3v3 comps of the expansion thunder cleave. 

Enhance can do well in 2v2 with a BM Hunter but also with a one-hand did Ret Paladin, since they are relatively durable themselves while providing some extra utility at a small damage loss. One unique interaction is with judgment of light which restores HP on every melee swing. Since Shaman's attack relatively fast by default and even faster with lust, this gives both players some added passive bulkiness.

Warlock Comps

Affliction is one spec in particular that will get better and better as the expansion progresses, as haste values increase and the damage of some key spells specifically corruption scale better with gear. In season 5, we still expect affliction warlock to be competitive with Resto Druids or holy paladins as both of these healers offer huge healing support for the class as a whole. Death Strike can also play with the same healers but generally needs to play significantly more setup bass, either locking down kill targets with a stun or getting offensive support with cross CC in the form of hex or Cyclone. One huge benefit of playing Destro is just how bulky it is into other casters thanks to Nether protection. This gives it a slight Edge in the Warlock mirror against affliction since they will be taking 30% reduced damage nearly all game.

In case you don't want to play a god tier comp, you still have the timeless option of playing with a Resto Druid, this comp is a bit weaker compared to its TBC version and the lack of a magic dispel can make it super punishing into a select few comps. Outside of that though, this setup is still designed to Simply out pressure sure and Outlast its opponents and is one of the few 2v2 comps viable for rest of Druid on a competitive level.

Mid and Low Tier 2v2 Comps For Season 5

These are still competitive even at a high level but might have some glaring weakness is that hold them back. These low to mid tiers should give you a better idea of what separates the Good the Bad and the Ugly.

Arcane & Fire

First up, we have some more off-brand Mage comps featuring both Arcane and Fire. Arcane is in a really unique spot in Wrath Classic. It is able to do insanely high casted damage, but with very limited defensive options compared to frost and although it has insane kill potential Arcane is mostly limited by its Mana which will be a huge issue until later Seasons when Solace comes into play. This means it does best with either a rogue or disc priest who are able to complement its super bursty damage profile while also assisting with control.

Balance Druid

Then we have the balance druid. Starfall is the main win condition for Boomkins. With a glyph its cooldown gets reduced to one minute making it line up perfectly with Shadow dance which is a huge part of its Synergy with sub rogues. Boomkins need the ability to get off their damage and stall the fight long and enough to get a second star fall off. So playing with another hybrid is another option to do so.

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