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Elden Ring Best Bleed Build After Patch 1.06 - God Tier 1.06 Bleed Fire Build Guide

10/8/2022 5:14:58 PM

Today we're taking a look at the most broken bleed fire build in Elden Ring after patch 1.06. This is going to go beyond god tier Elden Ring 1.06 bleed build dealing over 1600 damage on just one single weapon. Level 150 insane amount of damage dealt in one single hit.


Elden Ring 1.06 Bleed Fire Build - Elden Ring Most Op Bleed Build 1.06 Build Guide

Without a doubt that this is the Elden Ring most broken bleed fire build 1.06. You are always going to be hitting at a high damage rate every single second that you are using the two best weapons together. We are using seppuku to just buff our weapon in overall our bleed is going to proc right away from the first head with the white mask, with the blood of the exultation talisman. Those two put together and with the arcane occult status is going to be just an insane amount of damage. The Elden Ring best 1.06 bleed build wrecks, melts, and destroys everything. Let's check the gear, armor, talisman, and tips to build it.


Elden Ring 1.06 Bleed Fire Build Gear

Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear

The first weapon that we are going to be using is the mohgwyn’s sacred spear. This weapon is probably the number one fire bleed build weapon that you can get. To get this weapon, you have to defeat Mohgwyn. Once you defeat him, you are going to be getting sacred which you have to take to the round table and give to Maria and she's going to give you this weapon. But we are going to be racing this to a blood loss build up of 90 which is going to be it be dealing an insane amount of damage.


Occult Uchigatana

We're going to go with a cold, not only are we going to be raising the physical damage. On top of this, the weapon is going to be hitting hard. But we're not going to use this weapon to hit anyone, we are just going to get this weapon to buff our right-hand armament weapon which is going to be the spear. We're going to use this to raise the maximum poverty that we're going to be dealing with bleed always. Every single second you are going to be dealing with on top of that physical damage but it's going to be crazy fire bleed and physical. Overall buffing our entire build.


Dragon Communion Seal

This is going to boost the dragon communion incantations. In this case, we have three different incantations that are going to be boosting, and this incantation scaling is 336.


White Mask

To take advantage of the sepukku bleed damage in this god tier Elden Ring bleed build patch 1.06, we're going to be using the white mask. It's going to help us with an additional 10%. To acquire the white mask, we're going to come from the Palace Approach Ledge Road and you are going to be invaded by three red white masks. Once you defeat all three, then you are going to be acquiring the white mask along with the entire armor. Do not defeat the monster that is within the Blood River or else you will kill it for yourself.


Fingerprint Greaves

Once bleed takes effect and then we're just going to use the fingerprint armor complete set to give us a poise of 36 which is not bad. label 150 boys label 150.


Elden Ring 1.06 Bleed Fire Build Talisman

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

This one's going to give us 20% additional damage when blood loss is in its vicinity. Along with the white mask, we're going to be dealing 30% additional damage. The lord of blood’s exultation can be found by the Leyndell capital and it's going to be a cattle bomb. Once you defeat the lord of blood and then you have this talisman.


Ritual Sword Talisman

This is going to raise our power by an additional 10% because one of the greatest things about using the mohgwyn’s sacred spear is that it's very hard for an enemy to touch you. Because you are going to be dealing an insane amount of damage. This one can be found in the Lux Ruins. Once you defeat the final boss is going to be right at the end, pick up this talisman because you are going to be increasing your full HP power once you are in full health.


Fire Scorpion Charm

With the buff of seppuku, you are just going to go off the radar, and then on top of this, we're going to be using fire scorpion charm which is going to give us a 12% increased damage on just fire. And one of the amazing things about the spear is that its scale attack power is by fire, 151 plus and then we are increasing the damage that this talisman is going to give us to raise this puppy to another level. For the fire scorpion charm, you're going to go to Fort Laiedd which is going to be on the east top side. The talisman is going to be located on a wooden plank.


Shard of Alexander

You always need to use this talisman because it does raise 15% of your unique skill that is within this weapon. Shard of Alexander can be acquired by defeating Alexander at the end of his quest line.


Elden Ring 1.06 Bleed Fire Build Tips

To be able to boost this god tier Elden Ring bleed 1.06 to an insanely broken status, we're going to be using the flame-shrouding cracked tear which is going to for three minutes temporarily boost any fire attack. Then with this weapon, we're just going to be dealing crazy amounts of damage for 3 additional minutes. Then we're going to be using the strength, this is just going to temporarily boost our strength since strength is going to be the second attribute required that is within this build going to be at 24. We're going to be raising that a little bit, overall it's just going to make this weapon even more deadly.


How To Use This Best 1.06 Bleed Build In Elden Ring?

The way you need to use this build to be able to deal an insane broken amount of damage, especially bleed and fire at the same time. We have three different types of incantations. We're going to be using the wonder physick, then after that, we are going to be using the golden vow. We're going to use flame grant me some strength and then for last we're going to be using the howl of shabriri in which you're going to be entering into a Madness status for an additional 20 seconds. After that, we got to go really fast and do the seppuku on ourselves and you are going to be able to see your power is going to go as high as 1559. 

Once you start hitting someone, you're going to go over 1600 which you are going to be dealing an insane amount of damage and you're going to be just deleting anything that gets in your way. Then you are always going to be running for an additional minute at hitting at 1263 which is at 150 level best Elden Ring bleed fire build 1.06. If you are higher than 200 or 250, you are always going to be at a higher pace and you are always going to be higher damage.

But if you are under level, there are a couple of things that become lighter on your armor which means you will have less poise. But just have in mind that the sacred spear is going to allow you to have that cushion from different enemies and bosses. Because you can inflict damage from about far away which is going to help you even if you are under level final.




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