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NBA 2K23 Best Custom Jumpshot - Jumpshot Tips, Settings & Biggest Greenwindow Jumpshots In 2K23

9/13/2022 3:58:44 PM

You just got NBA 2K23 and you need new best jump shots. We are going to give you a lot of jump shot tips that'll help you shoot better and the best custom jump shot in NBA 2K23 current gen and next gen.


NBA 2K23 Best Custom Jumpshots - Jumpshot Tips, Settings & Biggest Greenwindow Jumpshot In 2K23

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that NBA 2K23 skill gap of shooting is increased. It is now a lot harder to green and you need to know how to time and shot. If you white release, you will miss all your shots. They changed that this year so you cannot hit whites as you did in 2K22 not even 2K21. They got rid of it so if you want to be able to hit your shot, this NBA 2K23 jumpshot guide is very important for you. Because it's not going to be a cakewalk anymore, you actually need to know what you're doing. 


NBA 2K23 Best Jumpshot Tips

1. Mike Wang has dropped some 2K23 jump shot tips for you lately. The first thing Mike Wang says a little shooting tip. Your shot will be a little faster than normal when defenders are nearby and on the flip side. Noticeably slower when your energy is low. This is something you all need to keep in mind when your energy is low, you'll jump about to slow all the way down. It's faster when defenders are nearby. 


2. Mike Wang actually did a poll that said zero plans to touch it. 59% of players put is perfect. The shooting is currently perfect and it might be too easy once you get badges. Mike Wang recently said Claymore badge: standstill off the ball to boost your shooting ability. At one second boost begins and gets stronger the longer you wait, to a max of 4 seconds. After the catch, you have to shoot. If you move off the spot, the boost disappears. That's how you use Claymore Badge.


3. Some people asked why is an open shot a bad shot selection. Mike Wang says I hate that it says “selection”. The message means it was a bad shot which could either be from defending well or borking the timing. If you're getting bad shot selection open shots, just means you timed it poorly.


4. Mike Wang said for jump shot celebrations to play, you have to make three consecutive shots in a row. For each green after that, there's a chance it will play but it won't do it every time. If you miss the counter reset. That is a big change that we have never seen before. Every other 2k game that was never a case, you would just green and it would show up. But for this one which is new, now you have to green three times in a row for your jump shot celebration to appear. So if you can't ever create three shots in a row, you never going to see it.


NBA 2K23 Best Jumpshot Settings

Next Gen - If you want to change your jump shot bar, go to animations right and hover over into the gameplay effect. You click perfect release and then you go to any jump shot meter you want. A lot of people use comet high, honestly, that's the most popular one and that's the best one. If you want to change the green animation effect, you change it right here basically. You can go from flame, to ball, and to wing. If you want to get a boost, you go to progression. You hover down to get a boost and then you can buy yourself some jump shot boost and turbo. This is also an option you need jump shot booster green. 


Current Gen - To do that same thing on current gen, you need to go to MyPLAYER, go to animations, and then you would go into a menu. It'll show you a menu just like the other one because it's very similar. You go to gameplay effects and you also can change the same thing to the meter. For some reason on current gen, switch your jump shot meter to the comet. Because the comet is the best meter so far. That's what most comp people use. You can change the same stuff from ball to flame to all that the exact same way. And current gen to get your boost, you need to go on your phone, you can get the Gatorade, and you can get the jump shot packs as well.


NBA 2K23 Custom Jumpshot Creator

The jump shot creator is a new addition, this is completely different now. Every release has a grade to it, so no matter what you do with this release is going to change. There actually probably will be the best jump shot literally that is going to be A in every category. You see its defensive immunity, release speed, timing impact, and then the release height. There will be somehow if you mess around with it a jumper, but however, you still have to have certain heights. The heights have to match. So although some jumpers like Curry require short people, tall people can't use them. So it has to be depending on your height, so they'll be best jumpers for 6’5 and under and then they'll be jumpers for 6’10 and they'll be jumpers for under 6’10. There's going to be a big wide range, so jump shots aren't going to be something you play around with. You got to really do some deep diving into it possibly more than ever.


NBA 2K23 Best Custom Jumpshot

Base: Stephen Curry

Release 1: Trae Young

Release 2: Christ Paul

Release Speed: 100%

Blending: 50% Trae Young, 50% Christ Paul

This best custom NBA 2K23 jumpshot is Steph Curry, Trae Young, and Chris Paul. This jumpshot is fire. You got A+ def. immunity, A+ release speed, and A- timing impact. But you have to be under 6’5 to have this jump shot. But you also have to have higher than a 93 ball. So this is more for a smaller guard. 

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