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WoW WotLK Classic Prepatch & Launch Preparation Guide

8/17/2022 6:06:13 PM

The official release of WoW Wotlk Classic is around the corner, it’s time to learn these easy and simple tips to get perfect preparation for Wrath of the Lich King Classic Pre-Patch & Launch!

WoW WotLK Classic Prepacth Release Date

Finally, the Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch is confirmed to be scheduled on August 30th, and the official Wrath of the Lich King Classic will arrive on September 26. This means players will have 4 weeks to prepare their characters for the Northrend journey. 

Easy Preparing Tips for Wrath of the Lich King Classic Pre-Patch & Launch

In the run-up to Wrath of the Lich King Classic, everybody is doing their own preparation, for some it's setting up an army of characters ready to Zerg level 80, but for others it's just being high enough level to get into Northrend and for a few, you're still waiting on Fresh Start realms to drop so you can actually play the game. In this guide, we go over some general preparation tips which we think as though are good for everyone whatever level you are playing at, these are things that ideally you want to have done on at least your main, so you aren't having to come back to WoW Classic TBC content and you can focus all your attention on getting on with business in Northrend uninterrupted.

Preparing Tip 1 - Professions Preparing

They change professions quite a bit in Wrath with many of them gaining large spikes in power, much like it was for TBC, it's a good idea to consider which professions you will want before the content drops and the price for everything starts going through the roof which is already beginning to happen by the way. 

Choose Right Profession & Level To 375

Aside from picking the professions that work for you, you may also not want to level them all the way to 375, the final stretch from 350 to 375 can often be the most expensive and time-consuming part of a profession. In Classic WotLK, there will be new items introduced across all professions which start at 350, that will include Wrath of the Lich King materials such as a handful of cobalt bolts for engineering to name one, this may end up being a lot cheaper and a lot easier than trying to break through that final barrier of TBC leveling. On top of that, when it comes to professions make sure your first aid is capped you want to be able to make the new first aid bandages in the expansion, and if you are a tailor specifically make sure you talk to the profession trainers when you land in Northrend wherever that may be, as they'll teach you a passive which allows you to collect more cloth from enemies.

Tip 2 - PvP Stuff Preparing

How is it going to work in regards to honor and marks from Battleground, so in short Blizzard has yet to confirm what their plans are. But judging from what happened in the past, we can make some educated guesses in 2008 when Wrath of the Lich King was released, Blizzard initially announced that they did plan to reset Honor Points and Mark so that all players were on an equal footing moving forwards. Understandably a lot of players were not terribly happy with this decision and Blizzard ended up reversing it shortly after. Also if we look at Classic TBC, players also kept their honor points then which was true to how it was originally as well, so overall and yes again this is to be confirmed but we would bet Blizzard does not reset honor points and marks going into Wrath Classic this time around. This means you should be able to farm out the honor points of 75,000 as well as collect as many Battleground marks as you possibly can, which you will then be able to turn in at a new vendor during the WoW Classic WotLK Pre Patch for Honor as well. We would note about Battleground marks, they stop being a currency for the majority of PVP items including the PVP Mouse. 

  • If you have lots of marks at the moment, it may be worth grinding out the rest to buy the black War tiger or whichever other one you may want, because when the pre-patch drops they're going to cost 50,000 honor instead which might take you longer to get. 

  • Also, you can buy the level 60 rank 14 gear for only a couple of marks each, that's a little easier than the rank 14 Grime was all the same whilst you will be ahead if you prepare honor in advance. Honor games are hugely improved in Wrath compared to TBC, and the Savage Gladiator blue gear you're going to start off with costs a ton of points as well. So all in all you will be ahead and if you're a hardcore PvP player, you'll probably want to look into it but not enormously so.

Tip 3 - Weapon Skill Preparing

We legitimately can't wait for this stat to be removed from the game. Seriously one of the weapon trainers even for you go to them to learn how to use a weapon and then you have to take that weapon that apparently they've taught you how to use and then go out into the world and learn how to use it yourself. Can we just give them a thousand WoW Classic WotLK gold and they max our weapon skill for us? There we go. Go love all your weapon skill up before wrath happens, this goes for Rogues more so than any other class because they learn how to use axes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, you can learn axes in the pre-patch and you start at skill level one on, also Druids make sure you learn how to go and use polearms it's not like you need to train the weapon skill but you do want to be able to equip them whenever they drop. 

In regards to training your weapon skill, there are some tips for you:

  • 1. You don't get weapon skill from training dummies, it would be far too easy that way wouldn't it

  • 2. You can no longer get weapon skills from targets that are immune, this used to work in TBC where you could train on some units in Shadow Moon Valley for example who were banished, but now you actually have to be rolling on the hit table in order to gain skill

  • 3. So the go-to training methods that should still work will be the Servants of razzalik in the Blasted Lands, these are just outside the crater where the dark portal is Roller Destroyer he's also in the Blaster lands (he's in the building in the northwest) or the Ogre Spirits at the end of dire more North. Just make sure you don't kill the last boss and they should persist and be attackable indefinitely whilst you're fully AFK, just don't leave it too long or your character will eventually stop attacking and you'll get auto logged out. And if you're logged out for too long, you'll push back to the start of the dungeon and it's kind of a bit of a run back there.

  • 4. Also keep in mind that fist weapons are trained under the unarmed section and there are a lot of very good fist weapons in Wrath, so that is definitely worth leveling too.

Tip 4 - Glyphs Preparing

The inscription is going to be in the pre-patch which means glyphs are going to be in the pre-patch, so you'll want to see which ones are best for your character. Early on before your level 80, you won't be able to fill out every single glyph spot, and the best ones early will be selling for well more than what they are really worth, but we think the prices are going to come down really fast because for the majority of specs in the entire game you use the same glyphs forever. 

Also, your best glyphs may not exist in the game for a while, some of them are bought in Northrend from a vendor or discovered via dailies. Nevertheless, any glyph is better than no glyph, the glitch themselves can be equipped via a new table you find your talent trees and they have two categories: there are major glyphs that buffer certain ability by a large amount to lower their cooldown or modify a Spell entirely, and minor glyphs which are quality of life all cosmetic for the most part, though there are a few minor gloves which do buff damage such as Paladin Sense Undead for one.

Tip 5 - Gear Items, Pets, Mounts & Other Blue Items Preparing

Accumulate a ton of gear items, pets, mounts, and just random junk which we end up throwing into the bank when our inventory gets full because you never know if that blue item could be useful in the future. This is literally the MMO equivalent of playing Dark Souls and you get given a really good item and never use the item and it sits in your inventory forever because you don't want to waste it, but you don't know when you should use it either. The new expansion is the time to clean things out and get the bank ready for the useless stuff from the next expansion, which you can slowly build up over the next two years or so. 

Also, we have to mention that pets and mounts can now be learned and you will find them in a new tab under your character which is going to free up a nice bit of space for you as well. 

Tip 6 - Gold Preparing

Preparation is never done without mentioning gold and we think gold matters a lot more in WotLK than it did for TB, to be honest. Whilst there's no hard requirement of you need X amounts, there are a certain number of things which you kind of is going to want. Real quick side note as we are mentioned in this guide, we don't know what level 70 boosted characters are going to get but we kind of expect them to have flown by default as part of the boost. Again time will tell whether that's true or not. 

Gold Cost for Every Character in WotLK Classic

Anyways what are the things which cost gold that we would not want to be without in Wrath, there are only two things that we think you would want on every character every single time you are leveling:

1. Flying, training and amount, this costs a maximum of 300 gold when learned at your faction camp in Hellfire Peninsula, which can only cold weather flying. This is trained at Dalaran for 1000 gold at level 77 unless you fly freely throughout Northrend. Now there is a free Mount you can obtain from honest maxing K3 without cold weather flying, but it's limited to certain zones. Overall, we prefer to have the option to fly whenever and wherever after mounts which for us will be the bare minimum the Zen dual spec is just useful for many different situations PVP and PVE spec and King dungeons then dpsing in the open world whatever you want. It costs 1 000 gold and can be learned at level 40 from your class trainer and it is a bit class dependent whether you'll want it though we think some classes do benefit more where you can do different roles though. 

2. Overall going into Wrath, we would aim for at least 1,300 gold, or 1,000 if you already have flying, and 2,000 if you also want dual spec as a priority. Because this is before we even get into leveling professions buying enchants, gems, glyphs, consumables, bags, Bank spaces, and possibly all that for multiple specializations, RAF can set you back in Gold surprisingly fast, and if you really are Min maxing you can spend an unreal amount of gold this expansion. 

- The Dalaran Rings which abyss for many classes are 8,500 gold, you can upgrade them as new patches come out, so they are a bit of an investment.

- Diamond Car greatness isn't of Abyss trinket which is made through inscription and will fetch an incredibly high price early on, we're talking tens of thousands of gold easily for this. 

- As The Travelers Tundra Mammoth aka the repair Mount that's 20 000 gold, if you're going all out you could get through 50k in one week really easily, but of course that is not for everybody.

Tips for Earning More Gold in TBC Classic Now

  • If you're short on gold at the moment in TBC, we always find a good place to start is clearing the map of quests especially group quests at level cap, give you a nice chunk of bonus gold and then you can vendor the greens you get from it. Also there are plenty of daily quests in TBC as well, now that the Isle of crowder NASA will be fully unlocked on your server, you can plan a route around there as an easy way to farm some gold as well. 

  • Also, any badges that you have left over at this point in time that you don't plan to spend on gear at all can be traded in for epic gems via vendors in Shattrath or Isle of Quel'Danas, they're not going to be worth a huge amount anymore but you might as well if you're not going to buy gear with them.

Tip 7 - Gear Preparing

So speaking about gear what about that, then what if you've boosted your returning player or a totally new player, is it worth preparing gear for the WotLK launch? Honestly, we wouldn't bother at all, obviously, you play your class as much as you want in the pre-patch, you're going to be passively picking up a gear through questing, dungeons, raids, and PVP. But do you need to? We don't think you do at all.

Easily the power jump for our characters compared to the difficulty of the open world is an absolute chasm in Wrath of the Lich King, we really begin to power up as players in this expansion, also if you don't have any gear. you actually get to be excited about receiving green and blues as upgrades. If you're in Sunwell or even tier 5 gear, to be honest, you're going to be seeing what vendors for the most and then just forgetting about whatever you receive and throwing it in the vendor. In fact, somewhere gear can last well in two Wrath of the Lich King heroics and raids in some instances, it's not on the same power level as the classic gear was going into TBC, but it certainly is good. More gear is always better when it comes to speed feed and just ease of leveling of course, but it's not something we would prioritize, we suggest farming gold above gear at this point in time.

We think those are some good ideas of things you can begin getting stuck into in the run-up to WotLK on your main, of course, there's so much more you can do depending on what you want out of the expansion. By having a foundation of things to sort out during this pre-patch period or before that is always a good idea.

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