Steelrend [60%ed & 20str & 200+def] is a unique pair of Ogre Gauntlets in Diablo 2 Resurrected. They are a two-handed item that can be used by any class and require a relatively high Strength to equip.
The [60%ed & 20str & 200+def] in the item name indicates that the gauntlets have an Enhanced Damage (ED) bonus of 60%, require a minimum Strength of 20 to equip, and provide a Defense bonus of over 200.
Steelrend [60%ed & 20str & 200+def] is a rare and valuable item that can be obtained as a random drop from high-level monsters or by trading with other players. It is most effective when paired with other items and skills that complement its Crushing Blow and bonuses Ato Attack Rating and Strength.
Steelrend [60%ed & 20str & 200+def] is a unique pair of Ogre Gauntlets in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and like other unique items, it has a chance to drop from specific monsters or areas in the game.
Here are some places where you can farm for Steelrend:
Baal: This boss in Act V is a popular farming spot for unique items. Players can repeatedly defeat him in the hope of getting a Steelrend drop.
Diablo: The final boss of the game in Act IV has a chance to drop unique items, including Steelrend. Defeating him repeatedly can increase your chances of obtaining the gauntlets.
The Pit: This level in Act I is known for its high item drop rate and is a popular farming spot for unique items, including Steelrend.
The Ancient Tunnels: This area in Act II is another popular farming spot for unique items, including Steelrend. The level has a high density of monsters and a good chance of dropping valuable items.
Gambling: Players can also try their luck with the gambling feature in the game, where they can spend their gold to purchase random items from vendors.
Diablo 2 Steelrend[60%ED & 20STR & 200+DEF] is a Max Varies 95%-100% item in the game, and there are a total of 201 D2R Max Varies 95%-100% items on sale under this category, with prices ranging from 1.14USD to 2340.9USD.
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