Rainbow Facet is a type of jewel that can be socketed into equipment in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It provides a variety of bonuses to the player depending on the type of facet. "Facet-Poison/Death 5-5" refers to a specific type of Rainbow Facet jewel that provides bonuses to poison and death damage. The "5-5" in the name refers to the fact that the jewel provides a 5% bonus to both poison and death damage. When socketed into equipment, the Rainbow Facet will also provide a negative effect to enemies, reducing their resistance to the type of damage associated with the jewel. In the case of the Facet-Poison/Death 5-5, enemies will have their poison and death resistance reduced by 5%. Overall, Rainbow Facets can be very useful for players looking to specialize in a particular type of damage or element, as they provide both offensive and defensive bonuses. The Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can be especially useful for characters that rely on poison damage, such as a Poison Necromancer or a Venom Assassin. The jewel's negative effect on enemy poison resistance will help to increase the effectiveness of poison-based attacks.
Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 is considered good in Diablo 2 Resurrected because it provides several benefits to the player. Here are some reasons why this type of Rainbow Facet is useful:
Increased Poison and Death Damage: The Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 provides a 5% bonus to both Poison and Death damage, which can be a significant boost to characters that rely on these types of damage. This bonus damage can help players to defeat enemies more quickly.
Reduced Enemy Resistance: The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 also reduces enemy resistance to Poison and Death damage by 5%. This effect can be particularly useful for characters that rely on Poison damage, as enemies with high resistance to Poison can be difficult to defeat. With the reduced resistance, the player's Poison attacks will be more effective.
Socketable: The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 is a socketable item, which means that it can be placed into a socket in a piece of equipment. This makes it easy to add the bonus damage and resistance reduction to a character's build.
Valuable Item: Rainbow Facets are considered to be valuable items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and the Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 is no exception. This means that the jewel can be traded for other valuable items or sold for a significant amount of gold.
The price of Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can vary widely in Diablo 2 Resurrected depending on the current supply and demand on the market. Generally speaking, the 5-5 variant of Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death is one of the most valuable jewels in the game due to its high rarity and usefulness in certain builds.
The approximate price of a Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 on the in-game trade market was around 15-20 High Runes, which can be equivalent to hundreds of dollars in real-world currency. However, prices can fluctuate based on various factors such as the time of the season or ladder, availability, and the trading negotiation skills of the buyer and seller.
It's important to note that trading with real-world money for in-game items or currency is not officially supported by Blizzard and may be against the terms of service. Therefore, it's recommended to only engage in in-game trading using in-game items or currency to avoid any potential risks or consequences.
Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 is a powerful jewel in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can be very useful in certain builds. This jewel provides a -5% enemy poison resistance and a +5% bonus to poison damage for the character wearing it when socketed into an item. Here are some situations when you may want to use Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 in D2R:
Poison Necromancer: The Poison Necromancer is a popular build that focuses on dealing poison damage to enemies. This build uses skills such as Poison Nova and Poison Explosion to deal damage over time to multiple enemies. The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can significantly increase the effectiveness of these skills by reducing the enemy's resistance to poison and increasing the player's poison damage.
Assassin: The Assassin class has several builds that can utilize the Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5. For example, the Venom Assassin build utilizes the Venom skill, which applies poison damage to the player's weapon, allowing them to deal poison damage with their regular attacks. The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can increase the poison damage dealt by the player's attacks.
PvP: The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can be particularly useful in PvP situations. Reducing the enemy's poison resistance can make it easier to deal damage over time and potentially kill them. This jewel can be especially effective in PvP battles that involve a lot of hit-and-run tactics, as the poison damage can continue to harm the enemy even after they have left the immediate area.
Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 is a powerful jewel in Diablo 2 Resurrected that provides a -5% enemy poison resistance and a +5% bonus to poison damage for the character wearing it when socketed into an item. While Paladins are not known for using poison damage as their main source of the attack, there are still ways that Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can be useful for a Paladin.
One way to utilize Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 for a Paladin is to use it in conjunction with the Conviction aura. The Conviction aura reduces the enemy's resistance to all elements, including poison. By reducing the enemy's poison resistance with the Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 and then using Conviction, a Paladin can significantly increase the damage output of their poison attacks.
Another way to use Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 for a Paladin is to incorporate poison damage into their build. For example, a Paladin could use the Poison Javelin skill from a Poison Javelin or a Poison Dagger to deal poison damage to enemies. The Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can then be used to increase the damage output of these skills.
It's important to note that while Rainbow Facet-Poison/Death 5-5 can be useful for a Paladin, there are likely better options available for this class. Paladins are generally known for their melee and elemental damage capabilities, and it may be more effective to focus on these areas rather than trying to incorporate poison damage into their build.
Diablo 2 Rainbow Facet-Poison /Death 5-5 is a Misc item in the game, and there are a total of 32 D2R Misc items on sale under this category, with prices ranging from 0.22USD to 24.5USD.
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