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WoW TBC Classic Sunwell Plateau Raid Guide - How To Deal With Every Boss In SWP TBC Phase 5

5/10/2022 5:35:13 PM

There are 6 bosses, a whole lot of mechanics and a bunch of trash in WoW TBC Classic Sunwell Plateau raid. So if you are looking to learn about what you’re supposed to do on a certain boss, or all bosses in Sunwell Plateau TBC Classic phase 5, this guide is for you. 

TBC Classic Phase 5 Sunwell Plateau Raid Guide - How To Deal With Every Sunwell Plateau Boss

Sunwell Trash For TBC Classic Phase 5

The hardest packs you’ll be fighting in this raid are right at the start, there’s a lot of these huge packs filled with different types of mobs and you need to know what to kill in what order before engaging them to not be stuck on those for hours. The kill priority on these packs is the Holy Priest, Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, and then warrior, however you can CC quite a few of these, and the ones you really want CCed are the mage mobs, they teleport in the middle of your raid, frost nova everyone and do arcane explosion, so keep them polymorphed and if your poly breaks and they start running in the raid make sure to focus them and kill them fast, otherwise the other mobs should be easy. The next mob you’ll come across is the patrolling scout, this guy has a huge aggro range and as soon as you aggro him, not only is he linked to the closest pack, but he will also start running to the nearest protector and enable him, the way to deal with this guy is to mind sooth him, do a pull timer and have everyone cast their biggest ability and have it land once the timer ends, again this guy is linked to the nearest pack so they will automatically aggro as well, so make sure to mark them beforehand. 

Phase 5 TBC Classic Sunwel Plateau Bosses Guides

Kalecgos Boss Guide 

Here’s the perfect way to organize for him:

First off, you’re not just fighting Kalecgos but also another phase 5 TBC Burning Crusade Classic Sunwell Platea boss in another realm along with him, Sathrovarr, a demon who’s trying to possess Kalecgos. Your goal to defeat this encounter is to get both Kalecgos and Sathrovarr to 0%, you can’t just kill one and then the other because, because they will both stay at 1 HP and also because once one of them reaches 10% health, they both enrage and start dealing a lot of damage to your tanks, so the goal is to DPS them roughly equally until they’re both close to 10%, push them both at the same time and then kill them as fast as possible. To DPS Kalec it’s straight forward, he’s in the normal realm and he’s the one everyone will be starting on, but to DPS Sathrovarr people will have to use portals that will appear periodically throughout the fight to go down into the spectral realm and face Sathrovarr there. Kalec on his human form is in that realm and will help you not just DPS but mainly TANK Sathrovarr, which will be very useful. 

The problem with those portals is they not only spawn on any random player of the raid, not only do they force that random player into the spectral realm, not only do they deal damage once they appear, but they also only allow 5 more players into them and there’s like a 1.5 second cooldown for players to click them, Kalec is not the best portal maker that’s for sure. So anyways now for the organizing your raid part, the best way to deal with this fight is to split your raid in 4 groups of 6 people, each group needs to be balanced as much as possible in terms of healing, DPS, and having a tank. Once you have your 4 groups setup, what you want to do is once a portal appears on a random player and force teleports that player into the spectral realm, have the people in that player’s preassigned group all use the portal, 30 seconds later, another player from a different group will be force teleported, have 5 players in that person’s group all use the portal, rinse and repeat until both bosses are dead. Now that’s the main mechanic of this fight.

The second most deadly mechanic is probably Spectral Blast, this is an AoE that is cast by the portal itself once it appears, it deals 5k damage to everyone around it, so make sure to stay spread from each other in the normal realm, on the other hand in the spectral realm you want to stack to have chain heals hit as many people as possible, the boss does have a Shadow Bolt Volley but it only hits 3 people, so it’s better to just stack. Also, Kalecgos on his human form will be out there in the spectral realm to tank the boss for you, and he does have quite a lot of HP, but not enough to last through the whole fight, you want to have him tank only when necessary.

Finally, if you’re a DPS or a resto shaman, make sure to pop cooldowns only when you’re fighting Sathrovarr, don’t just pop them right from the start on Kalec, typically Kalecgos dies way faster than Sathrovarr and to get him to 10% you really want to have every DPS pop cooldowns on him and have bloodlust when your whole group is inside. 

Brutallus Boss Guide

This World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic sunwell plateau boss is very simple in theory, but in practice, he’s quite the tough encounter, this will put every aspect of your raid to the test, from DPS to healing to tanking, the boss needs to die fast, your tanks need to survive, and your healers need to keep everyone alive to succeed. But anyways there’s two main ability to worry about in this fight.

Meteor Slash: This is an unlimited range cone ability that the boss uses about every 15 seconds and this deals 20k damage split between everyone who gets hit by it.

Burn: This is a debuff that the boss puts on a random player, lasts 60 seconds and deals more and more damage per tick, the last tick hits for 6200 damage. And most importantly, this spreads to other players if you run too close to them.

Stomp: It deals a flat huge amount of damage on the tank but there’s nothing you can do about this other than timing your mitigation abilities and spam heal the tank. 

So to deal with these abilities and minimize raid damage as much as possible, there’s a couple methods you can use:

Split your raid in two groups, one group infront of the boss and one on the back, once one group soaks 3 stacks of meteor slash, the tank on the other side taunts the boss, that group soaks 3 stacks, the other tank taunts, etc rince and repeat until the boss is dead. If you get the burn debuff, run to either side of the boss, you don’t want to take the burn damage + the meteor slash damage or you’re likely to die, that being said burn deals little damage the first few seconds of its application. 

The other strategy involves using 3 groups instead of 2 and forming sort of a V shape, but everything is the same, it’s just that you’re using 3 tanks and you rotate the boss in either direction after 3 stacks of meteor slash.

Felmyst Boss Guide

Felmyst is a two phase fight, the ground phase and the air phase, and those two phases will keep alternating on a timer until you kill the boss. 

Ground phase

For this, spread your raid in 4 groups, the 1 melee group and 3 ranged groups. You want people in each group to stack on each other as much as possible and have the groups spread at least 20 yards from each other. The reason for this is because of the ability encapsulate, periodically, a random player in the raid will be lifted in the air and start dealing high aoe damage around them, everyone in the group where that player is needs to quickly run out from them. 

The second ability to worry about in the ground phase is Gas Nova, an aoe that the boss casts about every 20 second deals some huge nature damage and drains a lot of mana on top of that, this can and should be mass dispelled ASAP. So if you’re a priest, that’s your job. Phase 1 lasts 60 seconds and then the boss will take off and start flying away, it’s important to know that you need to keep DPSing her as long as she’s in range of you, let the tanks and melee DPS deal with the other mechanics as long as the boss is still in range of you. 

Air phase

There’s also two important mechanics to deal with. First the boss will target a random player and start casting a beam that will chase them, said player will need to run away from the beam otherwise they’re likely to die if they get hit, as the beam is chasing the player it will leave a trail behind it, and from that trail there will be a bunch of skeletons that will spawn, they don’t have a lot of health and don’t deal too much damage. After Felmyst is done casting her beam, she will fly to either side of the room and then shortly after rush to the other side leaving a huge trail of fog on the ground, if any player is caught in that fog they will be mind controlled and the only way to remove that is to kill them and combat rez them. The way it works exactly is the room is divided in 3 sections, the top, the middle and the bottom, she will kinda position herself first indicating which section of the room she will cover in fog, so you have time to tell and run away in advance, just run as one unit and then run back to the middle of the room once the fog clears to be ready to run to either side for the next boss’s driveby, she will do that 3 times in total before landing. Then the boss will land and it’s rinse and repeat until you kill her.

Eredar Twins Boss Guide

For Eredar Twins, this fight requires 3 tanks, two on Sacrolash, the shadow boss, and one on Alythess, the fire boss. Alythess will periodically drop Blaze, a patch of fire on her tank. As for Sacrolash, the tanks will need to deal with Confounding Blow, this will deal 7 to 10k damage to her current tank and drop their aggro temporarily, this is why the off tank must always be below the main tank on Sacrolash, otherwise you risk having her run to the raid, so watch your DPS and always stay below the off tank. At first you want everyone to focus Sacrolash, the shadow boss. The way you want to be positioned for this raid is to have the bosses tanked away from each other at the bottom and have every ranged DPS and healer stack on top of the ramp in line of sight of the tank and the boss, the reason for this is because of the ability Conflagration, this is something Alythess casts on someone with high threat, it’s a 4 second cast and whoever gets targeted by this needs to quickly run away from the raid and everyone else, so if you’re a ranged of healer, run to the door upstairs, and if you’re a melee or tank run below where the healers and ranged are standing. After you get conflaged you will be disoriented for a few seconds and suffer a huge amount of fire damage, healers you need to top off whoever gets conflaged.

To help-out detecting who Alythess is casting her conflag on, there’s a few weeks auras you can use, but the best way is to have Alythess on focus target and look at who she’s targeting, this makes it very easy to know who she’s casting her conflag on and gives you enough time to react and move away. One last thing for Alythess, she sometimes receives Pyrogenics which increases her fire damage by 35%, you can and should have priests, mages and shamans dispel this from her so do it as fast as you can. Once Sacrolash is dead, Alythess will gain some of her abilities. 

M'uru Boss Guide

This is a two phase encounter, phase 1 is an endurance fight where you’ll be fighting M’uru himself and a bunch of adds that will spawn across the room, and phase 2 is a DPS race where M’uru will turn into Entropius and you’ll have to burn him down as fast as possible while healers pump out heals into the raid to keep everyone alive. So the way people used to do this back in the day is to assign different groups to different portals and have everyone spread across the room, that’s very inefficient, the way everyone does it nowadays is you have everyone except tanks stack in one big group while melees DPS m’uru when they can and run out before the void zone appears then back in again when it disappears, this zone appears every 45 seconds but more on it in a moment. 

There’s 3 types of mobs that spawn in phase 1, the humanoids, the big void sentinel, and the small void spawns that appear after you kill the void sentinel. Basically, you wanna prioritize killing the void sentinel, followed by the void spawns, followed by the humanoids, followed by M’uru himself. 

The moment phase 2 starts, everyone should spread and let your tank build a bit of aggro, then pop all your CDs and go ham on Entropius, there’s two abilities to worry about in phase 2, Darkness, which is a small void zone that appears under a random player, this will also spawn 1 dark fiend so mages, priests or shamans dispel or purge that, and the second ability is Singularity, this will also spawn on a random player and then travel across the room tossing any player around and dealing damage, just move away from this as it moves. But the most important part about phase 2 is that Entropius casts Negative Energy, a chain lightning type ability, which hits 3 players at first, then adds 1 more player every 12 second.

Kil'Jaeden Boss Guide

Kil’jaeden is a 5 phase fight, each phase adding more and more abilities to deal with and making the encounter progressively more difficult, to help you deal with some of the abilities, you’ll have Kalecgos periodically enabling one of the 4 orbs in each corner of the room, allowing you to summon and control a dragon which will help you heal the raid, give them a haste buff, or shield them from a one shot mechanic which we’ll get to in a minute. But at first, you’ll have to summon Kil’jaeden, to do that you need to kill 3 eredar mobs around the Sunwell. Once they’re dead you want to have your raid loosely spread around one side of the room to maintain maximum chain healing.

Once Kil’jaeden is summoned, phase 2 begins. In phase 2, there’s 4 abilities, Soul Flay, which is the main ability of Kil’Jaeden, this is used on the person with the highest threat and deals 3000 damage per second. Legion Lightning is a 2 second cast chain lightning like ability which can jump to 4 players, deal 3k damage to them and reduce their mana, however the range on this is huge and you cannot really avoid having this jump. Fire Bloom however is the reason why you want to be spread. The last ability in phase 2 is shield orbs, this is a flying cloud of shadow that spawns above KJ and travels in circle around him, they don’t deal a ton of damage. 

Once KJ reaches 85%, it’s time for phase 3. In phase 3 the boss gains 4 new abilities, Sinister Reflection, Shadow Spike, Flame Darts and Darkness of a Thousand Souls. Sinister Reflection is used on a random target and it will create 4 copies of the player that have some abilities of said player’s class, but the most important part is that they deal a ton of damage so tanks need to quickly pick them up and group them so that DPS can quickly burn them. Shadow Spike is an ability that the boss casts for 30 seconds and it summons a shadow spike that travels towards a random player and explodes upon impact, if you’re targeted by this you can move out if you have rooms. Flame Darts is an ability that the boss uses instantly on everyone in the raid, this causes 1.5 to 2k damage on impact but if you have people close to you it will also apply a 50% reduced movement debuff for 15 seconds. The last ability in phase 3 is Darkness of a Thousand Souls, aka the big AoE, this will basically one shot everyone in the raid, thankfully by now you should have one of the dragon orbs active that you can use, just assign 2 to 4 players to use these orbs as soon as they’re up and shield players from the big AoE before it happens by using the Shield of the Blue ability.

Once KJ reaches 55%, it’s time for phase 4. In phase 4 KJ gains just one more ability, Armageddon, this will summon meteors that will start falling from the sky and land after 8 seconds dealing 10k damage to anyone in the impact area, you can tell where a meteor will land by looking at the ground, there will be a hellfire-like effect indicating the impact, there will always be 3 meteors active from now on and will only stop spawning during the Darkness of a Thousand Souls. 

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