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Best Wardancer Guide: Skills, Engravings, Stats, Tips

3/19/2022 7:27:27 PM

In this LSOT AK guide, we are going to show you what it means to play as a ward answer in terms of how well they perform in combat the best skills and tripods to focus on, and the play styles available to them, if you're searching for a melee DPS class with the ability to buff themselves as well as the party to be effective in combat then this guide, is for you.

Wardancers are one of the advanced classes that fall under the martial artist, they wield lightweight knuckles which allow them to deal considerable damage up close and personal by performing a combination of punches and kicks, however, they're not as straightforward to play since you need to learn to manage the relatively long cooldown period of their skills. The Wardancer will be able to inflict high damage as long as you perfectly land your hits, in addition, you're able to effectively dart in and out of combat because of how quick your movement speed is similar to death blade, so our Wardancers need to change positions to punch and kick enemies from behind to maximize the amount of damage, they deal with their back attack skills on the bright side, they can buff their entire party to boost their mobility.

LSOT AK Wardancer VS Striker

Wardancers and Strikers are highly mobile DPS classes in LSOT AK with the ability to execute multiple combos at melee range but there are a few differences that set them apart.

For instance, Wardancers are more agile allowing her to inflict consistent damage throughout she also has a class engraving which improves the damage dealt by her normal skills at the expense of rendering esoteric skills unusable, conversely, Strikers focus on building energy to deal maximum damage, he's also not as fast but he can deal excellent damage while auto-attacking much less if you've been meaning to play a faster the class while granting a variety of buffs to your allies, you should pick the Wardancer.

Best Skills and Tripods of Wardancer

By the time your Wardancer reaches level 60, you'll have unlocked a total of 15 skills comprised of normal esoteric and awakening skills.

lNormal: Triple Fist (Skill LV.1)

lCombo: Sky Shattering Blow (Skill LV.10)

lNormal: Lightning Kick (Skill LV.10)

Lightning Kick, a good engagement skill that lets you perform a flurry of kicks to close the gap between you and your enemies while dealing decent damage in the process what makes lightning strike more effective are the sharp movement of thunder kick, with the combination of heaven's lightning broadens the area you cover due to improved mobility on top of inflicting extra damage as you slam targets to the ground, you'll also be able to perform another rapid kick towards the end of the skill.

lNormal: Flash Heat Fang (Skill LV.10)

Flash Heat Fang delivers a series of painful punches to deal great damage rather than moving around, you'll stay in place the moment and you activate Flash Heat Fang, so remember to position yourself directly behind targets to maximize the damage you deal if you have a gap between you and your enemy.

lCombo: Moon Flash Kick (Skill LV.10)

Moon Flash Kick, is another excellent skill to charge towards enemies by kicking your way to them and then performing a spinning back kick to deal incredible damage, to make Moon Flash Kick much more powerful. You should consider choosing intense shock light-footed and full moon kicks this combination, lets you inflict damage over time by electrocution when you charge into them increases the AOE in the number of kicks you make, and deals massive damage with your finisher move.

lNormal: Seismic Strike (Skill LV.1)

lCombo: Sleeping Ascent Celebration (Skill LV.1)

lNormal: Winds Whisper (Skill LV.10)

Wind's Whisper buffs you and your allies for a period of time to be able to use Wind's whisper more frequently, it's good to invest in quick prep to decrease the cooldown of the skills, you can then choose an Oath of the wind and ready attack to boost your overall damage by raising crit rate and attack power respectively.

lNormal: Swift Wind Kick (Skill LV.10)

Swift Wind Kick allows you to traverse the area by creating a whirlwind with your kicks which you're able to easily control to inflict considerable damage over time, to use swift win kick more often you should take the quick prep tripod the other upgrades to obtain are fire round kick to deal added damage over time by burning affected enemies and extreme training to boost your damage and make. It is easier to manage your Wardancer.

lNormal: Roar of Courage (Skill LV.10)

While this skill is the active Roar of Courage, this lets you shout into the open not only to deal damage against nearby enemies but also to impose a debuff to temporarily decrease their crit resistance.


The best roar of courage tripods to get are wide hit impaired mobility and fatal wave this combination widens the AOE, lessens the target's movement speed, so you can follow through with another combo of punches or kicks, and further reduces their crit resistance making them extremely vulnerable.

lCombo: Sweeping Kick (Skill Lv.10)

Sweeping Kick is a very powerful kick to deal lethal damage and to push enemies who aren't immune away from you this creates a breathing room so that you can move around and recover your bearings because of the space between your owner targets. 

Even if the damage you take increases the remaining Weakness Detection to be considered for the Sweeping Kick tripod, you can equip Pure Excellence to deal as much damage as possible, thus increasing the damage to Push Attack Immune targets and Shadow Cleave to boost your blast rate while temporarily blinding them.

lNormal: Energy Combustion (Skill Lv.10)

Energy Combustion is quite similar to Death Blades male strumming that you're able to conjure and maintain a gust of wind surrounding you to deal damage against nearby enemies, while Energy Combustion is active you can use other skills to improve your defenses.

lCombo: Sky Shattering Blow (Skill Lv.10)

Sky Shattering Blow unleashes roundhouse kicks to attack in multiple directions, it is a good skill to momentarily paralyze normal monsters and to send them flying into the air.

Thanks to ascension kick the other tripods to choose are ready to attack to boost your attack power on your second hit and abundant resources to increas

lNormal: Esoteric Skill: Lightning Strike (Skill Lv.10)

The esoteric energy you gain by about 200 percent esoteric skills and tripods lightning strike releases a ball of energy to deal great damage while stunning enemies and debilitating them in the process note that you'll consume one orb upon activating a lightning strike to make. 

This skill is more effective you should choose vital points hit steady will and electrocution this combination boosts your crit rate and overall damage.

lEsoteric Skill: Call of the Wind God (Skill Lv.10)

Call of the Wind God makes use of a devastating tornado to attack enemies over a period of time you'll consume two orbs upon activating this skill, the best call of the wind god tripods to select are growth attack and raging storms both of these upgrades enhance the damage dealt during and right after the activation of the skill which results in explosive damage you can then pick frost storm to slow down enemy movement and freeze them after several stacks if you have three full orbs ready you can immediately use a lightning strike on frozen targets to inflict better damage.


Engravings and Stats of Wardancer Class

Desired engravings for this build are (in order): 

lFirst Intention


lKeen Blunt


lRaid Captain


Combat Stats:

lCrit: 1000

lSpecialization: 0

lDomination: 0

lSwiftness: 1400

lEndurance: 0

lExpertise: 0


Final tips of Wardancer

1. As a Lost Ark Wardancer, you'll have to adjust your playstyle especially if you're more used to executing frontal attacks due to the volume of back attack skills available, it's essential to change directions often so you can go behind targets before hitting them with your combos doing so will drastically increase your damage in PVP the war dancer is focused on engaging enemies and buffing the entire party for better mobility they can then deal rapid attacks while blitzing from one point to the next to get the most out of your skills.

2. Remember that you'll be incorporating auto-attacks or basic skills into your burst skill rotation, although this won't be huge, it's important to continue dealing damage while waiting for your normal skills to cool down.

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