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Wrath Of The Lich King Classic: Release Date, Classes, Talents, Spells & More Changes In WOTLK

3/16/2022 11:36:48 AM

Wrath of the Lich King is without a doubt the most popular expansion for World of Warcraft, and old servers may be coming soon. When is Wrath of Lich King coming out and what changed in Wrath of Lich King? Today we are looking at the release date and top 10 changes coming in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic update.


Wrath Of The Lich King Classic Release Date

We don’t have the official release date for Wrath of the Lich King Classic just yet and we don’t have an announcement for it either. Phase 2 come out on January 27 and Phase 2 come out on September 15. With Phase 4 already in the works, looking like it’s coming earlier than expected. With that being said, Phase 4 is most likely coming out at the end of March or early April. As we are slowly creeping towards the end of TBC and there was the beginning of Classic WOTLK, you'd better read our Wrath of the Lich King preparation guide before it's released.


1. Raiding In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

Raids can be done on Normal or Heroic difficulties, aka they have added a brand new difficulty for Raiding. It's worth mentioning that heroic raids don't come until the latter half of Wrath of the Lich King, at least that's how it was originally done back in the day. But it would be interesting to see a Heroic Naxxramas for WOTLK Classic. Raiding can also be done on both 10 man and 25 man difficulty for each raid tier, making raids more flexible in terms of how many people you need to show up for a raid.


2. LFG/Dungeon Finder In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

The LFG Tool from TBC Classic gets turned into the Dungeon Finder, which automatically finds you a group for a dungeon by putting you into a queue system. When it finds you a group for the dungeon, it teleports you to the dungeon as well, pretty much automating the entire process. While some see this as eliminating a vital part of the Classic WoW Experience, aka the community and sense of community, and getting to know each other while running to the dungeon entrance together. Others look at it as a Quality of Life Upgrade that saves you the time of running to the dungeon entrance. It all depends on how you look at it, it can be seen as both, and walking to the Dungeon Entrance made a lot of sense in Classic WoW. But from TBC onwards, you could already fly to the dungeon entrance anyway. Flying to the dungeon entrance doesn't help build the group synergy or anything.


3. Glyphs In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

Glyphs have the potential to really alter your class, bringing in a lot of huge DPS increases and healing increases, and even tanking upgrades! You can reduce the mana cost of certain spells, reduce the cooldown of certain abilities, increase the direct damage of other abilities, and even increase your stats such as the critical strike on certain abilities. For healers, we can look at Holy Paladins Glyph, Glyph of Holy Light, which makes it so when you heal your primary target with Holy Light, you will also heal nearby allies for a certain amount. Allowing you to heal several people at the same time while just spam healing one target. Making you the perfect tank-healers or focus-target-healers.


4. Attunements In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

Once you reach level 80, you can pretty much jump straight into both Heroic Dungeons and Raiding, without any attunements whatsoever. It does take away a part of the actual grind and will lead to content being cleared even faster which could result in early burnout.


5. Talents In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

Many talents have been reworked for Wrath Classic. There's been a bunch of upgrades. They've switched which talents are on which rows, they've switched what each talent does, and they have removed some talents and added new ones. One quick example of the Art of War talent for Paladins, which increases the damage of your Judgement, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm abilities by 5%, and when your melee abilities critically hit, the cast time of your next Flash of Light or Exorcism is reduced by 0.75 seconds for the first talent point. And on the second talent point, your Flash of Light or Exorcism becomes completely instant, making Retribution Paladins insane in PvP when they can proc that instant heal. Talents such as Improved Corruption has been reworked for Warlocks as Corruption is now an instant cast baseline, and having Improved Corruption will increase the damage done instead of lowering the cast time. Because it is instant by default, and pretty much every spec has received new talents to make the class feel better to play and perform better.


6. Spells & Classes In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

Throughout the duration of the WOTLK Classic, many spells have received adjustments to increase their power or reduce their cooldown. Basically quality of life improvements to help underperforming classes or specs, or in general adjustments centered around class balancing. For example, Paladin's Judgement Spell has now been replaced with 3 new Judgement Spells: Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom, and Judgement of Justice. Your Seal Abilities also lasts 30 minutes, making this a real buff instead of something you constantly have to re-apply. Druid's Moonkin Form has also been slightly reworked so whenever you deal a critical strike, you have a chance to restore mana, helping with Boomkin's Mana Issues from TBC. Once again there are a lot of changes to every single class. 


7. Inscriptions In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic 

There is a brand new profession: Inscription in WOTLK Classic. This new profession brings with it many new and cool things including the ability to craft trinkets and offhand, Darkmoon cards, scrolls, and enchanting vellums. It also brings a new crafting profession based on herbalism materials, further increasing the value of herbalism. The new profession, aka Inscription, also brings with it a couple of extra changes: Darkmoon Cards will no longer be random drops from specific locations, dungeon, or raids, but can now be crafted through Inscription. Scribes can also craft Agility, Strength, Intellect, and Spirit Scrolls, so these Scrolls will be worthless in Wrath than they were in TBC, where they were quite lucrative and selling for up to 25 gold per scroll on some servers. Scribes can also craft Weapon Vellums, allowing you to store Enchants on those Vellums, making it easier for you to buy and sell enchants.


8. Heirlooms In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic

These make for a much more alt-friendly experience, they will give you increased experience gains while leveling, directly helping you level up faster. They will even scale with your level, meaning you never have to change them out or look for upgrades, which in itself is a huge upgrade! Having shoulders or weapons from level 1 that scales with your level is absolutely huge, and you can even enchant these heirlooms with incredibly overpowered enchants that will make you one shot anything at lower levels.


9. Professions In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic

There's a lot less emphasis on Professions when it comes to raiding like in TBC. You had Blacksmithing, Tailoring, and Leatherworking which were capable of providing huge DPS increases, especially in the early raids in Phase 1. People were rushing Tailoring to be able to craft their Tailoring Sets as early as possible. While there are still professional bonuses in Wrath, there's no "requirement" to be X profession. If you're X class, like in TBC, you're pretty much expected to be a Tailor. If you're a Caster or a Healer, but in Wrath, it's a lot more variety. That being said, based on data mining, most classes will benefit the most from Engineering, Blacksmithing, and Jewelcrafting. Engineering brings with it a Glove Haste Enchant which is great for classes that benefit from hast. Blacksmithing brings with it extra sockets, and Jewelcrafting brings with it more powerful sockets.


10. Dual Talent Specialization In Wrath Of The Lich King Classic

This is another change coming in Wrath Of The Lich King Classic that will make it easier than ever to find groups for pretty much everything, but especially Heroic Dungeons. In TBC there were times when it took hours to find a tank or healer for heroic dungeons, and this will not be a problem in Wrath of the Lich King, partly due to the Dual Talent Specialization. Having Dual Talent Specialization allows you to have two different talent builds that you can freely swap between at any time, with pre-set keybinds and talents, so swapping from DPS to Tank will take you literally 5seconds and you're good to go.


That’s the top 10 changes coming in WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. If you are looking for some cheap WOW Classic Gold, provides all customers WOW Classic Gold with huge stock, cheap price, fast delivery, and safe transactions!

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