The ship is super crucial for every player in LSOT AK. After unlocking ships and sailing, you'll be overwhelmed by the amount of fresh stuff that will be thrown at you. You'll also have to pick on the kind of ship you like since each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. How do you unlock Ships and get the best ship in LSOT AK as fast as possible? In this LSOT AK sailing guide, we are going to tell you the best way to unlock, upgrade, and get the best ship fast in order to save months of grinding.
LSOT AK Ships (Sailing) Guide: How To Unlock, Upgrade & Get The Best Ship
Ships are mostly used to travel to islands do locations for the first time. More importantly to do sea events either to upgrade ships or get that sweet enhancement material. There are a few things to know about your water corvettes though. There are dangerous waters that can be oversimplified to give your windjammer a booboo. Pink water, sandy water doesn't matter, it hurts. So to toughen your seafaring child up, you either have to keep buying a bunch of band-aids or get more protection from all the bad water. To make your insert word for ship better, faster and stronger, you either get better seamen or upgrade the ship there are four main materials needed to upgrade your ship.
How To Unlock Sailing & Ships In LSOT AK?
As you go through LSOT AK's primary plot, you'll get access to the ability to sail. Once you complete the Set Sail quest, which teaches you the fundamentals and gives you your first boat, you'll be ready to set sail. You unlock ships around mid-level 30 and this is when the game takes this moment to show you how truly insignificant you are. Consider going through the main quest and you'll be starting with 3 boats. Collect other boats you get from reputation rewards from the daily tasks. Except for the one that locks start equivalent to having a summer and winter yacht.
How To Upgrade Your Ship In LSOT AK?
There are 4 main materials needed to upgrade your ship: wood, 2 different rarity ship parts, and special materials for the ship. The ships will eventually go up to level 10, costing more and more for each level. Each ship is upgraded independently of the other. If you're a completionist have fun. For the rest of us, you only need to upgrade to the minimum safety pad requirements to complete sea events and not have to awkwardly run home for a band-aid.
1.For the wood, you look for the guy who has more wood than it can handle and would be happy to give you some who is outside every major port.
2.Special materials can be found on the ship next to the wood guy.
3.For higher-level materials, you'll have to go to a ship outside of higher-level towns.
4.Ship parts you craft them at an NPC called Estate, it takes mining, lumber, maps, fishing, pearls, and LSOT AK gold to craft or buy them off the auction house from other players.
How To Upgrade Ship Style In LSOT AK?
The last part of the ship of upgrading is style, so you don't look basic. These models also give some useful effects, you can get a couple from collections. For the rest, you have to swipe.
How To Get Seamen In LSOT AK?
You can get seamen from traders outside each city collectibles. The trader who shows up in your estate randomly from the island of icy hearts or events. There are two types of seamen the kind that will only work on their favorite ship and the ones that aren't picky and will work on any ship. As they go up in rarity, they usually give more protection. A lot of the higher rarity seamen randomly show up at the traders, so just keep checking so often and buy it using currency when it shows up. Something to note is that later continents such as Rohendel typically offer higher rarity sailors more often. Some useful seamen to grab early on is whatever you can grab to get access to the highest level sea event.
How To Get & Use Currency In LSOT AK
Currency is a missed opportunity to call them doubloons. You mostly get them from sea events: the estate missions and traders or some one-time rewards from daily tasks and quests. Sea events are the primary way through and higher sea events have higher ship requirements. Usually, you will get one of these currencies including Givena Coins, Kratos Coins, Arctus Coins, Ancient Coins, Solar Coins.
These currencies can be turned into Pirate Coins which can then be turned into enhancing materials to upgrade your ship or cards at the trader on the cruise ships. This makes ship events a way to form cards over the long term. They however cannot be turned back to their original currency. So only turn them into pirate coins as you need them, as these coins have their own specific uses such as buying these special materials for the ships.
How To Get The Best Ship In LSOT AK?
Eibern's Wound aka Ghost Ship is the best ship to unlock in LSOT AK. It's really hard to get and it's time-consuming because it takes at least one month from now to get it. But the ship is worth it. What makes this ship so powerful? This ship is really durable, fast, and also has high resistance in all types of waters. This is huge, it means you are going to get affected by sandstorms which means you are not going to take damage from dead water. You are able to see where your ship is going and your ship is not going to die every single time.
How To Unlock Ghost Ship In LSOT AK?
This ship is locked behind a daily weekly quest. The quest is called Bleak Night Fog. This is a quest that is obtainable daily. However, this quest requires you to complete a Ghost Ship encounter. Ghost Ship encounters is a weekly locked event you can only do one per week whether you fail or succeed, you unlocked to 1 single Ghost Ship a week. In total, you need to do this quest 14 times which means you are locked out for 14 weeks. However, there is a way to circumvent that weight.
First things first, make sure you take this daily on the day you are going to do your Ghost Ship for the week. After that, do the lost level Ghost Ship you can, because this is an event that is failed often. And whether you succeed or fail, you are locked out of the event, you can only attempt it once. Therefore, you want to do the lowest one for the highest chance of success. Once you complete it once, you hand it in, you are going to get your credit for that day.
What do you need to unlock Ghost Ship?
With the help of Una’s Tasks [Daily] Instant Completion Pass, you are able to take the daily each day and complete it using this completion pass. This completion pass will only work if you have done the daily normally at least once. We need to give 16 total of completion of this daily quest, you will need 13-15 Una’s Task Passes.
How to get Una’s Tasks Pass
You do get 5 Una’s Task Passes for free from the login event. You are going to receive an additional 10 through the cash shop. Covert your LSOT AK gold into 250 blue gems and get Una’s Task Instant Complete Ticket x 10. Regardless of how the week rolls over for you, you will have more than enough Una’s Task Instant Completion Passes to get the Ghost Ship.
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