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WoW TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Guide - How To Complete Netherwing Dailies Fast In Classic Wow

2/10/2022 10:32:13 AM

As far as Burning Crusade reputations go, nothing beats the famous Netherwing reputation in terms of popularity. And that’s for one very obvious reason, the Nether Drakes, probably the first great-looking mount that was actually obtainable by the masses, so naturally everyone wanted to get one for themselves. Next,  look at our Classic WoW TBC Netherwing reputation guide, we’ll see both the fastest and the most stress-free ways to get exalted with Netherwing.  


WoW TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Guide - How To Farm Rep From Hated To Exalted In Classic Wow

With the Classic TBC’s phase 3, you’ll be able to obtain these awesome-looking mounts yourself. The Netherwing is a TBC faction headquartered in the Shadowmoon Valley. Quests, recurring turn-ins, and daily activities are the primary methods of gaining reputation with them. But if getting these mounts isn't really worth it for you, maybe WoW Classic gold will be. Because doing these dailies will reward you with a lot of gold every day. Before that, you’ll need to get your Netherwing reputation all the way from hated to exalted. 


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Hated To Neutral Guide

Obviously where this all starts is in Shadowmoon Valley, in the southeastern part of the map between the Dragonmaw Fortress and the Sanctum of Stars. So you’ll notice the moment you target the first nether drake that your reputation with Netherwing is at hated, that’s normal. Your first goal is to get to neutral, and that’s actually quite fast. You do that by finishing a quest chain that takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.


Quest 1 - Kindness

Visit Mordenai who patrols around this place. From him, you’ll get the very first quest, Kindness. This quest consists of you killing Rocknail flayers and rippers and feeding their carcasses to Netherwing drakes. The best thing you can do is only focus on the flayers, those are the big ones because they drop carcasses directly. 

The small ones drop Giblets, which you need 5 of to create a carcass. So kill those too if they’re close to flayer incidentally. But mostly focus on the flayers to get this quest done quickly. Anyways once you have 8 carcasses all you need to do is stay close to a flying Nether Drake and simply feed them with the carcasses.


Quest 2 - Seek Out Neltharaku

You need to turn this to a drake that actually has a quite wide patrol pattern. So you’ll need to search for him for a bit. Once you find him, turn in the quest, pick the next one.


Quest 3 - Neltharaku’s Tale

Read through his story and the lore of the Nether Drakes. If you want and simply turn that in again.


Quest 4 - Infiltrating Dragonmaw

The next quest, Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress has you kill 15 Dragonmaw orcs, that take place at the Fortress southeast of the zone, and pretty much every Dragonmaw mob counts here. Kill 15, turn back the quest to the same flying dragon, and pick the next one.


Quest 5 - To Netherwing Ledge

For this, you need to fly more south to that big floating island and you’ll need to find 12 of crystals. They can spawn pretty much everywhere but mostly near mobs. So look for mobs and more likely than not there’s going to be a crystal near them. Once you turn that quest, pick the next one.


Quest 6 - The Force of Neltharaku

For this, you need to free Netherwing Drakes from the orcs that are enslaving them. This feels a bit buggy at times, but here’s how to do it. First target the drake from a distance, use the item, then wait for the drake to turn friendly and start attacking the orc. From there just help the drake kill the orc and once he’s dead that should give you credit, repeat that 5 times and you are done with this TBC Classic Netherwing rep farm.


Quest 7 - Karynaku

In the next quest, Karynaku has you talk to a dragon chained to a bolder on the ledge of this fortress. Simply turn in the quest to him and you’ll be presented with next quest. 


Quest 8 - Zuluhed the Whacked

Don’t pick this one yet, because this will summon an elite mob and a bunch of hunters that will start shooting you right away. For this, you’ll definitely need a group of at least 5 players, we recommend getting a tank and a healer. But depending on your group, it might not be necessary. And pretty much have the tank accept the quest, run to Zuluhed once he spawns, and nuke him down as fast as you can, you could try to kill the hunters on the ledge if you want.


Quest 9 - Ally of the Netherwing

Make sure to pick the key from Zuluhed’s corpse, free the chained dragon by interacting with the bolder, pick the next quest from him, turn it back to Mordenai and you’re neutral. again all


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Neutral To Friendly Guide

To proceed further, you have to learn Artisan Riding, the 5000 gold riding skill. 


Quest 1 - Blood Oath of the Netherwing

Once you have that, the next quest will become available from Mordenai which is Blood Oath of the Netherwing, turn that in straight away. 


Quest 2 - In Service of the Illidari

As soon as you accept that, you’ll be transformed into a dragonmaw orc, allowing you to infiltrate the Netherwing Ledge camp. So fly there, enter a small building and turn in the quest to Mor’ghor, after being talked trash to by a guy and picking the next quest.


Quest 3 - Enter the Taskmaster

Go to Taskmaster Varkule just outside and turn that again to him, once you do that, you’ll have unlocked all the dailies available at this level of the Classic WoW Netherwing reputation, which is 3 or 4 dailies depending on which profession you got. But before we get to that, let’s do a couple of last normal quests first.


Quest 4 - Your Friend on The Inside

This quest is picked from Yazil the Merc, this doesn’t do anything special but it unlocks more dailies for you so turn in it right away.


Quest 5 - A Job Unfinished

There’s also another quest called A Job Unfinished which starts from an item that drops from the elite mob Arvoar the Rapacious. You don’t have to do this right now but just remember to kill him and loot this thing from him later. This has you kill 10 Overmine Flayers and Barash the Den Mother and it gives 250 WoW Classic Netherwing rep, so do it when you can.


Quest 6 - The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt

The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt is the fastest way to level up your Netherwing reputation in TBC Classic. Those Netherwing eggs are scattered all across the Netherwing Ledge, they spawn at random and they’re very rare. The thing is, once you finish this one-time quest, which gives 350 rep, you’ll unlock a repeatable quest, which gives 250 rep. So you can legitimately farm this reputation to exalted in a day or two if you’re insane by simply farming eggs all day. 

There are 42,000 reputation points between neutral and exalted, which means you’ll have to farm 168 TBC Classic Netherwing eggs. Remember those eggs are very rare and there’s going to be people everywhere probably doing the exact thing you’re doing, or incidentally finding an egg by flying around doing dailies. If you want to get to exalted ASAP, this is the way to go. Or you can mix farming eggs and doing dailies. 

Once you’re neutral and you do those initial quests, you’ll unlock 3 or 4 dailies. 3 that are available to everyone, and another one if you have one of the gathering professions, mining herbalism or skinning. To be noted, you don’t unlock 2 if you have 2 gathering professions.


Quest 7 - Netherwing Crystals

The first daily quest is called Netherwing Crystals, this simply has you gather 30 Netherwing Crystals, those drop from pretty much all the mobs in Netherwing. So this is a quest you want to do while doing the other dailies. Don’t focus on this until you only have it left.


Quest 8 - A Slow Death

The next one, a Slow Death, has you poison 12 Dragonmaw Peons. For this, you’ll first need to farm 12 Fel Glands, those drop from any sort of wildlife in Shadowmoon Valley, so boars, diementradons, etc. They don’t have a 100% drop chance so you’ll be killing way more than 12. But the mobs we recommend doing are Diementradons. Their drop rate seems okay and they’re quite abundant. But anyways once you have 12 fel glands, go back to Netherwing, get close to the peons that are mining crystals around, don’t worry about the ones that get enraged, that’s for a quest later. Use the Yarzil Mutton near them to poison them, do that 12 times and you’re done.


Quest 9 - The Not So Friendly Skies

This daily quest has you recover 12 Netherwing Relics. Those drop from the Dragonmaw Transporters who are flying mobs that fly from this sort of runway on the north of the island to Dragonmaw fortress, and the opposite is also true. This is going to be a bit annoying to do especially if you’re a melee. Thankfully those seem to respawn quite fast, at least they do on retail. The best thing you can do is simply wait at the runway for them to spawn and kill them right away. Watch out however because there are those two elite mobs that hit quite hard here. So kill a bunch of those, loot 12 relics, and you’re done.


Quest 10 - Nethercite Ore

The next daily quest requires you to have a gathering profession, have you do obvious things, either mining Nethercite ore from the Nethercite deposit, pick Netherdust Pollen from the Netherdust bushes, or skin Flayer Hides from the layers. Interestingly enough, you’ll not only get the quest items while mining or herbing or skinning those things, but you’ll also get all sorts of important reagents that sell for a lot, and even Netherwing Eggs. So this is definitely worth doing.


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Friendly To Honored Guide

Okay so those are the dailies from neutral to friendly, once you reach friendly you’ll unlock two more dailies and a few one-time quests, let’s start with those first.


Quest 1 - Rise Overseer

Rise Overseer is picked from Taskmaster Varkule, will have you be promoted to Overseer by talking to the Overlord, which will unlock the new dailies and stuff.


Quest 2 - Netherwing Mines

The Netherwing Mines is also picked from the taskmaster, will have you go to the Mistress of the Mines at the southwestern part of the island. This will unlock the new daily.


Quest 3 - Picking Up The Pieces

Your job duty at this mine is to collect the cargo left behind by the miners and deep mine workers. The Mistress of the Mines at the Netherwing Mines in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 15 Nethermine Cargo crates.


Quest 4 - Crazed And Confused

This is picked from Ronag the Slave Driver. Deep inside this cave will have you kill 5 Crazed Murkblood Miners and 1 foreman, 350 rep, so definitely do it.


Quest 5 - Great Murkblood Revolt

Murkblood Revolt starts from the Murkblood Escape Plans which itself has a low chance to drop from the Sludge Covered Object. It has a chance to drop from the Black Blood of Draenor sludges inside the mine, starts a small chain that rewards 850 rep. Therefore, you’re in no rush to get this. Just remember to kill those sludges as you’re doing your dailies inside the mine to start this.


Quest 6 - Overseeing And You: Making The Right Choices 

From Chief Overseer Mudlump has you bring 10 Knothide leather and the Hardened Hide of Tyranus, which is an elite dinosaur all the way north in Netherstorm. Definitely do this right away because not only gives 250 rep but also unlocks a daily.


Quest 7 - The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon

The booterang daily, picked from Overseer Mudlump, is the easiest daily but also the most fun one. Because you’ll be using a booterang to discipline lazy or disobedient peons around the island. Obviously, do this while doing the poisoning daily to hit two birds with one stone.


Quest 8 - Picking Up the Pieces

This quest is from the mistress of the mines have you gathered 15 Nethermine cargo from the crates around inside the mine. Once you pick this also talk to the Dragonmaw Foreman inside the mine who will give you the last daily unlocked at friendly.


Quest 9 - Dragons Are The Least Of Our Problems

This has you kill 15 Nethermine Flayers and 5 Nethermine Ravagers. Remember to also kill the black sludges when you see them inside here. To grab the Sludge Covered object from them which can contain an item that starts a small quest chain that we talked about earlier. And obviously, also remember to pick any eggs that you see. You’ll be doing this for a few more days until you reach honored. 


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Honored To Revered Guide

Quest 1 - Stand Tall. Captain!

Once you’re honored, talk to the taskmaster varkule and pick the quest Stand Tall. Captain! This will promote you to captain and unlock one more daily and a few one-time quests, let’s start with those.


Quest 2 - Earning Your Wings

First, you have the quest chain for Earning Your Wings, which starts at Jay Nosliw. This is an infamously difficult quest chain, especially by the end. Because you’ll need to be quote and quote “racing” other NPC, but really your objective is to stay close to them so they don’t despawn. It starts very easy and slow but the deeper you get in this quest chain the harder your opponents will get. By the end, some will even cheat and throw bombs at you that will make you fall to the ground.


Quest 3 - Dragonmaw Race: Captain Skyshatter

The one against Captain Skyshatter is infamously hard, you’ll probably be doing that a few times before managing to succeed. The best thing you can do is get yourself a riding crop from the auction house. This will increase your flying speed by 10% and make this easier to finish. In total, this quest chain gives a whapping 3200 rep, definitely do it.


Quest 4 - The Soul Cannon of Reth’hedron

The other quest that unlocks at honored is The Soul Cannon of Reth’hedron, picked from Illidari Lord Balthas. First, this will ask you to grab a bunch of expensive reagents, once you do that you’ll unlock the next quest.


Quest 5 - Subdue the Subduer

This will have you go to Nagrand at the Twilight Rudge all the way west and use the Soul Cannon on Reth’hedron the Subduer while flying around on your Flying Mount. Avoiding the meteors he throws at you, is not a super hard quest, but before going there make sure to pick the next daily you unlocked at honored.


Quest 6 - Disrupting The Twilight Portal

For this, you’ll have to fly to Nagrand at the Twilight Ridge, the same place where you do the subduer quest and simply kill 20 Deathshadow Agents. At this point, you have a lot of dailies and they have you go around a bunch of places, mostly in the Netherwing Ledge still. Make sure to do all of them to get to revered.


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation Revered To Exalted

At revered, a new quest chain will become available from the Taskmaster Varkule, which will unlock a daily group quest. The questline will depend on which Shattrath faction you picked, Aldor or scryers.


Quest 1 - Hail Commander

So pick the quest Hail Commander, turn it into Overlord Mor’ghor and grab the quest.


Quest 2 - Kill Them All

Head to either the Scryers or the Aldor Camp in Shadowmoon Valley and turn in the quest there.


Quest 3 - Commander Arcus

Pick the next one, which the name will depend on the faction you picked. This will unlock the last daily, which is actually a group daily quest. 


Quest 4 - The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid

This will have you kill nonelite dragonmaw mobs that will attack in waves. The quest suggests 3 players, just in case, wait for a few players to come by and do it with them to be safe. It does give 500 rep, so doing it. You’ll be doing this daily and all the other ones you unlocked so far. That’s a lot of gold to get every day by the way. You can do all of them and also grab any Netherwing eggs you see on the way too. Once you do this enough time, your Wow Classic TBC Netherwing Rep finally reaches exalted.


TBC Classic Netherwing Reputation At Exalted Guide

Quest 1 - Bow to the Highlord

Once you’re exalted, you’ll finally unlock the last quest, Bow to the Highlord, where someone very special comes to promote you himself. 


Once you’re done with that, you’ll be flown to Shattrath where you can finally pick your Nether Drake, the thing we’ve been working for all this time, congratulations. You can by the way buy any other drake if you want by going back to the Netherwing Ledge and talking to the vendor. Naturally, you can also continue doing the dailies as much as you want to get a ton of gold every day.


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