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NBA 2K22 Latest News- NBA 2K22 New Cards & NBA 2K22 New Locker Codes in NBA 2K22 MYTEAM

1/5/2022 4:38:07 PM

NBA2k ended up releasing a new logo code we ended up getting new content in NBA 2k right. This guide will introduce the details about the NBA 2K22 new locker codes pack and NBA2K22 new cards. 

NBA 2K22 Latest News- NBA 2K22 New Cards & NBA 2K22 New Locker Code in  NBA 2K22 MYTEAM

NBA 2K22 New Locker Codes Pack

NBA 2K22 Locker Codes for packs end up getting the slasher pack, you never know that could be a hall of fame. So definitely use that logic code,  hope you ended up getting the pack if you did. That's gonna be the new logic code that took the end of releasing and as you know usually when get a login code like that it means that NBA2k ended up adding new content to the pack market.  At the pack market, exactly what we got in here, so ended up getting the new NBA 2k22 75 packs, players that took end up adding because obviously with these packs, they have all the other previous cards too, and so they ended up adding a ping diamond James worthy, they ended up adding a diamond bill Walton and also an amethyst dave bing now worthy, you already know bro he's worthy of making anybody's team. 

Just because it's James worthy out here. Maybe NBA 2k just needs a quick little reminder, they're like maybe they didn't watch you know basketball, they've been on vacation and stuff like that, so maybe they just haven't been around. 

List of NBA 2K22 New Locker Code

Locker Code


Expiration date



Diamond Shoe Pack, Diamond Contract, or Diamond Series 1 player

Jan.7, 2022




New Year's Resolution Pack, Diamond Shoe Colorway or 2 Tokens

Jan.6, 2022

NBA 2K22 New Cards

A galaxy opal Trae young

The first player of course going to be Trey Young out, Trae Young is the first player in NBA history with 56 points and 14 assists in NBA 2K22. A galaxy Opel-worthy card nba 2k is already dropping galaxy opals, they could even give them a pink diamond if they want to and if you think 2k Ozos, a lot of new moment cards in my team.

To see moment cards you know players like this right here, just making NBA history even though NBA2k, when it comes to NBA history, this right here though 56 points for Trey Young, a nice galaxy opal added, maybe make it an agenda that would be really cool, an agenda card would be amazing, definitely long overdue for those kinds of cards as well, what NBA 2k has been doing with those. 

NBA 2kdb right here made a card, you know moments Trey young bam, you can make them a galaxy opal, you can make them a pink diamond,  would rather even just have a pink diamond even a diamond just give me a diamond tray young if you don't think 54 points is worthy of a galaxy up or a pink diamond. 

A new Jaylen brown card

Jaylen Brown dropped 50 points career-high points, 11 rebounds, four assists, five three-pointers made, and two blocks, and now that right there that could be a galaxy opal that could be a pink diamond.   

A pink diamond, Jaylen Brown would be amazing, actually ended up making a beautiful galaxy opal. They could make him a pink diamond as long as they just gave us a moment's card, you know two games on vacation right now, so hopefully, when they do come back, you know they give us some moment cards they give us some new content like that and Jaylen Brown definitely is worthy of a card,  just because of that 50 point performance. 

New moments cards- Giddy 

The next player that got to talk about is of course going to be Giddy out here, he ended up recording a triple-double and not just any triple-double but he ended up becoming the youngest player to record a triple-double in NBA history, another historic moment took, so make him a diamond, make him you know an amethyst just give him a new card because he ended up making history, the youngest triple-double player.

Some of the other great NBA 2K22 players that triple-doubles like Lebron James, you know Lonzo lamello ball, etc a lot of players obviously ended up breaking that record, but now Giddy holds it as being the youngest player to have it you know they can give him a diamond, they could even give him an amethyst, you know they could give him an agenda card these moments. 

New moments cards-Lebron James 

Another player is one of the greatest of all time and that of course is going to be Lebron James out here, now Lebron, he'd be dropping many points triple-doubles here,  however, though he ended up having this game right here 43 points, 14 rebounds,  and five three-pointers made.

He ended up doing this in less than 30 minutes, he didn't even play the whole game because it was a blowout, and by the way.  Lebron James give us a moment's card, they could just give us a diamond one, in a previous NBA2k two-game ended up giving us a bunch of diamond Lebrons and so a 43 point you know 14 rebounds, five three-pointers made performance in less than 30 minutes, It's worthy of a moments card.

New moments cards- Simon

Another great performance is from Simon's out here he had a 43 point game seven assists, and nine three-pointers, made a career-high for himself right here 43 points big moment right here. dropped a 43 point game a career-high.  Just because you know it's 43 points career-high can go, you know you can't go wrong with the pink diamond, but again it doesn't have to be anything too crazy like NBA2k.

Not expecting a galaxy opal for Simon's out here you know just give us a pink diamond or diamond, everybody would be cool with that, or again you know to add them to a logger code may be an agenda be like you gotta draw 43 points and nine three-pointers made in a challenge and you get a free card you know stuff like that like we got to see some of that stuff return in my team. 

New moments cards- Fred

Another player definitely should deserve a moment's card another player is going to be drake out here, Fred over here 35 points, five rebounds, five assists, seven three-pointers made and you already know this right here was also a season-high for him.  

Not asking for a galaxy opal drake or anything, even though galaxy over drake would actually be kind of cool but you know Fred out here maybe a diamond enamel stuff like that another player that ended up going off is of course going to be bae out here, he already has a really good card in NBA2k, he has that ruby card that's amazing and this right here 34 points eight rebounds eight three-pointers made career-high, by the way, both career highs 34 points and three-pointers made and they also ended up beating the bugs right there.

They came back and won that game, so this right here could be a moment's car, they could give him an amethyst. A moment's card but then you gotta evil him, you see stuff like that should definitely get added to my team make it work like he starts off as an emerald moments card and you can go up to an amethyst. Maybe a ruby, maybe even just a diamond and 34 points career-high. Any moments bay as well and that would be a really cool card. 

New moments cards- Kuzma

Kuzma out here went off and dropped 36 points,14 rebounds and six three-pointers made out here, and now listen you can say whatever you want about Kuzma, but this is a great performance right here, 36 points, 14 rebounds, definitely probably his best game that plays with the wizards, even though he's had a couple of moments here and there you know back when he was on the lakers, you know he would drop like 40 points here. 36 points are very impressive give him a diamond give him, an amethyst give him an evolution card, give him a logger code, give him a challenge, or just anything you want to give in NBA 2k.   

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