There are some changes coming with patch 1.2 to the life staff in New World. So today we’re going to give you 3 best life staff builds choices and you can pick which one is going to best suit your style of play. Whether you want to be a supplementary healer, a main healer or maybe you just want your lifestyle for a tiny bit of healing and some buffs, we get everything covered and give you best setup so that you can heal the most effectively with the patch 1.2.
New World Top 3 Life Staff Builds For Patch 1.2 – Best PVE & PVP Builds In New World
We list each ability for the New World life staff builds patch 1.2 for those of you who may want to start healing.
1. Orb Build For Patch 1.2
This build is going to be good for potentially in PVP, we're going to be using orb and with the diseases coming, what's the best way to beat the disease?
Fortify: It take less damage, we won't have to heal as much, but it's also a very good beginner solo main healer build because when you're using something like orb, there's a lot of margin for error because you can miss an orb and not be punished very hard. As long as you're hitting one at least one every other, you will have your buffs up constantly you have enough cooldown reduction to get you through it.
So where are we going to start everything you need absolved and you need blissful touch, that is absolutely necessary. These are going to be a ton of healing and don't underestimate them.
Mending Touch: It will be great in PVP and PVE because you'll be able to remove healing debuffs, but it's also great for all the PVE debuffs we'll be taking off.
Sacred Ground: It is going to be huge, you put somebody in sacred ground, then hit them with orb to have a higher heel, hit them with lights and brace to get a really chunky heel. Secret vitalize for cooldown desperate speed for cooldown and this procs on the hot on orb, every time somebody's below 50% and gets healed, that is cooldown reduction. 5% more healing for everybody and intensify keep that intensify rolling, this is going to be the majority of what we're going to see. Healing side will always be the same on every single build .
Orb: This is very easy, we take all the points, when you hit somebody with orb then you get the heal over time and fortify as well as long as it heals them, you also have a three meter radius that pops up when you shoot orbit and it hits the ground. That means you can shoot at your own feet and use it on yourself when you're solo playing. Orb is also very good for damage, you can start up a heavy attack and orb right after and you have two essentially heavy attacks.
Bend Light: Take protectors touch because fortify is insane combo with more fortify and orb because we can fortify stack and we have just a constant 15 fortify because we're light and heavy all the time. Take light's embrace and then take protector strength.
Orb Strengths
You can use this as a beginner main healer build because it's only on a nine second cooldown depending on what your stuff is. We have a lot of ways to get our cooldowns back up. So you can main heal super well, you have lights embraced for the chunky damage, you have orb and you can combo that with blissful touches to get some big girthy heels if you need to in a pinch. Otherwise, it's also just great if you want to be a solo damage healer if you're only using your life staff great for up, using orb and any lifestaff focused damage set up when you're trying to level it out in the open world. This setup is also going to be good potential for PVP. with the diseases coming, we counteract diseases with fortify, we also get two more buffs to apply on PVP targets from orbit protection for our lights embrace. So when you have group mode healing off, you can heal better-using orb because we can pre-buff them and then we have two more buffs on them for lights and brace. So great for PVP great for beginners and great for higher damage.
Orb Gameplay and Rotation
Maintain intensify with those heavy attacks, get them in sacred ground, bend light and then hit them with orb. Have the highest heal over time because it does last up to 12 seconds and it can top most people off pretty well, it also does a lot of just initial healing, you'll get heals for about 400 and combined with a blissful touch, you can keep people decently high without ever having the lights embrace your sacred ground. Make sure you maintain sacred ground on the enemy, the tank, somewhere in a common area where a lot of people can stand in it because you'll get a lot of healing effectiveness there. Just lights embrace anybody who needs to be burst healed, make sure you try to get them in a sacred ground or at least do something like bend light before you keep it going.
2. HoT No Targeted Healing Build For Patch 1.2
This build is going to be one that supplements a hybrid build or maybe you're just using the life staff as a little side piece with whatever else you want to main. This is also a build if you want to main heal without targeted heals.
Blissful Touch
Sacred ground
Desperate Speed
Arcane Justice
Scared Protection.
Orb of Protection
Protector’s Strength
Bend Light
Hot Strengths
So this is the no-targeted healing secondary healer kind of build that you use in a hybrid or just to buff yourself up if you don't really feel like weapon swapping very much. Use this for PVP, PvE, open-world kind of play but this is not going to be a main healer-focused build. Sure you still have blissful touch if you're trying to heal something like an expedition or something out in the world, but this is mainly a solo build where you are going to buff yourself up. It'd be great in PVP for that sustain.
3. Best Healing Build For Patch1.2
This is the most effective for 1.2 healing. There's some nerfs coming to beacon and there's some changes for PVP healing, but what we have been running is pretty good to use. This build is going to reign supreme, depending on how many diseases are on the other team for PVP purposes that we will probably lean towards using orbit protection.
Mending Touch
Sacred Ground
Holy Ground
Bend Light
Protectors Touch
Protector’s Strength
Lights Embrace
Medium-heavy helmet, heavy chest, medium gloves, light pants, medium boots.
Tanky Healer Attributes
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Focus: 133
Constitution: 109
Pure Healing Attributes
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Focus: 262
Constitution: 170
Hybrid Attributes
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Focus: 323
Constitution: 109
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