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Top 10 Diablo 2 Resurrected Best PVP Builds (Classes) For Dueling Arena

12/4/2021 6:38:54 PM

As you can make all of the wild builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected, it can be difficult to tell which ones are actually viable in the dueling arena. D2R has come with some interesting and even unintended changes to the original and it has definitely made an effect on the meta of PVP, so in this guide, we break down what's naturally a very complicated hierarchy of PVP builds in order for you to get the best idea of what you might want to build! Let's dive into 10 of the most common and most effective D2R PVP builds and place them in a tier list. 

Best D2R PVP Build Top 10 - Bowazon Amazon Build (A-Tier)

Another build that we would put at the A tier of our best PVP build list but it is probably higher up in the A tier is the Bowazon, again this one could easily bounce back and forth between the S and the A tier. Currently, Bowazon Amazon is at a solid higher-ranked A-tier, alongside Hammerdins, both also struggle against most smyter variants. 


Best D2R PVP Build Top 9 - FoH Paladin Build (A-Tier)

The things Auradin wants to be careful about within competitive dueling or GM dueling is playing too defensively, you basically are not going to be just charging around the map and burning people with your auras. While that might be sort of fun in public games, typically you'll get called for in rule violations in competitive tournaments, so you want to remain offensive with that FoH (Fist of the Heavens) Paladin which is an Auradin's primary attack a lot of the times. Sometimes they'll also mix it up with charge but if we're letting this tile represent that entire character, there's just such a diversified amount of threats, it can really pose a serious problem for a lot of builds out there.

Best D2R PVP Build Top 8 - Whirlwind Barbarians Build (A-Tier)

Again, whirlwind Barb is probably higher up on the A tier, and depending on what you have in your stash that can allow you to deal with certain problems, this could probably easily bounce to the S tier. Depending on how you set it up, we would say with most barbarians that you see in PVP games they're probably at the higher echelon of that A tier, they have the ability to take out a lot of different S tier builds that's for sure they can almost certainly take out just about every other A-tier build with maybe the exception of hambridins which they'll struggle with. It's a very difficult class to master but when you master your setups to go after your opponent, it's very possible this could slide up into the S tier.

Best D2R PVP Build Top 7 - Hammerdin Paladin (A-Tier)

Hammerdin build probably won't come in as high as most people think, we are actually going to put this at A Tier although it is very close to S-Tier. In Diablo 2 Resurrected, if you're just going straight hammers, you're going to struggle with a lot of different builds as with most of the skills that we'll talk about we're gonna leave room for hybrid builds. For example, with a hammerdin you could go FoH hammers and turn your character into a mage if you do that it probably could bring the build-up into the S Tier. But for the most part, Hammerdin builds are going to fall right at the top of that A tier, because they're naturally going to struggle against some S-tier classes.

Best D2R PVP Build Top 6 - Blizzard Sorceress (S-Tier)

Blizzard Sorceress is probably on the lower echelon of the S-tier though because it's a lot harder to absorb the cold damage with Raven Frost that comes from blizzard. The big reason why a Blizzard sorceress ends up at such a high tier is because of the cold mastery skill, players in PVP will end up having to stack so much cold absorb with this or against these characters, they oftentimes have to have entire setups in their stash devoted to this type of build. And when you get to that point as a PVP character, you're definitely a threat that needs to be reckoned with or at least planned for.

Best D2R PVP Build Top 5 - Energy Shield Fireball Sorceress (S-Tier)

Energy shield fireball is also ranked in S-Tier in our list, you can crank your energy shield up pretty high, and when you combine that with the fact that fireball does pretty vicious damage at a distance, even splash damage. It's definitely one of the better builds if you know what you're doing. 

Best D2R PVP Build Top 4 - Energy Shield Fireball Sorceress (S-Tier)

Energy shield fireball is also ranked in S-Tier in our list, you can crank your energy shield up pretty high, and when you combine that with the fact that fireball does pretty vicious damage at a distance, even splash damage. It's definitely one of the better builds if you know what you're doing. 

Best D2R PVP Build Top 3 - Bone (Necromancer) Build (S-Tier)

Bone Necromancer is going to be S-tier PVP build for sure, has a lot of good matchups against many other dueling classes and it definitely poses a big problem for hammerdins. 

Best D2R PVP Build Top 2 - Wind Druid (S-Tier)

Another S-tier PVP build that will absolutely wipe the floor with most hammerdins all else being equal is the wind druid. The wind druid has many good matchups against the elemental characters because of their cyclone armor. Not only is cyclone armor a synergy to their main attack tornado, but it just allows you to keep sucking up elemental damage without taking any damage to your life total. These builds might be pretty straightforward with the wind druid but they are that way for a reason they're pretty effective.

Best D2R PVP Build Top 1 - Traspin Assassin Build (S-Tier)

Trapsins is also on the top of the top S-tier PVP build list and also going to pose a problem for Hammerdins. They can keep the distance that Mind Blast is an absolute insane skill. There's a lot of different threats that a trap assassin has, which definitely poses a threat to the hammerdin and many other classes in D2R. 

This is our list of the best PVP builds for players’ dueling, if you want to build up unbeatable characters to beat other players, our cheap D2R items for sale can help you!

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