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Rocket League Flip Reset Tutorial: How To Flip Resets For Beginners & Pros

11/11/2021 12:05:34 PM

Do you want to know how to flip reset in Rocket League? Flip resets are one of the most glorified mechanics in all of Rocket League. Any rocket League highlights video nowadays is bound to be filled with them, whether it's a rlcs recap or a freestyling montage. The reason for that is because the mechanic looks insanely cool and is also incredibly useful competitively. In this guide, we are going to share how to pull off a flip reset as a beginner in Rocket League, the different types of flip reset and how to do them along with the most efficient ways to practice them and how to use them competitively in real game scenarios.

Rocket League Flip Reset Tutorial

The first step to learning how to flip reset is learning how to air dribble. Learning to flip reset before you can air dribble is like learning to flick before you can ground dribble. It's an essential skill to have before you start. Next, let's break down the step-by-step process of how to do a flip reset in the Rocket League. You have to be precise to do flip resets Rocket League or else you will easily lose control and won’t be able to do anything.

Step 1 - Roll ball

Start to get the ball rolling toward the wall at about 80-degree angles at a normal speed. It doesn't have to be perfect but aim for the speed. If you're using the training pack, it'll already be at the perfect angle for you. All you have to do is drive straight.

Step 2 - Create space

Just before the ball rolls up the ramp, you need to create some space between the ball and your car. So tap the brakes a little to create that gap, and the ball will keep rolling at its original speed up the ramp. 

Step 3 - Catch up to the ball

After that tiny brake tap to create the space, you'll need to start again to catch up to the ball. This will take some timing. You want to time it, so your touch on the ball happens just after the halfpipe on the wall. If you touch it too early, the ball won't even pop out and the setup is basically dead. Also, make sure you're not hitting it too hard. To make the flip reset the easiest on yourself, you want to be hitting the ball much as high as you can without it hitting the ceiling. This will definitely take some experimenting to get that touch just right. Just practice getting the brake tap and the first touch perfect before you move on to the next step.

Step 4 - Create space again

After you get that perfect touch on the wall, you'll need to create space between the ball and your car again. You'll do this the exact same way by lightly tapping the brakes immediately after touching the ball. This creates a nice gap that you'll use to build up momentum to get the reset itself. During this entire setup, you should make sure you're on ball cam the whole time. Being on a car cam will disorient you completely, so certainly don't do that. 

Step 5 - Jumping, , and air rolling

If you've done everything correctly so far, at this point the setup is completely finished. What comes next is what makes a flip reset a flip reset. Start by jumping, and air rolling all at the same time. The position you require to reach next is the nose of your car, which should be pointing directly at the bulb, just like it would on an air dribble. But instead of seeing the roof of your car, you're looking at the underside. This is much more difficult because you're controlling your car upside down. If you're struggling with this part, try going into free play and just practice the movement without the ball until you can get it consistent.

Step 6 - Continue

Continuing on, you need to continue directly at the ball. As you approach it, if you got your setup correctly, the ball should start to lose its upward momentum and be reaching its apex or its peak. The perfect timing for when you want to make contact with the ball for the reset is right after the apex. The timing is key.

Step 7 - To hit the ball

This is by far the hardest part. As you're about to reach the ball, now is the time for you to tilt forward at the last moment and place your underside on the ball this contact. When you're trying to get the reset, you need to have momentum as you fly into it. That's why we did that brake tap on the wall, it gave us the space we required to build that momentum, so we're not just chasing it from two inches away in the air. It also allowed us to make contact after the apex, which is the easiest point to get the reset. When you get the reset after its peak it's more like you and the ball are colliding, which is exactly what you want rather than you just chasing it down and catching up to it. 

As a matter of fact, that, there's a specific spot on your car where you should be trying to get the reset from. That spot will vary depending on the car that you're using. A flipper set in Rocket League files is defined by when the player lands all four wheels on the ball. Each car has wheels relative to their hitbox, and they don't usually line up with where the wheels are visually on the car. Visually, the wheels are way off from where they actually are on the hitbox. 

In spite of that, don't use the wheels as the indicator instead of aiming for the center of mass. You can find the center of mass on any car by going upside down and spinning in a circle. That center point where your car is spinning around is the exact point where you want to get your reset from. When you get the reset by aiming for the center of mass, your car just bounces off in a way that makes it really easy to recover. The ideal angle to hit the ball is right in between. You don't want to be directly underneath it, because your ball cam is going to go crazy, and you usually lose control. You don't want to get it from directly behind because at that point it's hard to get back underneath it for the touch. 

Types of Flip Resets 

There are two different types of flip resets we can do in Rocket League. The first one is the delayed flip reset. The second one is the flip reset flick.

Delayed Flip Reset Pros & Coins

Delayed Flip Reset gives you way more control over what you do with the ball next. You can flip into it normally with your nose, you can turn your car over and go for a tail sort of hit. You can turn it into a musty, or you can even fake it and not hit it at all. The big reason why we wanted our setup to be as high in the air as possible is that it gives us more time to delay it. If you delay your reset for a long time, then it becomes even more deadly and hard to read. 

Flip Reset Flick Pros & Coins

This type is a lot easier when you're first starting out. Because there's only one thing you can do with it. Instead of getting the reset and delaying it, you use your flip, the instant you get it, which flings the ball a bit forward. The disadvantage of flip reset flock is it's way less consistent in terms of how much power you get on it, and it's a lot harder to place it exactly where you want. 

Delayed Flip Reset vs Flip Reset Flick, Which One Should You Use?

Delayed Flip Reset is a type of flip reset you can do whenever you can. When you do a delayed flip reset, you just have way more options. But you can only use Flip Reset Flick if you are getting the reset really close to the ground and don't have any time to delay it. Or if the opponent is challenging you early, and they're just going to dunk you if you don't get rid of it fast. Otherwise, the delayed flip reset gives you so much more control and is way harder for the defense to read.

How To Practice Flip Reset?

Let’s break down the best way to practice Flip Rest from beginner to advanced in Rocket League.

1. When you're learning flip resets for the first time and really trying to get the motion down, the best thing you can use is the training pack (1F27-4030-7FDE-B4D5). It gives you a consistent setup every time without any variations. This is the fastest way to get reps in, which is really what it takes to get it down when you're first experimenting. At the same time, don't worry about scoring it when you first start. Just focus on getting the reset and then hitting the ball anywhere. 

2. Once you do get the motion down, and you're able to hit the ball most of the time. The next place to practice it is in free play. You can use this handy free play ball control feature to get reps in pretty quickly. Try experimenting around with different angles and setups, try doing it at a fast speed, and try doing it at a slow speed. Although this doesn't seem that different from practicing in custom training. 

For most people, it'll be way harder because the slight variations make all the difference. There are so many variables once you get that wheel touch that you can't generalize it anymore. Especially when you're first learning, you're not going to be consistent with it, so your car is going to bounce off in totally different ways each time you get the reset. That same thing applies to when you start doing it in free play. You've practiced the motion a ton already, but that doesn't mean you'll be just as good with it once minor variations are added.

3. The next step to mastering flip resets is trying them in situations that you wouldn't normally go for. There is a training pack (41BA-E310-EBFD-F32F) for this as well. This is not recommended unless you're already super high level, like gc3 or higher, and your normal plays are getting saved in-game. Because at champion below, a normal redirect or aerial will get the job done perfectly almost every single time. Going for a flip reset in these situations would just be totally overkill. If you're good enough to wear, this pack would actually be useful.

How To Use Flip Resets In Rocket League

Flip resets are extremely difficult to defend, but they're just as difficult to score. It's important to know that we only use them in situations where it's actually necessary. The truth is, there are way more people trying to learn flip resets than there should be. Just be aware that they don't become consistently necessary until you reach at least high grand champ. 

Dos and don't

1. The best situation to use flip resets in, the most ideal scenario to go for a flip reset is when there are two or more defenders back. Assuming you're only going for flipper sets at a high level, chances are the defense is going to do the right thing and have one player challenge and have the other cover net. 

A common mistake the challenger does in this scenario is trying to predict the air dribble. They pretty much challenge you as if you're going to get multiple touches on the ball and carry it top shelf. If they challenge that allows you to get the reset which drops it down in the process to go below the first defender. Since you have your flip now, you can basically do whatever you want with it to get it by the second defender. You go below the first and above the second. 

If you had tried anything else, it wouldn't have been possible to score.  The defense would have been able to cover every option of yours. Since you did a flipper set, suddenly it did become possible. You're kind of weaving your way through the defenders in the air. What the defense should do instead to prevent this is forcing high.

For beginners and advanced players

At the low ranks, when people already struggle to defend double taps or air dribbles, that's almost always enough to score off. Scoring a flip reset is way harder to do than scoring an air dribble. If they both work, you might as well go for the easier way to score. 

At the high ranks, defenses become a lot better. So flip resets become more and more useful. There are many more ways to use flippy sets competitively, a lot of the time it can be useful if you run out of , and you're just trying to get a little extra flick over the defender at the end. Even then, in a lot of those scenarios, especially if it's at the midfield, it's just better to take a 50% than put yourself at the risk of getting dunked.

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