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New World Arcana Skill Guide - How To Level Up Arcana Quickly From 1-200

10/20/2021 4:01:45 PM

To create weapons, potions, and alchemy reagents at Arcane Repositories of Settlements all across Aeternum, you'll need the Arcana trade skill in New World. It's possible that Arcana is the most difficult of the crafting trade skills to level. How you can make money while the Arcana skill at the same time once you get to the right level? This New World Arcana guide is going to explain to you how to level up your Arcane skill from level 1 all the way to level 200 in the most efficient way possible.


New World Arcana Crafting Guide - How To Level Up Arcana Quickly From 1-200

New World Arcana Early 1-5

Currently, you'll find the common focus potion is the fastest and most efficient way of in New World which you can use after you get to level 5 Arcana. Starting out at Arcana level 1, we'll be crafting the weak health potion which requires bulrush cob and water. Now Arcana is actually one of the fastest skills to level up in the game especially early on. A lot of people just don't realize how to do it, essentially starting out you want to find yourself any river that's inland. There are rivers running along and it doesn't matter if the river is near a settlement, it just needs to be our river. Once you arrive at the river, you're going to be looking for bulrush. When you harvest a bulrush, you're going to get some reeds and some bulrush. Now usually when you harvest these bull rush, you'll get between one and two will bulrush cop which is what we need for the health potions.


The other thing we need is water and freshwater, any inland river or lake is going to give you freshwater. You can just stand here and repeatedly harvest 11 or so at a time and it's like unlimited water and reeds. Now you may be wondering to yourself but have to come all the way back to the session to craft any of this stuff? That's because you can actually go ahead and press y and you can put down your camping tent right next to the location that you're going to be harvesting all these ingredients. You can craft health potions at your tent. All you need to do is grab one flint and then some green wood which you can get from trees or bushes and then go ahead and build our campsite. However, it doesn't matter what tier campsite that you can do this with. The best thing you can do is just sit near the lake in everfull with tons of bulrush for a while you can even harvest the bulrush for an hour. Then you'll find is that it starts to respawn before you've even finished harvesting one section of it.


Another thing you'll notice is you will get tons of reeds from all of the bulrushes. The only thing that reed's actually useful for in New World is the furnishing skill line to make wicker baskets which is a very good way of up. But if you're selling these, they're only worth 0.01 gold. However, it's going to take you around 5 to 6 minutes to harvest a hundred water and a hundred bulrush crops with that you can craft 100 weak health potions, but you only get six Arcana each. If you were to level from one to level 50 purely crafting weak health potions it would take you 1833 weak health potions to get you from 1 to 50. It would take you 90 minutes just using this method to get you to level 50 Arcana. 


New World Fast Arcana 5

Once you have reached level 5 Arcana skill, we can start on our next method, we're going to need to come here to an arcane repository which is the crafting table for potions. The can be located in any settlement at this icon on the map. You're going to come on inside here and open up the crafting bench. Specifically, now we are at least level 5 Arcana, we want to craft the common focus potion, this requires either crafting or buying the ingredients which can be brought very cheaply.


You can also use water mote because water motes are very cheap and very easy to farm. The other ingredient we need is water which is also very easy to farm. In fact, in winswood and just behind the alchemy area, there's a river that runs through the town where you can just carry on getting an unlimited supply of water. The other ingredient we need is the water modes. There are two ways to get a water mote, so you can either craft them or buy them.


Specifically, we want the water mote for this next method. It's actually very cheap, usually, it's around one gold is the average market rate at the moment, but if it's less than that then, it's probably worth buying because you can actually resell it at a higher price at some point especially on the weekend. You can select all settlements in order to see the cheapest places in the game where water motes are currently being sold. For example, Winwood is one of the cheapest locations with first light also being very cheap. And all you need to do is buy all of these water modes for a very cheap rate at 0.55 gold each.


There the other way to get water most is to gather them from Rivercrest. You get 6 to 12 each time and you require level 30 gathering skills to actually harvest these types of elemental plants in the first place. Or alternatively, you can have level 30 mining skills to get the ore version. You always find it along the riverside as you walk around New World that's the fastest place to locate it. Then you can get Arcana experience to your level. The tip is whenever you have water motes and you're up your Arcana. Simply just always craft common focus potions, they're always worth it for the experience.


Making New World Gold With Health Potions

The next thing we are going to talk about is the common health potion because you can actually make money while you're crafting these. However the ingredients that you require to craft them are a lot less available for you to gather as quickly meaning that it's going to take you more time to gather the necessary ingredients. Even though you can make more money by doing so. The two most common ingredients are the Lifebloom Stems and the Platecap Flesh. With Glowing Mushrooms Cap coming a close third. In addition, the plate caps are probably the most readily available ingredient out of all of these. 

As we get 96 Arcana and we get 24 Arcana for crafting each of these, so it's the exact same amount of experience as the common focus potion now at level 50 Arcana. You unlock the ability to create strong health potions, however, you're not really going to be using them for up. Once again, you can still sell this for around 15 NW gold in the marketplace. Before you craft this change this bottom option to the earth mote because then it won't be as expensive for you to basically craft. Secondly, you have the option of using one of four different ingredients. The most readily available ingredient is either the Gleaming Lodestone or the Lifebloom Leaf. Lifebloom Leaf is going to be the easiest for you to gather which you get from the lifebloom plants along with the life bloom stems.


But the added benefit of crafting these strong healing potions is that you get 90 Arcana experience which is a decent amount of experience. However, it is much harder to obtain these green ingredients. But you're not going to be up by purely making strong health potions. Before you sell your health potions, here's some advice you're going to come to the trade center and look for common health potions. Make sure you show all settlements and then compare the cheapest current price rate for health potions.


In monarchs bluff, the current going rate for health potion is around 7 gold. So we're going to place a sell order for 6 gold because that's more than enough for a common health potion, if you have 100 hundred of them, max out that fee, but the listing fee is now 24 gold. Instead, you actually put this down to one day, it's 12 gold and you are going to try and sell 50 health potions a day, so the listing fee is only 6 gold. Without a doubt that these will sell overnight especially on the weekend. When you're selling the strong health potion you can see the average listing fee is between 15 to 30 gold on average. But if we go to all settlements, we can get a more close idea of the current market rate, it's around 10 gold.


At the same time, for powerful health potions, you can actually use the lifebloom flower which is a tier 4 ingredient. Then you can just use the standard earth mote and soul motes to craft that can be sold at a very decent price.


New World Gold Farming

Continuing on our NW Arcana guide, the next thing you're going to unlock at level 25 Arcana is the ability to craft yourself wisps. you can then use those modes to turn them into soul wisps life wisps and fire wisps and so on. The advantage of these is that you can craft them and make gold at the same time. One air wisp requires five air motes. You can buy the air modes cheaper than you can sell the air wisp, meaning that you can make money by crafting these and getting experience at the same time. If you have any water wisps you should definitely be crafting the common focus potion just for the experience, the same can be said for earth wisps you should prioritize crafting health potions because that's more experience and you can also sell those for more gold.


Crafting Essence & Quintessence 75

Once you reach level 75 Arcana, you can now make essences. Earth essence is created from 4 earth wisps. The earth wisp is created with five earth motes and then this is the next stage once you reach level 75. What you'll realize is that you get 48 Arcana now. You can do the same with all of the essences, you can convert them into life essences and can just farm all of this experience. Once you reach level 125, you can then upgrade everything into earth quintessences or soul quintessences which requires three of the essences that you just created. That is the max level of upgrades you can get and the soul quintessences are going to give you 90 arcane experiences each time you craft them. In total by crafting a wisp into the essence and then a quintessence, you're going to get a hundred and fifty free experience to Arcana. Before you upgrade these you're going to want to come to the trade center and just double-check how much the essences are selling for. so we're looking at the


Stone Crafting

Alternatively, if you're using the stone cutting table, in order to create brilliant gems of any kind, you will need the appropriately connected essence to do that. If you're up arcane and stone cutting these essences and quintessences are going to be infinitely useful in order to make lots of money which is very easy to do with gem crafting and jewelry making in the New World, as well as tons of experience for stone cutting.


End Game Portion Crafting

Like all of the other options that you can begin to craft at a later Arcana level, you may be wondering if it's worth crafting these or not. Most of the player is already level 60 aren't actually used in any of the end game content or dungeons, they're just not required. However, they do give us 620 Arcana experiences each time we craft them. What you'll find is that unless you're crafting infused health potions, there's just not a demand for any other potions in the game right now. What you should do is check the current trade market sale price and see what they're currently selling for before you craft them. Otherwise, you'll just end up wasting some of these rarer ingredients.


Another quick mention of things that you can craft is the Iron Fire Staff. This requires that you have 12 iron ingots, 5 coarse leather, and 1 life mote. This is going to give you 276 Arcana per staff. If you have tons of spare iron and coarse leather, it can be a good way to level up quickly. However, if you're buying these ingredients, it's definitely not the most efficient way. The other thing we are going to talk about is crafting staffs in general. The gear score and the damage that is going to depend on Arcana skill. The higher your arcane level, the higher the potential gear score is going to be. The higher the gear score is, the more damage these weapons are going to do. You can actually increase the potential gear score by selecting rarer ingredients. 

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