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Madden 21 Best Quarterbacks - Top 5 Quarterbacks in Madden 21 Ultimate Team

7/5/2021 4:16:23 PM

When you pick a player in Madden 21 Ultimate Team, the overall maybe the first factor to think, but the specific stat matters more when you use the player in some situations. Who is the best quarterback in Madden 21? Here are the top 5 Madden 21 best quarterbacks (QBs) with breakdown of their stats and ability. 

Madden 21 Best Quarterbacks - Top 5 Quarterbacks in Madden 21

Top 5 Michael Vick - 99 Overall

The number five quarterback we pick is Michael Vick, he got 99 speed any theme team and that’s without the power up, 99 throw power is amazing, he does have some awful medium accuracy, but it’s like one of those quarterbacks how you kind of play with Lamar, you got to play around it to excel with the how the quarterback plays because you are getting 99 speed, which you are canceling out that medium and if you have ever seen a good player play with Lamar or Michael Vick, it is hard as hell to play them because they will literally take out the medium accuracy and play to their game, it's weird because a quarterback that's like this can elevate so high it sucks that he's not a golden ticket so his situation isn't the best but you can elevate a card like this, he is easily a top five quarterback in the game, but there's a lot of players out there that do have Vick don't even read the play and they're already scrambling literally when they snap the ball, those are the players that think Vick's a bad player you got to play with him you got to use him to your advantage, you got to change your game when you use a scrambler like this, but Vick is a beast inside of madden no matter what, he will always play better than their actual stats.

Top 4 Brett Favre - 98 Overall

Brett Favre is still very good, some players have him in their top three, when it comes to the stats, this is similar to that of Aaron Rodgers, he is just a better Aaron Rodgers with a better archetype, the archetype is just 10 times better and also literally the same exact release and a little bit better sense. Brett Favre is a beast, he gets every ability you can get, but it just sucks because it's all expensive on a strong arm but Brett Favre has to be up here release some people, if you're more of a pocket passer and you want to pack a passer, Brett Favre is the best passer in the game because of that release.

Top 3 Tim Tebow - 99 Overall

The number three we do have Tim Tebow in terms of stats and lots of other factors, 92 base speed, he has lower throw power so that really does suck on a card like this, but 98 short throw accuracy, 96 medium throw accuracy, 95 deep throw accuracy, he is a great card when it comes to scrambling as well, he's the best scrambling quarterback in the game although speed is not very high, he has 99 trucking, 99 Juke Move, 99 Throw Under Pressure, 99 Throw on the Run and amazing carrying at 96, although carrying on quarterback seems to never matter. Overall, this is an amazing card and he can make you play better in Madden Ultimate Team. 

Top 2 Taysom Hill - 99 Overall

Taysom Hill is about as good as it gets, look at all his key stats, almost all 99 except for that Short Throw Accuracy, but that speed is very good, throw power is amazing, they ed up the Juke move up there the change direction is better, the trucking is very high, ball carry vision carrying is good, the top three are very interchangeable, it really comes down to who you play best with because they're all pretty similar in stats and all archetypes are obviously good on these cards.

Top 1 Robert Griffin III - 99 Overall

The top 1 is going to be Robert Griffin III, this is a card still very popular in the game, super cheap in MUT coins, now we're getting to that point in the year where everything's cheap, all the stats are very good 96 plus on every single accuracy right there, 99 on the run, 99 pass accuracy, 96 speed, ed everything up, Juke moves, spin move, carrying, he's the best QB. He has great throw power, he has everything you need. 

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