Team Of The Season has now been confirmed. The Team Of The Season event will start on the 23rd of April with the community Team Of The Season being released first. This is a team that is entirely up to the community. EA has released polls where you can vote for the players that you want to see. After this team, it will then be teams coming out every single week. Some eventually will be two every week and this will be happening for the next two months. You need to Preparing for this event by saving packs and investing with the team and weak players, opening packs, or investing in other high-rated players. However, over the last week, the FIFA ultimate team market has crashed. Player prices have plummeted over the last week or two, so if you open packs from SBCs, squad battles, division rivals, FUT champions, FUT draft, or spent money opening packs, you would have got considerably fewer coins this week than you would have got last week.
Let's say that last week on the 9th of April you were fortunate enough to pack a rare gold version of Ronaldo on PC, he would have been going for 760K coins. On PlayStation 570K coins. On Xbox 430K coins. Now if you were able to pack that same Ronaldo card this week, you would be only getting 520K FIFA 21 PC Coins, PlayStation 390K coins, and Xbox 310K coins. This is a massive drop in just a week. Ronaldo isn't the only player, any player in the ultimate team with a substantial value above a hundred thousand coins has dropped around twenty percent. They've all dropped considerably in price. All this happened because of all the league surrounding Team Of The Season, as soon as all these leagues came out, hardcore players reacted by selling their most expensive players in their clubs. So that they will be coin rich when Team Of The Season is released. After Team Of The Season is done, they can either buy back the players that they had originally at a much lower price or they can use the coins that they do have to buy Team Of The Season versions of that player, or finally they could just buy better TOTS players in general to improve their teams. This is a smart move and if you did this, congratulations you have now maximized your services, you can buy your whole team back with what you had originally and you'll still be in a better position. You'll have the same team plus on top of that, you'll have a few extra coins to play with. Being anywhere between 25 percent pushing up to 40 percent depending on the players that you had originally. If you didn't do this and you're still holding on to your players, obviously you can't go back in time and change anything, but you can take some steps from this point onwards to maximize the coins that are in your services.
The first thing to understand is that the market will carry on dropping in price, this is inevitably going to happen. Those that did sell all their expensive players last week have caused the player prices to drop as they kept on undercutting the cheapest on the market with not many people buying these players for their teams. Because of the rapid price drop, this created panic with other people, and they eventually sold their players, which made the market drop even further. When EA finally announced that Team Of The Season will be starting on the 23rd of April, it made players drop even further in price. But believe it or not, we're still at the beginning of this market crash. This is just the start for those that play active roles within the ultimate team and understands what happens every single year with these types of events. when the 23rd of April arrives, Team Of The Season is released. You will have the last-minute players quickly rushing into their clubs, listing their expensive players so that they have coins for the event, which has already started at this point, and then the market will well and truly crash from here. There will be a ton of players opening packs. If you have been saving your packs, you will open your packs looking for Team Of The Season players. But the whole FIFA community will be doing the same thing. They've either saved packs or they've thrown money at the game loaded up on FIFA points, ready to open as many packs as they can, hoping that they will get a Team Of The Season player. This is when the crash is in full effect, the market will be flooded with items on the market, everyone will be looking for a team of season players, hoping to get them in their packs when they open. But realistically, you'll mainly be getting gold players and those gold players will instantly be listed on the market. So that those people can quickly get their coins back and open more packs and hope for Team Of The Season players. This is just a vicious cycle going round and round and whilst it's going round and round, the market will keep on dropping in price. Even if you did get a crazy pool, such as gold version Ronaldo, the chances are you will probably not be keeping that item in your club when the price is dropping. Instead, you're probably going to be selling that Ronaldo, undercutting the cheapest on the market so that you can get quick coins and those coins will be thrown back into packs to hopefully get Team Of The Season players. At this stage of FIFA, no one is bothered about gold players, even if they're highly rated. Everyone wants to get high-rated special cards, it's also worth noting that most players at this stage are not looking to buy players. This also has an effect on the market, why would you buy a rare gold Ronaldo when you know it is just going to go down in value, there is no point. So even though right at this current moment, the market is at an all-time low, it's going to get so much lower, especially when packs are starting to be open for Team Of The Season.
Now that we understand that the market is going to carry on going down, what can you do?
The first thing that you can do is sell any type of expensive player that you have within your club. As already mentioned, the market has dropped massively, but it is expected to drop even further. So if you have any players worth more than 100k, it's worth thinking about selling them now and buying them back a bit later for a cheaper price. Players have already started to do this with them listing their players last week, but just because the market has gone down, it doesn't mean that it's too late. It is gonna go down further, so you can do the same thing now and buy the players back again next week or even better midway through Team Of The Season or even better than that towards the end of the TOTS. When looking at previous ultimate teams, the price drop during the TOTS is normally the last real market crash of the game until a new ultimate team is released in September. So there is a good chance that Ronaldo will go down to that 200k mark.
The other thing that you can do is save your packs for TOTS events. Opening packs now will give you absolutely nothing. The gold rare players, the high-rated special cards are just dropping in price and new promos are just not worth it. You are so much better off saving any type of packs you get for the Team Of The Season, so you at least have a chance of getting something valuable. You're not guaranteed to get a TOTS player, but it's better to have a chance later on than get absolutely nothing which is a complete waste of coins now.
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