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Diablo 4 Season 4 Crafting, Tempering & Mastering Guide

5/29/2024 2:38:03 PM

In Diablo 4 Season 4, players are introduced to a host of new and enhanced crafting systems designed to elevate their gameplay experience. From rare D4 items that serve as stepping stones in the early stages, to powerful endgame enhancements like masterworking and tempering, understanding these mechanics is crucial for optimizing your character's potential. This D4 Season 4 crafting guide provides the best ways to craft rare items, aspects in the Codex of Power, item power 925 gear, greater affixes, tempering, and masterworking.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Crafting Guide

1. Rare Items

Rare items in Diablo 4 are now purely for progression, you're going to be getting these in the early world tiers 1 and 2 and you're going to very quickly outgrow them. They can only have two affixes whereas a legendary piece of gear can have three affixes. That means that a rare piece of gear will never be on the same par as legendary gear. If you were to add an aspect to this so imprinting it at the occultist, it will not gain a third affix. You can sell for 27,000 gold, there's a huge economy of gold. The entire purpose of them is that you don't need to pick them up anymore and you don't need to look at them anymore. If you have an inventory full of legendary gear, that means that every piece that is orange will be strictly better than any piece of rare gear. You can go ahead and leave them on the ground. If you want to pick them up, they have drastically increased how much you get from salvaging rare pieces of gear. They're an extra treat to make sure that you always have resources without having to worry about throwing away legendary pieces of gear which typically sell for more D4 gold or maybe more valuable for you.


2. Aspects in the Codex of Power

The codex of power actually functions in the game. Before you would run a couple of different dungeons, unlock some aspects and they would always be low-powered. You would out-level them and need to fill up your inventory with legendary pieces of gear. If you find an aspect that is Ultimate Shadow, it's a mid-roll on the aspect. If you go salvage this piece of gear, it will be added permanently to your codex of power and every single aspect now exists inside of that list. Going into your collections page and then your codex of power, you'll be able to see every single one of the aspects and what rank you. Aspects could drop within a range of 16 values and unlock the strongest version of it. You can reprint this permanently, you never lose out on it, and it's not going to go away.


3. Item Power 925 Gear

As you continue to level up you're going to get stronger and stronger versions of these, the aspects will also get stronger and you'll be able to get perfect rolled aspects once you walk into world tier 4. If you're killing a monster that is at least level 95, that means that every single piece of gear that you will drop will always be item power 925 which is the highest item power in the game. Once you hit level 95, anything that you kill can always drop an upgraded version of a piece of gear for you and it's worth your time to pick up every single legendary and unique.


4. Greater Affix

If you find a good legendary piece of gear and it has a cool star on it, the star is a greater affix. Whenever an item generates with a greater affix, it will come with 1, 2, or 3 greater affixes on a legendary piece of gear. If on a unique piece of gear, it can get up to 4 since they have 4 affixes normally. A greater affix says that it will always be the maximum role and it will be 50% stronger than the normal value would be. Unfortunately, you can't roll into a greater affix, instead have to generate the item. You have to find it as a piece of loot with the greater affixes on it. What that means is that there is a universe where you might find a piece of gear with 3 greater affixes that aren't particularly valuable to you now that's not a completely dead piece of gear. In Diablo 4, you can now actively trade items and a lot of people are looking for greater affix gear on a reliable store such as AOEAH.COM.


Diablo 4 Season 4 Tempering Guide

Tempering in Diablo 4 Season 4 is a new feature that allows players to enhance their ancestral legendary gear by adding additional stats, or affixes. This system is accessed through the blacksmith's tempering tab, where players can select a piece of gear and choose specific affixes based on the gear type. For example, weapons can receive weapon and offensive affixes, while armor can receive defensive and utility affixes. Each piece of gear can be tempered a limited number of times (up to five rerolls), and the affixes are chosen from a list of available options that align with the player's build. Players use materials and gold to perform these tempering actions, which can be gathered from various in-game activities such as Hell Tide events, Nightmare Dungeons, and Whisper Caches.

However, the tempering system has introduced a risk element known as "bricking." If players are unhappy with the initial temper roll, they can attempt to reroll up to five times, but they cannot retain previous rolls, making it possible to end up with undesirable affixes. Once the five attempts are exhausted, the gear piece can no longer be tempered, potentially rendering it less useful, or "bricked." This aspect of tempering has received mixed feedback, with some players appreciating the added depth and strategic choices it brings, while others find the potential for bricking items frustrating.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Masterworking Guide

Masterworking in Diablo 4 is an advanced endgame system designed to further enhance and empower gear, making it crucial for tackling the game's most challenging content. To initiate masterworking, players must first unlock the Pit of the Artificer by completing a tier 45 Nightmare Dungeon. This unlocks the ability to collect Rune Shards, which are required to access the Pit of the Artificer, where players face timed challenges involving killing monsters and defeating a final boss within 15 minutes. Completing these pits yields materials necessary for masterworking, such as Obusite, Inth, and Neath Iron, with higher-tier materials dropping from more challenging pit levels.

At the blacksmith, players can use these materials, along with gold, to masterwork their gear. Each masterworking step increases all affixes on the gear by 5%, but only when the increase reaches a full integer. Gear can be masterworked up to 12 times, with every fourth upgrade resulting in a "crit" that boosts a stat by 25% instead of 5%. This process significantly enhances the gear’s effectiveness, making it vital for high-level play. The system also includes the ability to transmute higher-tier materials into lower-tier ones at the Alchemist, facilitating continued gear enhancement. Masterworking is essential for optimizing gear and achieving peak performance in Diablo 4’s toughest challenges.

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