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Dragonflight Season 4 Best 3v3 Comps - WoW Dragonflight Season 4 3v3 Comp Tier List

4/11/2024 11:24:29 AM

With the announcement of WOW Dragonflight Season 4, what are the best 3v3 comps? Read our Dragonflight Season 4 3v3 tier list, we ranked the best 3v3 arena comps for every class so that you can push as high as possible.

Dragonflight Season 4 3v3 Comp Tier List - Best Classes & Specs For 3v3 Comps in S4

With each new season in World of Warcraft PvP comes changes to class balances, abilities, and the evolving metagame as top teams experiment with new compositions. First, we sorted out the best Dragonflight specs for 3v3 with the top of the meta. Then, let's move down to the A tiers where we have a bunch of comps that are really strong individually but have unfavorable matchups in many of the S tiers.  B tier comps which include some familiar faces. Next, let's dive into WoW Dragonflight Season 3 best class for 3v3 Comps.

S Tier

Havoc Demon Hunter + Balance Druid + Preservation Evoker

Demon Hunter is really good and DH Boomy has continued its reign as one of the best ladder comps in WOW Dragonflight Season 4. Right now Preservation Evoker is the healer of choice due to its amazing offensive support and healing output. Evokers are able to pump out the HPS needed to keep Boomkins aggressive. Allowing them to land cyclones while the DH Just Trucks everyone down. As an additional synergy inate pairs perfectly with stasis, Evokers tend to spend a lot of mana to ramp their burst heals with this cool down. But with Inate, they can basically save 20% of their mana bar. In any case, despite its nerfs after the AWC, DH Boomie is still a fantastic ladder comp and there is a reason why these two specs are everywhere on the leaderboards.

Havoc Demon Hunter +Elemental Shaman + Preservation Evoker

A slight variation of DH Boomie is just to swap out the Druid with an Elemental Shaman. This comp ditches the off-defensive control of Cyclone in favor of a more attrition-based play style. The main weakness of Elemental Shaman by itself is that it doesn't really have the ability to close out games alone. But the moment you toss a DH into the mix, suddenly you get a win condition thanks to metamorphosis. So with incredible consistent damage and with either the offensive support of an Evoker or the healing wall of a Resto Druid, this comp is definitely S tier on the WoW Dragonflight Season 4 3v3 comp tier list.

Outlaw Rogue + Balance Druid + Elemental Shaman

Outlaw Rogue is basically a substitute for Demon Hunter and can slot into the exact same comps. Both Outlaw, Boomy, and Elemental are great options sacrificing a bit of consistent damage for more overall control. Cdew's Outlaw Boomie came in second during the latest AWC. If it wasn't for bug DH damage, his team could have outright won the tournament with this comp. Outlaw also continues to be a staple in rmx which can be played with any Mage spec after recent buffs to Fire and Frost.  As far as healers are concerned, Holy Priests and Restoration Druids tend to work the best. In older times, Rogue Mage has lasted into another meta as a high-tier best WoW Dragonflight S4 3v3 comp. Consistent damage is so high across the board and this comp continues to excel at slowing the pace down. Using their control kits to avoid damage while finding small Windows to reverse pressure. If you play Mage, then an Outlaw Rogue is going to be your best bet. Subs is definitely a good option too but more on that later.

Feral Druid + Devastation Evoker + Mistweaver Monk

What comes as a complete surprise is how dominant a Feral Druid comp has been in Season 3. Feral Druid, Devastation Evoker, and Mistweaver have become an exceptionally strong setup. As a pseudo caster, Ferals can help bait out kicks, allowing their Evoker free reign to slam damage. If the Evoker is the one getting shut down, that gives the Feral more flexibility to land cyclones. Leading to a double threat of CC and damage. The damage threat offered by both DPS is what allows the Mistweaver to be left free since the enemy team is usually too busy just staying alive.

A Tier

Retribution Paladin + Arms Warrior + Mistweaver Monk

First up on the A tier is one of the most pervasive comps on the North American Ladder, Ret Warrior. Just tune into any Twitch Stream playing 3v3 and there's a 50% chance you will see this comp on the enemy team. The healer of choice is Mistweaver Monk. Normally Mistweaver suffers from tanking CC chains and being vulnerable to swaps due to the nature of their healing kits. But with the defensive support of a Retribution Paladin and Arms Warrior, Monks have way more uptime thanks to mechanics like Blessing of Sanctuary and Berserker Shout. This allows them to keep up with damage and heal steamrolling any caster in the process. This comp is a great option for many other high tiers.

Assassination Rogue + Destruction Warlock + Holy Paladin

This is a newly developing comp that has done really well in EU. Assassination Rogues can pair up with either a Destruction or Affliction Warlock for two different flavors of RLP. Affliction Warlocks encourage a play style revolving around AOE damage with the Assassinaton Rogue dotting all three targets. Destro on the other hand plays more off the strength of setups where Kings Bane becomes the primary win condition for the Assassination Rogue. Holy Paladin is the most common healer for this comp at the highest ratings but it could likely work just as well with other classes. In either case, Rogue Warlock seems to do exceptionally well into other caster melee comps and could catch many players off guard due to its low popularity.

Destruction Warlock + Havoc Demon Hunter + Restoration Shaman

If you are a Destro Warlock who hates Rogues for some reason, then Destro DH is still a great choice. This was the comp to win the Season 3 AWC only to be hit with a few key nerfs immediately after because apparently, DH damage was a bit bugged. Both Destro and DH are still doing exceptionally great damage. The key here is to play with an aggressive healer like Resto Shaman or Preservation Evoker to overwhelm opponents. We're playing in a meadow where the goal is to just spam damage and press W, so pairing with offensive healers seems to be the play.

Unholy Death Knight + Havoc Demon Bunter +Restoration Shaman

We have yet another Demon Hunter comp but this time putting Unholy Death Knight on the board with DK DH. Although Unholy DKs have fallen in strength multiple times this expansion, this classic melee cleave combo does a great job at harassing enemy casters. The DH will do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to damage with the DK, assisting with disruption when needed doing crazy early game pressure with 3-minute cooldowns and then doing 1-minute setups with stun strangulate combos.

Survival Hunter + Marksmanship Hunter + Feral Druid

This is the best overall option for Survival and Marksmanship Hunters. Despite its historical significance as a top tier comp, jungle is much harder these days. The feral Druid play style revolves around Landing Cyclones and without a Devastation Evoker around to soak kicks, Ferals become a more vulnerable target. In any case, this comp is built around its familiar wind condition combining CC chains with high consistent damage to win the war of attrition.

Subtlety Rogue + Fire Mage + Holy Priest

Another familiar comp that has fallen off these days is Sub RMP. With the buff to health pools, nerfs to CC and every healer getting a 90c PVP trinket. The value of setups has gone down significantly. In any case, playing with a Fire or Frost Mage is probably your best bet especially considering both specs were recently buffed. This comp can have a fighting chance against some of the high tiers. With Demon Hunters and Devastation Evokers being notoriously great targets for RMP. 

Windwalker Monk + Subtlety Rogue + Holy Priest

This is a Windwalker comp that also uses a Sub Rogue. This comp plays off the strengths of both specs having explosive setups that combine high burst damage with insane control. The appeal of playing with a Sub Rogue and Holy Priest is that it gives the Monk the lockdown needed to get full value out of Serenity. This comp will have 321cc setups to ensure the monk can absolutely obliterate health bars, all while having plenty of defensive cooldowns to extend the game to fish for more setup. 

B Tier

Enhancement Shaman + Arms Warrior + Mistweaver Monk

The first B tier comp on this WoW Dragonflight Season 4 3v3 ranking is turbo cleave, played with a Mistweaver Monk. You can think of turbo cleave as a budget version of Ret Warrior where the entire goal of both DPS is to allow their Mistweaver to punch. Blessing of Sanctuary is swapped out for Tremor Totem which will be better in some matchups but is overall worse since stun removal is so strong in a high damage meta. In any case, if you play Enhancement Shaman, turbo is by far your best bet and it's been for the past 10 years.

Shadow Priest + Destruction Warlock + Holy Paladin

For any Shadow Priests out there, you have two classic comp options. The first is Shadow play with a Destro Warlock. As far as your healer is concerned, Holy Paladin is a great choice. Shadow Priests benefit from having strong external cooldowns coming from their healer which is why Paladin can provide excellent coverage. Offensively, Paladin opens up the ability to do actual setups with your team. But if you prefer a more dampening based play style, then a Resto Druid will also do the trick. 

Shadow Priest + Outlaw Rogue + Restoration Shaman

Alternatively, RPS is another strong option. This comp can be great in the hands of three great players. In order to succeed as RPS, you really need to manage Tempo snowballing pressure with CC chains in order to constantly stay ahead. But Shadow Priests can easily get bullied by melee cleaves. Having to deal with multiple melee kicks can be frustrating and makes it way harder to gain momentum. In any case, if you're looking to play comp with a high-skill floor in the current meta, then RPS is a great choice for you/

Demonology Warlock + Frost Mage + Elemental Shaman

Demo Warlock has the same staple comp in the late season. Demo MLD and LSD are likely your best options overall. Though we should warn you that both of these comps are prone to having very long games, as a Demo Warlock is hard to finish games quickly since you don't really have any high impact CDs. To be clear, Tyrant is not high impact. Instead, your win condition when playing either of these comps is to draw games out and gradually win and dampening, This is a stoic path to victory, so be prepared for some very long 3v3 sessions.

Beast Mastery Hunter + Retribution Paladin + Preservation Evoker

We have two BM Hunter comps, playing with a Retribution Paladin or Unholy DK is likely your best bet. Ideally throwing in an offensive healer into the mix. Both of these comps play into the standard Hunter win condition, consistently landing traps and extending CC chains whenever possible, all while doing high persistent pressure. The main difference between both comps is the damage profiles. Retribution has a much stronger damage spike during wings, while DK relies more on mini bursts every 45 seconds. 

Augmentation Evoker + Feral Druid + Mistweaver Monk

The last spec we will cover on the B tier is Augmentation Evoker whose best comp is the same as Devastation. Once again playing with the Feral Druid and Mistweaver Monk is your best bet. This was a very common setup during the peak of Augmentation in Season 2 and is still quite competitive in the arena despite Augmentation getting numerous nerfs. The appeal of playing with a Feral Druid is that at least one person is guaranteed to be left free. If the Evoker gets trained, it means the Feral can land more clones and if the Feral gets trained, it means the Evoker can have much higher uptime. Both DPS can also support their Mistweaver whose damage and healing will also be buffed by Ebon Might.

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