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Dragonflight Lunar Festival 2024: Quests, Elders Locations, Currency, Rewards & Tips

2/5/2024 10:54:38 AM

Lunar Festival is a holiday event in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. In our WoW Dragonflight Lunar Festival 2024 guide, we will go through all the different things you can do in order to make some gold, XP and we will also show you the new rewards.


Dragonflight Lunar Festival 2024 Guide: Quests, Elders Locations, Currency, Rewards & Tips

The Lunar Festival is a festive event in World of Warcraft that celebrates the Chinese New Year, a real-world holiday. This event starts on January 25th and will last for the next two weeks. The first thing that is important to note is the fact that to buy all the different cosmetic items and all the different rewards for this event, you will need to come to Moonglade in Kalimdor. The vendors will be located on this wooden platform. Without further ado, let's check all the rewards and ways to get them during the WoW Lunar Festival event 2024!


Dragonflight Lunar Festival Quests 2024

  • The Lunar Festival - This introductory quest kicks off the celebration. You can learn more about the event by meeting with the Lunar Festival Harbinger.

  • Lunar Fireworks - In this quest you are asked to buy some Lunar Fireworks and Cluster Fireworks to launch and complete the quest.

  • Once you've launched the fireworks, you'll receive your Lunar Festival Invitation to travel to Moonglade and speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven. With your invitation in hand, you'll be able to travel quickly to Moonglade by standing within Greater Moonlight throughout the holiday.

  • There is also a seasonal boss quest:

  • Elune's Blessing - Complete this quest by defeating the seasonal boss Omen, who stirs from his slumber in Lake Elune'ara each year during the festival.

Dragonflight Lunar Festival Currency 2024

In order to get some of these new rewards, you will need to get some of the Coin of Ancestry. This is the currency that is linked to this holiday event. The way you can get some of these different coins is simple. All you want to do is go in any expansion and go around the different areas. You will be able to find some elders and when you talk to them, they will give you one coin.  You will also have some quests that will reward you with some of these different coins.


Dragonflight Lunar Festival Elder Locations

To simply download Addon "endnotes" for Dragonflight WoW Lunar Festival, you'll have all the different currency coins appearing on your mats. You can go around the map, fly around, and get all the different coins. One important thing to keep in mind is some coins will be only for Alliance or Horde players. Red is for the Alliance player, green is for the Horde.

Dragonflight Lunar Festival Rewards 2024

When it comes to the new items for WoW Dragonflight Lunar New Year event 2024 we only have one and this is the dragonriding manuscript. It will be for your winding sleeve drake and it's the lunar festival armor. You will be able to buy it directly from Fariel Starsong and Lilturalyon for 50,000 gold. This is something that doesn't require you to do any of the activities link to the event.

Dragonflight Lunar Festival Event Tips 2024

Make XP

When you do the quest and you talk to the different Elders, each time you will also receive quite a lot of XP if you're playing on a character that is not level 70. You will be able to get a lot of XP just by completing this different quest and by farming all these different coins. With patch 10.2.5 it's even easier because you can now use your dragonriding mount in all these different areas. If you are trying to level up some alts and at the same time, you want to get some of these rewards from the Lunar Festival in WoW Dragonflight. We would highly encourage you to use your dragonriding mount and to go around and try to get as many as possible. Since the Dark Moon fair starts, you will be able to also get a 10% bonus XP. If you turn on war mode, you will also get some additional XP.


Make Gold

You will be able to buy a lot of items but most of them will be bind when picked up, so you cannot do any WoW gold with them. Then you will also have a few pets but we would not recommend spending your coins on these different pets because they sell for a very cheap price. It's not a good gold-making opportunity and if you want these types of items, you can directly buy them from the auction house. It's probably better to do that than spending 50 of these coins for one pet. The main thing you want to do to make some gold during this event is link to the different professions. In particular after the pattern for the festival dress and the festival suit. These two items are cosmetic items and you will be able to craft them with tailoring from Classic WoW. Both of them can really be sold for a lot of gold!


Check for Formal Dangui

While in Moonglade, one thing we would recommend you to do is go inside Nighthaven building, talk to Geenia Sunshadow and she will sometimes sell expensive cosmetic items that you can sell for a lot of gold on the auction house. The most expensive one is the Formal Dangui. It's very rare to find it but when you do, you will be able to sell it for lot of gold.

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