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League of Legends 13.20 Tier List - Best Top, Mid Lane, Jungle, ADC & Support For LoL 13.20

10/9/2023 6:03:25 PM

League of Legends has an absolutely massive patch on our hands with a plethora of changes to the Jungle along with adjustments to reduce the power of snowball mechanics in the game. Check our LoL 13.20 champion tier list, we'll rank the best top lane,  mid lane, jungle, ADC, and Support!


League of Legends 13.20 Best Champions - LoL 13.20 Tier List & Rankings

A bunch of champion changes are on the way as well with nerfs to Kai'Sa and Zed while Jinx and Milo will receive buffs. Thanks to YouTuber @skillcapped for analyzing the most recent data, we are set to bring you the LoL 13.20 top, mid, jungle, ADC, and support tier list for solo queue. Top lane staples Malphite, Garen, and Illaoi maintain their dominance while Nasus enters the fray. And with less kill pressure bottom, ADCs like Vayne and Kog'Maw that thrive in longer games move up a tier. Now, let's check the League of Legends 13.20 best champion for all roles!


LOL 13.20 Top Lane Tier List

Op Tier

At the complete League of Legends 13.20 Top Lane tier list, we have Malphite, Garen, and Illaoi in the op tier. Why are we moving Garen up for this patch? Well, Quinn is nerfed, so her dropping out of the op tier, opens up a spot. Garen is the best LoL patch 13.20 Lane Champion who's actually benefiting from the 13.20 rune changes due to him being able to run phase rush. With a vast majority of Top Lane fighters relying on conqueror or lethal tempo and both of those runes being nerfed Garen will become indirectly stronger. Malphite and Illaoi have been great carries in recent patches and only become stronger in 13.20 as well. Both champions run grasp which means all the fighters around them that go conqueror or lethal tempo become weaker giving them a small boost and strength. We do expect some early game-reliant picks like Olaf, Darius, Warwick, and Renekton to lose some power this patch.


S Tier

A Top Lane Champion that should really benefit from the reduction of rune damage and the increased health on starting items is Nasus. It won't be easy to bully Nasus out of Lane now which in turn allows him to scale easier and reach mid to late game more consistently. We'll be moving Nasus up into the Top Lane s tier as a result of our LoL 13.20 tier list top.  


A few of the best LOL 13.20 Top Lane bans of the patch are Illaoi, Aatrox, and Malphite. You really can't go wrong with Malphite, Nasus, or Garen if you want to climb out of low ELO the fastest.


LOL 13.20 Jungle Tier List

OP Tier

The 13.20 LoL tier list jungle is going to be Briar taking home the only op tier slot. Briar is Just A Cut Above everyone else right now especially with the champion being new. She should only trend more positively for 13.20. With your jungle clear becoming a bit slower the second time around, we'll have to see how this affects farming jungle, it will take you a bit longer to hit level six now which can be detrimental to Champions who are ult reliant.


S Tier

Watch out for lower econ tank junglers with gold from rift being lowered, turret plating gold dropping and the jungle pet damage armor and magic resist scaling being increased, the tank should be on the come up. Lulu has been very close to an S tier slot in previous patches so we're going to be giving him the bump up for 13.20. Zac and Rammus are two other tanks that have been quite good in recent patches should should be really great picks moving forward.


A Tier

There's just one jungler with direct changes for 13.20 and being hit with a bunch of Nerfs is Bel'Veth. Passive bonus attack speed after spellcast is going from 25 scaling to 15% and scaling linear by level to 20 scaling to 40% and scaling using stat progression multiplier. E damage reduction drops significantly at the earlier ranks going from 70% at all ranks to 42 scaling to 70%. E damage can now crit but the base damage is dropping from 8 scaling to 16 to 6 scaling to 10. E AD ratio is up from 6% to 8% on hit damage is up as well from 6% to 8%. Our true form out-of-combat movement speed is being lowered from 25 scaling to 75 to 10 scaling to 80. Remora health drops from 20 scaling to 60% to 20 scaling to 70%, so overall less Skirmish power coming out of Bel'Veth. Offensive builds do become a bit more attractive now but it's likely Bruiser setups still remain the most optimal. We'll be adjusting Bel'Veth on the League of Legends 13.20 jungle tier list moving her from S into A tier.


One champion we do expect to become quite a bit weaker and moving down the LoL 13.20 Jungle ranking is Hecarim. Nerfs to bust blade, nerfs to water walking, nerfs to gust walker and nerfs to conquer are all negatives for the champion. He'll be dropping into A tier.


A few of the best jungle bans for 13.20 include Briar Evelynn and Nocturne. Amumu, Rammus, and Nocturne are three Champs who Excel quite a bit more in the lower ranks and are great to help you get out of low ELO.


LOL 13.20 Mid Lane Tier List

Op Tier

We'll be making a few adjustments to the LoL tier list mid-lane for 13.20 as the op tier is going to consist of two Champions Vex and Kassadin. Since the changes to Doran's starting items will have an impact on the meta, Kassadin should be loving this patch as more early-game durability means an easier time farming up and reaching that godly mid to late game. With Zed nerfed, it's an indirect win for Kassadin so lots of changes going in Kassadin's favor for 13.20.


S Tier

Someone like Aurelion Sol should benefit a ton from this patch as well. Less snowball mechanics means it's more likely you're going to consistently hit that late game. We all know how disgusting Aurelion is when he reaches a few items.


A Tier & B Tier

A few other notables that have really strong midgame spikes but are weaker early on that will benefit from this patch include Corki, Azir, Ryze, Veigar, and Viktor. On the flip side, a champion who is more reliant on snowballing and getting those early solo kills like Talon will be on the decline. 


High up on the ban list for mid lane in 13.20 are Kassadin, Naafiri, and Vex. A couple of great low ELO picks to add to your Arsenal are Malzahar, Aurelion Sol, and Annie. 

LOL 13.20 ADC Tier List

Op Tier

13.20 is going to be a pretty big patch for the ADC meta as we're making multiple adjustments. In the op tier on the League of Legends 13.20 tier list ADC joins Ashe, Ziggs, and Vayne. For Vayne, she will be loving the less snowbally nature of the game. Vayne has been super close to moving into op tier in recent patches so we think that with all the anti-snowball changes, it will be enough to give her that extra power needed for an OP tier spot. Although this change won't impact you in all games. The fact that Baron's health is being increased is indirectly less of a blow for Vayne than many other ADCs. Due to the fact she has percent health true damage from W.


S Tier

A pretty sleeper ADC as a result of the adjustments for 13.20 will be Kog’maw for a lot of the same reasons why Vayne becomes stronger. 


B Tier

We expect Draven to take the biggest nose dive of all ADCs as he's more early game reliant than most and the changes are not great for him in that regard. Samira is likely a loser from this patch as well and early kills will be less frequent to come by and the duskblade nerfs will negatively influence her.


Topping the ban list for ADC in 13.20 will be Kai'Sa, Vayne, and Ezreal. A few ADCs well worth picking up for the lower ranks include Sivir, Miss Fortune, and Ashe. 


LOL 13.20 Support Tier List

OP Tier

The complete League of Legends 13.20 support tier list as the three Champions taking home op tier spots will be Zyra, Blitzcrank, and Senna. With 13.20 being the anti- snowball patch, we're really high on Senna for support as she scales incredibly well. This patch should be great for her as a result. It's hard to say if we'll see a drastic meta shift due to the changes but what we can say is that enchanter and mage supports will be on the rise while CC engage supports become a bit weaker. More health on starting items means that those early level two kills on supports like Rakan, Nautilus, and Blitz will be a bit harder to come by.


S Tier

Soraka, Janna, and Sona are three enchanter supports that should lead the way for 13.20 and are all placed in our support S tier.


A few of the best support bans of the patch are Senna, Blitzcrank, and Rakan. To dominate low ELO from the support role, we have Heimerdinger, Zyra, and Blitzcrank rated quite highly.

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