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LoL 13.19 Tier List - Best Champions For All Roles In League of Legends Patch 13.19

9/25/2023 8:39:10 PM

League of Legends is an ever-evolving game, and with each new patch, the balance of power shifts, making it crucial for players to stay updated on the current meta. In this LoL patch 13.19 tier list, we'll rank the best top lane, jungle, mid lane, ADC, and support to main!

LoL 13.19 Tier List - Best Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, ADC & Support To Main In League of Legends

In League of Legends, the new patch will almost always include buffs and nerfs that directly impact champion strength. Our League of Legends 13.19 tier list helps reflect which champions are better/worse off due to balance changes. Nerfs/buffs can cause the meta (most effective tactics available) to shift in terms of popular champion picks and team compositions. Our LoL 13.19 champs tier list shows which champions rise or fall in the new meta. Now, let's break down LoL 13.19 best champions for all roles!

LoL 13.19 Top Lane Tier List

S Tier:

  • Ornn - One of the best tanks. Strong laner with his brittle passive and high base damage. Excellent teamfighter and engager with CC. Gets free upgrades for teammates.

  • Camille - High mobility and outplay potential with her Hookshot. Charged Q gives true damage for great all-in. Good at all stages thanks to her versatile kit. Can flex to jungle.

  • Fiora - A menace in sidelanes with her parry and vital procs. Very strong duelist who is nearly unbeatable with ult. Must be respected in sidelanes at all points of the game.

A Tier:

  • Darius - dominant lane bully early but kited more easily as elo increases. Wants short trades with bleed stacks. Falls off heavily if not snowballing.

  • Gangplank - Scales very well with gold income from passive and sheen procs. Strong teamfighter but ult reliant. Hard to use effectively.

  • Olaf - Powerful lane bully and duelist. Can ignore CC with R. Prefers short trades and all-ins. Falls off heavily late.

  • Kennen - Good teamfight control mage. AOE stun ult ideal for setting up picks. Vulnerable to all-ins in lane.

B Tier:

  • Garen - Simple but effective lane bully. Wants short trades and all-ins before utilizing passive movement speed. Lacks teamfight utility.

  • Malphite - Strong laner and initiator with armor stack and point-and-click ult. Lacks damage outside of ultimate.

  • Singed - Unique proxy playstyle of avoiding fights. Wants to splitpush and be distracting Sidelane king.

  • Teemo - Lane bully who relies on blinding attacks to kite in fights. Squishy without mobility if engaged on.

LoL 13.19 Jungle Tier List

S Tier:

  • Wukong - Versatile AD assassin/bruiser. Great ganks, teamfights and scaling. Flexible build paths. Clone gives outplay potential.

  • Xin Zhao - Very strong early duelist and ganks. Wants to snowball lanes and close out early. Falls off heavily late.

  • Kayn - Extremely versatile pick. Can flex damage or tank role. Wants to farm form and flank in teamfights.

A Tier:

  • Volibear - Strong early duelist. Wants to gank lanes and utilize passive movement speed. Prefers short trades. Falls off heavily late.

  • Pantheon - Very powerful early ganks but falls off heavily. Wants to snowball lanes. Limited scaling.

  • Vi - Excellent ganks and pick potential. Farm dependent scaler who wants AD items. Vulnerable if behind.

  • Kha'Zix - Scales extremely well with isolation damage. Wants to flank, sneak dragons and evolving abilities.

B Tier:

  • Trundle - Strong duelist and objective taker. Prefers short trades, splitting and drain tanking.

  • Jarvan IV - Good utility, ganks and engages. Needs follow up damage. Fallsoff heavily late.

  • Nocturne - Power spike with ult flare. Wants to farm form for ganks and flanks in teamfights.

  • Warwick - Strong duelist and sustain. Wants to track low enemies, splitpush or tank.

LoL 13.19 Mid Lane Tier List

S Tier:

  • Ahri - Safe laner with roaming, pick potential and outplay ability. Versatile build paths. Scales decently.

  • Zoe - Poke lane bully who scales extremely well. Wants to utilize summoners and ward setups. Vulnerable to dive.

  • Viktor - Very strong scaling control mage. Safe laser poke in lane that becomes huge damage threat late.

A Tier:

  • Orianna - Control mage who excels in teamfights. Vulnerable laner without ball. Needs allies to follow up.

  • Syndra - Pick potential with stun combo. Strong laner and scaler but immobile. Has to play around cooldowns.

  • Twisted Fate - Global pressure and roaming. Needs cards for damage. Vulnerable if behind.

  • Kassadin - Very weak early but counters magic damage with R. Needs farm for scaling and flank flanks.

B Tier:

  • Veigar - Strong nuke potential and scalings late. Needs farm for stacks. Vulnerable laner early.

  • Ziggs - Safe poke with Q and waveclear. Prefers sieging lanes and zoning backline threats. Low DPS.

  • Malzahar - Strong pick and zone control with voidlings and suppression. Immobile if dived or flanked.

  • Annie - Strong lane, pick and teamfighting potential with AOE stun. Needs to play around cooldowns.

LoL 13.19 ADC Tier List

S Tier:

  • Miss Fortune - Very strong lane bully and poke. Her AOE Ult is highly defining in teamfights. Flexible build paths.

  • Jinx - Hypercarry that scales very well and provides utility/ engage in fights with flame chompers and Zap. Must be protected.

  • Tristana - Strong lane bully, objective secure and kiting ability later. Safe and flexible pick. Needs protection from divers.

A Tier:

  • Ezreal - Safe laner with self peel from E and strong scaling. Consistent damage dealer who wants to flank in fights.

  • Lucian - Early lane bully who wants to snowball. Falls off late but remains mobile threat. Flexible builds.

  • Caitlyn - Poke bully with traps and seige potential from range. Vulnerable to all-ins. Needs position to attack freely.

  • Ashe - Strong utility kit for kiting and engage. Needs protection after arrow. Damage takes time to ramp up.

B Tier:

  • Samira - Close range teamfighting threat. Needs setup to all-in. Risky without kill pressure in lane.

  • Draven - Snowball lane bully. Skilled but risky. Needs to leverage gold lead or loses powerspikes quickly.

  • Kai'Sa - Evolving builds makes her flexible. Needs items for high DPS late. Weak laner without jungler aid.

  • Jhin - Strong scaling along with pick and cc potential from slows. Needs follow up or risks dying too quickly.

LoL 13.19 Support Tier List

S Tier:

  • Lulu - Very powerful protection and zoning with Q, R and ult. Flexible playstyle for any carry. Safe for reliability.

  • Yuumi - Strong scaling for teamfights as untargetable enchanter. Needs carry to utilize safely. Reliant on team coordination.

  • Renata Glasc - Excellent all-in engage and counter-engage potential. Strong laning for 2v2 potential. Flexible builds.

A Tier:

  • Zilean - Scaling and utility pick to protect hypercarries. Safe laner but lack of dmg/engage early.

  • Blitzcrank - Excellent pick and engage potential. Snowball reliant, dangerous if behind. Reliant on hooks landing.

  • Nautilus - Reusable hard CC engage and peel in one kit with HP builds. Powerful roams post-6.

  • Nami - Strong laning, peel and teamfighting support. Needs follow up on CC. Vulnerable if cc'd.

B Tier:

  • Sona - Strong scaling enchanter for fights. Powerful if left alone but bursted quickly.

  • Lux - Catch potential and damage for playmaking. Needs position and hits for full potential.

  • Janna - Excellent disengage and peeling. Team reliant on protection, not main engage.

  • Brand - Pick playmaker with DOT damage. Needs to land full combos for impact, vulnerable alone.

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