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LoL 13.19 Best Build - Top 10 Best Builds & Combos In League Of Legends 13.19

9/21/2023 5:03:48 PM

Welcome, Summoners, to a game-changing update for League of Legends Season 13! With Patch 13.19 coming, League of Legends will have a seismic shift. In our League of Legends 13.19 build guide, we have 10 new builds and combos that are extremely powerful for Season 13. 


Top 10 Best LoL 13.19 Best Build - League Of Legends 13.19 Build Guide

In this patch, the League of Legends landscape has seen significant changes, offering fresh opportunities for innovative strategies and champion synergies. We've meticulously crafted these best LoL season 13 builds and combos to help you stay ahead of the curve, adapt to the shifting metagame, and secure those coveted victories So, prepare to unlock the full potential of your champions and rise through the ranks like never before. Now, let's break down LoL 13.19 best LoL top lane, mid lane, juggle, ADC and support build!

1. LoL 13.19 Best Top Lane Build - Jayce

Eclipse and Duskblade had been by far the most optimal mythics for Jayce prior to the last patch. But with all the item changes, there's a new Bruiser build on the rise. Goredrinker is back in a really great Rush item. The second item does not change as you want to be picking up that Manamune. The third item is unique once again though as you'll be sliding in Spear of Shojin. The gore and spear item combo is just way too OP to pass up on right now if your Champion is able to abuse it. Jayce being a champ who benefits a ton from ability haste is great with Shojin while all the added health lets you play more like a Bruiser. Since this build is more durable and allows you to stick into fights for longer, running Conqueror for the keystone in place of phase rush is a great idea.  The complete rune page is Conqueror with Presence of Mind, Alacrity and Last Stand followed by magical footwear and biscuits for secondaries. 


2. LoL 13.19 Best Top Lane Build - Quinn

A build that has been flying under the radar in recent patches that gets even stronger here in 13.19 is Stormrazor Quinn. Static shiv has been the more popular rush on Quinn in recent patches but with shiv nerfed and Stormrazor buffed, priority on the storm will rise. You've got more upfront burst damage when rushing Stormrazor which helps Quinn capitalize on those roams plays. If you build Gale for a second, the burst power and outplay potential become even greater and provide Quinn with a very nice two-item Spike. With the likes of Renekton, Aatrox, and Darius being heavily played in the current meta, it gives Quinn a ton of power right now and she's definitely being slept on in general. if you're in search of a really strong League of Legends best 13.19 top lane builds, then look no further than Quinn. 


3. LoL 13.19 Best Jungle Build - Skarner

A brand new build that has been popping off over the past match consists of rushing Spear of Shojin on Skarner. The build is being played by a ton of high elos Garner players and it's winning way more than every other rush option. The haste is amazing for Skarner and really amplifies his Skirmish power while the fact the health and Spirit of Shojin was just increased synergize is extremely well with Skarner 2. Skarner's W scales off his max health so now that Shojin offers a whopping 500 health, it's become a much more efficient item for the champ. You also want to be grabbing lucidity boots to provide yourself with even more early ability haste. Now Spear of Shojin is actually the only offensive item you run with this core built as you transition into Jak’Sho second after Jak’Sho its gargoyle stone plate to provide some really great team fight durability. Skarner has been automatic for quite some time now. But with this build, he's actually in a pretty underrated spot. There are two viable rune pages going around on Skarner right now. Conquer is the most popular page and you really can't go wrong with it. Phase Rush is quite strong as well though and is going to work best in the comps that have more mobility where that added movement speed helps you stick on them better. 


4. LoL 13.19 Best Jungle Build - Taliyah

A build that many Pros have been liking in recent patches that not a lot of solo Q players have been picking up on is Crown of the Shattered Queen Taliyah. Taliyah is a champion who has really great extended fight power due to the low cooldown on her Q. But that doesn't matter if you're one shot at the start of a fight by building Crown into more melee heavy comps with hard engage, you're able to stay alive way more consistently. As long as you don't die right away, you can throw down E and use the slow to kite around. If you're playing into a heavier range comp, the value from Crown is definitely not as high due to the enemies more easily being able to proc crowns passively. It's a situationally very strong item on Taliya though and should definitely be picked up in games where the enemy lacks any poke. The complete threatum core is a crown rush into Shadowflame's second and Zhonya's third. Run the first strike for the Keystone Rune with magical footwear futures market and cosmic insight eyeball collection and treasure hunter are the best secondaries.


5. LoL 13.19 Best Mid Lane Build - Taliyah

Talon is primarily played with Assassin builds but there's a Bruiser setup that has made a comeback for 13.19. Due to the recent Goredrinker buffs, it's actually Talon's highest win rate Mythic item right now. Sure the damage is slightly lower than traditional ghost blade rush but the Skirmish power and durability are significantly higher. You're going to rush the Goredrinker, go into Prowler's Claw second, and then pick up Black Clever third. If you're playing into comps that are a bit tankier and will be difficult to one-shot in a standard spell rotation, opting for Goredrinker is going to work great. Don't get a twisted lethality town is still amazing into heavy squishy comps, but this Bruiser build being viable just opens things up for Talon to be way more versatile. When playing this Goredrinker build, don't take electrocute as the Keystone Rune. Instead, you should be running conqueror. Conqueror is going to synergize very nicely because with Goredrinker, you'll be sticking into fights longer which in turn gives you more time to stack conquer. 


6. LoL 13.19 Best Mid Lane Build - Yasuo

This build was very popular earlier then it fell out of meta but it's back for 13.19. Stormrazor Yasuo is going to be really good in this patch with the item being buff. Over the past few patches, storm has been performing pretty identical stat-wise to the more popular Kraken Slayer. So Stormrazor should now overtake it on the analytical front moving forward. Watch out for the more upfront bursty core of Stormrazor in the gale force, the most popular LoL patch 13.19 Yasuo build right now has him running Kraken into Infinity Edge which is more centered around the extended fight power. Stormrazor with Gale Force provides a more snowball style play as you can find picks much easier and easily outplay skill-shot reliant Champions. If you're playing into a comp primarily consisting of squishy Champions, this storm with gale force core can work amazingly. Vice versa if you're going against a beefier front line, then siding with Kraken and infinity edge will still be viable too. The rune page you'll want to run is Lethal Tempo with Triumph Alacrity and Last Stand. Grab second wind and unflinching for secondaries. 


7. LoL 13.19 Best ADC Build - Ezreal

Pro player has been cooking up a new build for Ezreal recently and it consists of running Spear of Shojin as a core item. We're not seeing this a ton in the solo queue right now but with the small sample size, there is Spirit of Shojin is actually performing exceptionally well. Holding the highest win rate for any third item. Spear is losing 5 ADC in this patch but even then the item will remain a great situational pickup. All the ability haste is without question the main draw to the item for Ezreal as it's a stat the champion absolutely loves. The 500 health is what's going to make it a very powerful pickup though in select spots. In games where you're playing into very heavy dives and want a bit more survivability, this is where the spear comes in. Not only will you have incredible kiting potential due to all the haste and your E being on a really short cooldown, but the health will help you survive that initial burst, so you actually have the opportunity to use that cutting strength. The complete three item core to try is a Trinity Force Rush, man immune second, and Spear of Shojin third.  Rune page has pressed the attack with Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Grace. Pick up magical footwear and biscuits for secondaries. 


8. LoL 13.19 Best ADC Build - Lethality Caitlyn

We cover the rise of Lethality Caitlyn a few patches back but there's a new adaptation to the setup that many players are sleeping on. Since a good chunk of power from Lethality Caitlyn comes from the fact her ultimate can half health squishies, running Axiom Arc as a core pickup is very valuable. after all Lethality Caitlyn is best played into very squishy team comps anyway. So the armor pen from the more popular third item Lord Dominik's is not super useful. Rank 2 Caitlyn R when you are level 11 has a base cooldown of 75 seconds. This drops to only a 54-second cooldown when you have your three-item core of Ghostblade, the Collector, and Axiom Arc. Now it gets even shorter than 54 seconds if you actually kill a target due to the Axiom Arc passive. So you'll end up being able to spam out Caitlyn R for poke very consistently in the mid-game. When playing this build, just using Caitlyn R in the enemy ADC when they try to acquire mid-priority before a big dragon fight can single-handedly win your team the fight. Be sure to run the correct rune page when playing this most overpowered LoL build 13.19 as it's not Lethal Tempo or Fleet Footwork. First strike is the best Keystone Rune as it's going to allow you to collect a ton of gold throughout the game when you use your ultimate and works great with this more Pokey style of Caitlyn. 


9. LoL 13.19 Best Support Build - Pyke

Everfrost Pyke is being played in the Korean solo queue and is performing extremely well. Although this build may seem super troll we're never going to promote a setup unless there's something to back up the claim. Whether it be a pro player using the build or compelling analytics, there's always a reason behind each setup we feature. In this case, the two-item core of Everfrost into Umbral Glaive is actually winning more than the most popular Umbral into Dusk Blade. Why does Everfrost Pyke actually work? Well, it all comes down to the active synergizing, amazing with Pyke, and allowing him to easily line up hook plays. Instead of leading with Q like you would normally do to find a catch play, you're going to lead with Everfrost. If the root hits, you're literally guaranteed to hit Q. If it's just the slow that lands from Everfrost, it's not the end of the world as it just makes the ability for you to land Q a bit easier now. It's also a very unique rune page that goes along with this build. Instead of running Hail of Blade, you need to be taking glacial augment. The lockdown power from Everfrost and Glacial is absolutely incredible and you're playing for a much more utility-based Pyke with this setup. 


10. LoL 13.19 Best Support Build - Rell

With Evenshroud nerfed in 13.17, we're seeing a bunch of melee support shift focus over to radiant virtue, and one Champion is really great with it is Rell. The play rate of virtue unreal literally doubled due to Evenshroud being nerfed but it's still nowhere near overtaking Evenshroud's overall play rate. So much or else power comes from her incredible team fight presence and by running radiant virtue, it just makes it that much better. The only reason you would ever build even shroud over radiant virtue was due to the damage amp it provides. But now that has been nerfed pretty hard, there's no compelling reason to run Evenshroud. The complete three item core is a Radiant Virtue, Knight’s Vow second, and Zeke's third. Aftershock is the Keystone Rune with Shield Bash, Bone Plating, and Unflinching. Pick up Hexflash and Cosmic Insight for secondaries.


Above are the 10 best League of Legends builds for patch 13.19. If you're looking for the best store to buy cheap Game Gift Cards, welcome to browse AOEAH.COM! 

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