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Madden 24 Season 1 CFM Regs 21/32: Defensive Rules, Position Changes, Trading Rules, General Rules

9/18/2023 11:36:18 AM

It is the first season, still pre-season week 1. We are looking for serious users who will take care of their team. Please look over the rules and create a coach upon joining the league in Madden 24. 48-hour sim advance (We all have lives this will be extended if needed) It's a competitive but non-elective league, if you can take an L on your chin and have some fun join!


Madden 24 Season 1 CFM Regs 21/32 Pre Season

Teams open: Bills, Broncos, Browns, Buccaneers, Cardinals, Colts, Packers, Raiders, Rams, Texans, and Titans.


Scheduling/Broadcasting Rules

  • 1. Both users need to make the effort to play, In the event both users can't find a time to play, a fair sim will be issued.

  • 2. Don’t wait for your opponent to hit you up first, talk.

  • 3. Being vocal with co & also your opponent is very important. Letting them know when you're able to play ahead of time is key. “Can you play now” w/o knowing their whereabouts isn’t ideal.

  • 4. Lastly life comes first, we all have busy lives. In the event team ‘A’ is unable to play, while team ‘B’ is able to, a forced win will be issued. It's important both sides are communicative in scenarios like this.

  • 5. Every game must be streamed via Twitch or YouTube, with no exceptions.

  • 6. Away team streams, (Would be ideal if both teams streamed but this is optional for the home team). Make sure to send links before the match starts.

  • 7. In the case an away team can’t stream record the game via PSN share (1 hour). No footage of the game should be lost, no exceptions.

  • 8. Failure to stream or send links w/o contacting co is the instant kick, Things like this are important, be responsible.

  • 9. If you lag during streams, lower fps. There are other ways to work around this to prevent lag. Shouldn't be any excuses.

  • 10. CPU games should most definitely be streamed as well, with no exceptions.


Offensive Rules

  • 1. No auto-rollouts, There is no speed burst to the outside directly after the snap, unless the play is designed to do so. (e.g.: Pa rollout, etc.)

  • 2. No auto-scrambles w/o looking to make passing reads beforehand.  Once again unless it’s designed. (e.g.: Qb sneak, Qb draw, etc.)

  • 3. Your allowed 2 hot routes per play (This does not include protection adjustments or smart routes)

  • 4. If you have something that consistently beats the AI aka a money play, that is used as a go-to part of your scheme get rid of it immediately.

  • 5. You are allowed one fake field goal (or punt) per game.

  • 6. You are allowed one onside kick per game unless needed late in the fourth quarter.

  • 7. Players must be set before the snap, no hiking the ball while motioned players are still moving (Unless designed by play art)

  • 8. If you're running play action, you can't set the running back to pass block (taking away the PA). You are allowed to hurry up the animation after the snap.

  • 9. Hurry up offense shouldn’t be used unless needed, (e.g. when you no longer have timeouts under two minutes). Following that you are only allowed to use it once per drive.

  • 10. This is a competitive style league, we want to see real authentic football being played. Not who can over-abuse the AI best. If you see a user acting against this talk with the co.

  • 11. We don’t want to see the same attack being used. Switching up formations is one thing but running the same routes over and over is prohibited. (This works for the run as well, e.g.: Religiously running stretches, reading options, etc)

  • 12. No padding stat action will be tolerated. If the game is a 25+ differential in the second half, run the ball and chew the clock, No exceptions. If padding stat actions are seen, talk with co immediately.

  • 13. Sharing the ball with all receivers on your team isn't necessary, but throwing to one receiver the entire game is prohibited. No receiver (or te) should have 200+ yards while the remaining have a combined 20 yards. Again, if this action is being seen, issue it to the co.

  • 14. 4th down; Users must punt unless:

-4th & inches from the 25 to their own 39.

-4th & 3 (or less) from their own 40 to opponents 40.

-A 4th & 5 (or less) from their opponent 39 to the endzone.

-If the losing team is down 13+ in the second half above 4th down details are negated

-When losing in the fourth quarter users can go for it at any point (unless the game is a blowout, punt the ball, and chew the clock)

-In the event the game is tied in the fourth users can go for it unless 4th & 10 (or above)

-Users can go for it at any point in overtime.


Defensive Rules

  • 1. No nano-blitzing is allowed.

  • 2. Users must be able to switch out of zone and man fluidly. Failure to mix up the playcalling will result in a kick.

  • 3. Users must rush a minimum of 3 every play with no exceptions.

  • 4. No same adjustments every play. Users shouldn't abuse base aligning before every pre-snap in a way to glitch out offensive schemes.

  • 5. Do not drag down safety below the linebacker position.

  • 6. You may only move AI positioning unless necessary, (Ex if the game starts a safety on the opposite side of the field from where he should be playing)

  • 7. No swaying back in forth with your linebacker pre-snap.

  • 8. If a linebacker is moved to the defensive line he must be utilized as a Blitzer for the whole play

  • 9. Do not overrun blitzes, running a blitz three plays in a run will be seen as abusive.

  • 10. Do not sit in the same formations all game.

  • 11. Users should not sprint across the field out of their zone on passing plays. Note: this rule doesn't exclude users from leaving the zone assigned to, however, it’s to prevent users from completely abandoning defensive play calls. Play YOUR SIDE of the field (e.g.: a user assigned to a right hook curl should not be covering a flat route on the left side).


Position Changes

  • -Offensive line is interchangeable

  • -OLB <> MLB

  • -OLB <> DE (Moving an OLB to DE player must be under 90 speed)

  • -FS<>SS

  • -TE<>FB (RB cannot play FB)

Anything you don't see above is prohibited, talk with co to be approved for any adjustments.


Trading Rules

  • 1. Trades come along with loyalty. There is no trading season 1 (until off-season at least) due to the fact we won't be able to see which users stay around.

  • 2. Every trade will be approved strictly. There is no tolerance for one-sided trades

  • 3. There is no depth chart requirement when it comes to trades, specifically realism and cap should be taken into account, and be responsible. Do not approach co with silly requests.

  • 4. There is no trading with cpu. User, user action only.

  • 5. Teams that make playoffs will not be able to draft for a top 5 draft pick.


General Rules

  • 1. Every game should be played once, with no exceptions. Consult co in the case of loss connection, desync, etc. Proof should be provided with no excuses, failure to do so will result in a kick. If co isn't around make the accurate decision upon yourselves.

  • 2. If you're getting blown out (pause) you may ask your opponent to bail (Must be the second half, and clear blowout).

  • 3. Going alongside that, there is zero tolerance for rage quitting. Every game must be finished to the end. Quitting results in an instant kick.

  • 4. FAs signed during the season & offseason are not tradeable (If signed during the offseason it is allowed for them to be traded on deadline during week 8).

  • 5. Don’t make the mistake when playing cpu, stats will be checked. Remember these games need to be streamed accordingly.

  • 6. Be a professional when handling issues amongst yourself. Receiving complaints is one thing, but how you handle them is important, be mature.

  • 7. If you feel as if you’re not receiving a fair in-game experience, let it be known. You must include visual evidence (Phone, a clip, stream), otherwise, it's just he said she said. In the case this occurs, it’s important you take this privately with co, do not share this blatantly in chat.

  • 8. Fun trash talk is cool, however saying racist or vulgar stuff in chat to one another isn’t. You will be kicked if caught doing so.

  • 9. We like freedom of speech here, any opinions you have are able to let your voice be heard. Message to privately with what you’d like to branch out. 

  • 10. Changing jersey numbers or any sort of animation is strictly prohibited. You will be kicked. It's always better to ask.

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