Patch 10.1.5 of World of Warcraft Dragonflight will allow players to delve deeper into the narrative of Dragon Aspects, Titans, and Primalists in World of Warcraft. What are the best WOW Dragonflight 10.1.5 healers to play when the new patch releases? In our Dragonflight 10.1.5 healer tier list, we’ll look at the best M+ and Raid healers.
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 Best Healers - Dragonflight M+ & Raid Healer Tier List
Having a good healer in Dragonflight WoW patch 10.1.5 is essential because they play a crucial role in keeping the group or raid members alive and well during battles. Healers have the ability to restore health, remove debuffs, and provide various forms of support to their teammates. Without a competent healer, the group would struggle to survive challenging encounters, making it difficult to progress in the game. Today, we're looking at the WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ and raid healer ranking based on the meta right now, and further discussed what can we expect going into the next patch.
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ Healer Tier List
Paladin has now become more relevant, more powerful, and eventually the more popular of the specs for healers. Some of the healers that were popular before have remained on our WOW Dragonflight 10.1.5 healer ranking. So it's not that a Holy Paladin went to the top and a bunch of other healers have been shuffled around. Holy Priest and Mistweaver are still at the bottom, and Restoration Druid, Restoration Shaman, and Evoker are still quite high up in representation just below Holy Paladin. At all key levels, all representation is pretty healthy except Mistweaver. Once you go into the competitive level, the max level for your gear plus 20, once more all of these specs are still relevant and with the exception of Mistweaver. Holy Paladin is the fifth most popular spec, it makes sense once you go into the very high level of keys. Now Holy Paladin is getting very close now to Restoration Shaman. Even if you look at the actual record-breaking high keys, the amount of Paladins is quite high. It is definitely the more represented one with a bunch of Evokers close to the Holy Paladin. So that seems to be the general situation at the moment for the specs.
Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ Healer Ranking
S Tier
Holy Paladin
A Tier
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
Preservation Evoker
B Tier
Discipline Priest
D Tier
Holy Priest
Mistweaver Monk
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid Healer Tier List
The best Dragonflight 10.1.5 healer for the raid is a little bit more interesting because we have gotten this situation for a while now with Preservation Evoker being the best performer. But when you look at the popularity Preservation Evoker is nowhere near being at the most popular level. The evolution of the healers in the raid, at the start of the first reset, was Restoration Shaman and which was quite high, and Preservation Evoker which was quite low. Then as time went by, Preservation Evoker kept rising while Restoration Shaman kept flopping down. Surprisingly Holy Paladin hasn't really continued their growth like they did in Mythic plus. They were going just fine up until a certain point and then they have been going somewhat downhill. At the moment, Preservation Evoker and Restoration Druid are the better-performing ones. However, the different things that you get told are that for example, Holy Priest is the top performing. So clearly who is becoming S tier and who is becoming very powerful might not have to do with the HPS they provide, but something else. That's why even though Restoration Druid and Preservation Evoker are the better performers in terms of numbers, Holy Priest is the highest rated of healers in the Dragonflight healer tier list 10.1.5 for raid.
Dragonflight 10.1.5 Raid Healer Ranking
S Tier
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest
A Tier
Preservation Evoker
B Tier
Holy Paladin
C Tier
Restoration Druid
D Tier
Mistweaver Monk
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ & Raid Healer Changes
The changes towards the Druid are quite minor and they are going to help in a different thing other than healing. The changes to Restoration Druids are the increased damage by 25% to all of their abilities, that's because Nature's Vigil is also going to be gutted by half in duration as well as the cap of the AOE damage you can do with Nature's Vigil with your AOE abilities has also been reduced. This is helping overall the damage of a Resto Druid in a M+ key for example. This change will help the overall key post shares of Mythic plus and will hurt the very high-level key pusher in Mythic+. Because in the very high level, you want to concentrate the healer damage into burst windows into necessary moments whereas this type of buffing all of your damage by 25% will give you smoother damage throughout the key but a much lower burst because your Nature's Vigil which is your damage cooldown basically has been nerfed. If anything is going to change for Druid it's very unlikely it's going to change in the raid which is fine because they are doing fine. If anything something will change in M+ due to their damage profile changing because of the changes to their base damage and to Nature's Vigil.
Evokers do have a much bigger change for augmentation. But as far as Preservation goes, not too many things changed but some quality of life improvements for Evoker especially in Mythic+. Like Life-Giver’s Flame now hitting 5 injured targets instead of a single one. This is the healing you do with fire breath the very useful of Life of using your fire breath on a big pack of enemies and then healing for the damage you do. It actually becomes a legitimate AOE party yield now as an Evoker. You also have a few other increases in all spells and a beef damage increase by 10%. Then we have the nerf to rewind with the compensation of making exhilarating bursts stronger for more crit healing, giving more value to your crit if you take Exhilarating Burst and then 2% more healing by default. The last tiny quality of life changes the introduction of two new talents Potent Mana and Regenerative Magic. If you were looking at Evoker for patch 10.1.5, most of these changes are positive for Evoker in 10.1.5 given that also it's already a pretty popular and strong spec.
We do have more changes to Mistweaver Monk, they also get all spell and ability damage increase by 10%. But Ancient Teachings, their fist weaving healing has been nerfed from 150% to 135% and Awakened Faeline has also been slightly nerfed. Basically, they are still in the same spot as they are now. Despite doing quite decent HPS and competitive HPS in the raid, they are not really very considered because of very few Mistweaver Monks. In Mythic+, it's actually even worse. It's actually even fewer than the raid comparison even if you go a little bit lower down to plus 20s. Given the fact that they have few changes right now, it's very unlikely that anything positive will happen for Mistweaver in the near future. Therefore, we wouldn't really be recommending you to be playing this anytime soon.
Holy Paladin
Holy Paladin is receiving a massive rework and continuing to come in. Those are not positive by the way there is a lot to complain about. Anyways the point is that just because there is this massive rework, you need to try Holy Paladin yourself especially if you weren't used to playing Holy Paladin before. Holy Paladin is a middle of the pack roughly in the raid. They are super high up in priority because you do want holy Paladins for the auras. Your popularity will always be high while simultaneously not very high when it comes to the actual HPS and the actual performance. In Mythic+ very high keys, the growth of Holy Paladin is partially because now Vengeance is the meta tank. So you still want the combat rest partially because this big rework is coming. For Holy Paladin, it will be recommended take as to try a new healer in 10.1.5.
Priests are receiving a few of the changes. All ability damage increases by 10%, you also have more hotfixes that just buffed Holy Priest a few days ago for more single-target damage as well. The same treatment by the way was given to discipline all spells and a big damage increase by 10%. With a slight nerf to atonement, but in return, you gain the new choice no talent with a barrier. So now you can take Luminous Barrier and be much more effective in M+ groups in particular. These are very small changes for both the Disciplined and Holy Priests for the amount of problems both had. The problem is they are still basically unviable in Mythic+ due to how very little damage they do. If you're looking into playing them in the next patch, they are still going to be very wanted in the raid by most guilds. But with such few changes happening to Discipline, there isn’t going to be much of anything changing in 10.1.5.
Restoration Shaman
Resto Shaman is receiving a Nerf. Ancestral Guidance was nerfed to only heal with single target abilities, then was reverted to still heal with AOE abilities but only at a maximum of 20% of your maximum health per tick up to 3 targets, and then also made it not work with anything that's not from your class. That's already somewhat weaker but not that groundbreaking for Resto Shaman. The actual changes to Shaman itself are few, all spelled and a bit of damage increased by 10% once more for the healers this is all for the compensation of the amulet being nerfed. then all healing increased by 3%, this is one of the more recent changes and this is not going to change too much Resto Shaman.
They have still lost a lot of value in the raid but because of how strong or how perceived as strong they were from the end of both of the incarnates, they still have a pretty healthy player base in the raid. The same goes for Mythic+ because they grew to be very strong at the end of the last season, especially with their damage they remained very popular. Now they're about to be overtaken by Holy Paladins, maybe Resto Druid will continue to grow, but it still looks like either way Resto Shaman will be popular enough in Mythic+. Therefore, you can still jump on Resto Shaman in 10.1.5, but the popularity they have at the moment is downhill.
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