The New World Summer Medleyfaire event is coming back in the upcoming weeks, most likely in July. The New World season 2 summer event 2023 and rewards seem to look the same as last year. In this New World Summer Medleyfaire event 2023 guide, we talk about locations, quests, rewards, trophies, and more tips.
New World Summer Medleyfaire Update 2023: Locations, Quests, Rewards, Patterns & More Tips In Season 2
The Medleyfaire is a New World Summer Event and it's mostly about fishing and music. They've made a lot of improvements since the Winter Convergence event. Raise your popularity with the Maestro with missions like capturing the legendary Aeternum Sturgeon to gain unique seasonal gifts. You may even frame your best catches for your house at new Mount-A-Catch stations accessible in every community. In terms of rewards and atmosphere, it's better than the seasonal event we had in December. We'll cover more info about the event New World Summer Medleyfaire 2023 release date, and tips in this guide. Stay tuned!
New World Summer Medleyfaire Locations 2023
The first thing you should know is that you can access the Medleyfaire by traveling to the four camps across the map. New World Summer Medleyfaire has expanded festivities to Everfall, Monarch’s Bluffs, Brightwood and Weaver’s Fen for your celebratory convenience. You're going to find places in Aeternum Medleyfaire that have a little icon on the map. Once you get there, you'll actually be able to teleport to and from it, so unlocking your teleport locations is going to be a huge benefit for you. As you play the game, you first have to have at least a character at level 20 to be able to participate in this quest line and there are a few things you want to collect. If you have these in your inventory, it's going to make your life so much easier.
How To Start Summer Medleyfaire Event
First things first, we have some reeds, a lot of flints, green wood, and some water. Those are the key items that if you have those you're not going to actually spend any downtime grinding it out. Because over the course of the quest lines, they're going to actually have you do some events and they're going to have you have to use those items. Thankfully all of those things are pretty cheap, they're very common and so it's not going to be too difficult to gather those or purchase those from the market board. But that is something that is absolutely critical.
The other thing is that on your adventure throughout you're going to see these little modeling bug swarms listed on the map and you're going to want to have to head out to those. These disappear and pop up, so you'll continue to see them disappear and pop up. You might have to wait around a while if for some reason you don't want to do a lot of running. But thankfully they're usually not too far from a teleport in a fast travel location. If you're playing with friends or you have friends that are returning, you can do these events together and that's going to actually save a lot of time. Whenever you do perform a performance, you pull up f5, it's going to tell you you can't be so close to somebody unless you're actually joining that group.
New World Summer Medleyfaire Quests 2023
First and foremost, head out to the NW Summer Medleyfaire event, go and follow the quest line. There is a couple of catches that are going to give you the bait you need to catch the eternum sturgeon. This is a special event fish that comes during the Summer Medleyfaire and you need to catch at least three. Thankfully, that's pretty much all the fishing the msq, here requires you to catch three. Doing one of these events, you will ten of the baits. Using ten of the bait, it will take nine of them to catch three of the sturgeons because you're going to catch specific event items. You need these baits to get the eternal sturgeon since you will not catch them with any other bait. It's event specific, so just pay attention to that.
New World Summer Medleyfaire Rewards 2023
If you head to the Maestro, you can access a quest as well as a shop. So in this shop, you'll see a ton of limited items that you can redeem with tokens. Things like attributes, foods, skins, pets, decorations, emotes, and patterns. Some of these tiers in the shop are locked and in order to unlock them, you'll need to gain XP for this event.
There are different ways you could get XP:
-You could get XP by dancing on the dance floor in each Medleyfaire location and you will automatically get 250 XP each.
-You could also get XP by catching fish at the seasonal hotspot locations. Bear in mind, you can’t get any XP for fishing outside of these hot spots.
-Harvesting baskets from the tents in each settlement, gives you 25 XP each.
-You could also get XP by completing songs at the maudlinbug swarms.
-You could complete the quests on the quest line that are given by the Maestro and this gives a ton of XP, so we definitely recommend doing this one first.
New World Summer Medleyfaire Patterns 2023
You can easily farm and purchase PvP gear from legendary patterns. You can obtain 3 bis armor that fits the current meta, which is protection from fire damage. You could make an armor set for your build so that's going to be pretty nice to look forward to. But just keep in mind that the meta may change when New World season 2 comes out because it's a big update with a lot of things going on. The Colorful Kraken Cap legendary pattern will guarantee you an attribute of your choice to purchase guaranteed elemental aversion and refreshing. The other one is random which is not that scary because when you look at the perk pool, you can get resilient at a 24% chance of rolling which is insanely good.
New World Medleyfaire Tokens Farming
Medleyfaire tokens are the currency for Summer Medleyfaire event in New World season 2. A bright, shining token. Trade them in any Medleyfaire shop for a special reward. There are three ways to craft these tokens and multiple different ways to find them around the world.
You can craft these tokens by using a sturgeon filet and sturgeon scales. You can get these items by salvaging sturgeons which are seasonal fish. The sturgeons can be found in special hot spots that are specifically for this event, but you can also catch them outside of these hot spots with new bait called the maudlinbug bait. The only way you could get this bait is by completing the songs in the maudlinbug swarm and these areas are randomly marked on the map. which brings us to the last material used to craft these tokens which is the maudlin dust. After completing a few songs at a specific maudlinbug swarm, you will have depleted the area. When you do, maudlinbug does just spreads all around you and you could just walk around and pick them up.
If you want the premium tokens, you'll have to craft them at the same station, but 25 regular tokens can get you one premium token.
Other ways to get tokens outside of crafting can be found in each settlement, right where every Christmas tree was. There is now a giant tent, harvesting it gives you a diamond gypsum as well as a basket. Inside the basket, there are some tokens as well as some New World coins.
You can also get premium tokens by burning the sturgeon fishbone which you harvest from the sturgeons themselves onto the fire pit in the middle of the camp.
New World Summer Medleyfaire Trophies 2023
The final thing about the New World Medleyfaire event is the mount - a -catch station. Here you can craft various fish trophies to put them in your house. Firstly there are three Magnificent Memento Stands that you can craft and crafting different trophies require different stance. So definitely make sure you know which one you need before you craft them. The stands require soaked wood, assorted seagrass, and stuffing. These materials can be earned through the Medleyfaire cache. These caches are treasure chests that you could randomly get by fishing in these special hot spots. Once you get these stands, you usually need two more things, the fish or the creature that you're making the trophy for and the ether vials which are in the Medleyfaire shop.
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