The Diablo 4 launch is coming soon and here are top tips for getting to endgame in the smoothest way possible. We’ll take a look at the best ways to get XP and increase your level quickly, so you can max out your character, earn all beta rewards and cosmetics, and start to take on the harder tasks in Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 Fastest Leveling Guide: Best Ways to Earn XP and Get to Max Level in Diablo 4 Launch
In Diablo 4, leveling refers to the process of increasing your character's XP and progressing towards higher character levels. As you earn XP by defeating enemies, completing quests, or engaging in other activities, your character's level will gradually increase. Leveling up in Diablo 4 grants various benefits, including increase the character's stats, award skill points, unlock access to new areas, quests, dungeons, or other content, and increase the range of equipment. Leveling up quickly in Diablo 4 takes time, but you can do a few things to make the process more efficient. In this guide, we'll be sharing tips and strategies on how to reach the max level in Diablo 4 as fast as possible.
1. Playing on High World Tier
There are four tiers in the game called Adventurer, Veteran, Nightmare, and Torment. Adventurer is the easiest while Torment is the hardest. Higher World Tiers are definitely challenging but the loot you get from them is worthwhile. This also applies to XP drops as enemies in higher World Tiers grant more XP.
Note: There is no loot bonus for killing stuff in World tier 2, but stuff is definitely more difficult, which means it’s much less likely you’re going to be one-shotting the entire game especially as the whole world levels up with you, the more powerful you become. So you go from one shotting everything to two shotting to taking several hits and world tier 1, so it’s going to be faster in that regard it means you’re always going to be getting more loot. So if you are playing in world tier 2, you’re basically playing with less loot all the time.
2. Pay Attention to Renown system
The Renown system in Diablo 4 is brilliant for getting Bonus XP. To get it though, you’ll have to explore the open world and complete challenges that give Renown and access Renown tiers. The five regions in Diablo 4 have their own Renown challenges meaning that you can get Bonus XP 25 times.
3. Clear Strongholds
Strongholds are areas of the map that enemies take over. Once you clear them, you'll unlock new areas and get a ton of experience. There are three strongholds in the Diablo 4 Beta, and you should do them in the following order: Kor Dragan (level 25+) , Malnok (level 20+), and Nostrava (level 20+). Furthermore. Each stronghold is worth 100 Renown.
4. Complete Main Story Quests, Side Quests and Dungeons
Focus on completing the main story quests, as they often provide substantial XP. The game also has a ton of side quests and over 120 dungeons. These side missions and dungeons are great sources of additional XP that will help you level up multiple characters in a single season.
5. Play Multiplayer
You get more experience playing in multiplayer mode, so if you play with at least one friend in your party, you are actively earning 10% more XP in anything you do. This is a huge boost to your XP and can allow you to reach level 25 in a matter of hours.
6. Use XP Elixirs
One of the more underrated ways of earning XP in the Diablo 4 beta is to consume certain Elixirs. You can create Elixirs from the Alchemist in Kyovashad, but you need to progress through the game and do certain quests to unlock the shop's full Elixir inventory. Once you do that, some Elixirs offer XP boosts of 5-10%, which can be quite useful if you consume them right before doing a main story quest or dungeon.
Best Way to Reach Level 25 Fast in Diablo 4 Beta
It's worth noting that the max level in the Diablo 4 beta is level 25, and reaching this level will require significant grinding and effort. However, it's important to remember that the full release of the game will have a max level of 100, so we will only cover tips and strategies to help you reach level 25 and prepare for the endgame content.
This is going to be done by running a section of a specific dungeon, so you're going to be looking for the Dead Man's Dredge Dungeon. This is the best XP farm in Diablo IV beta and will also allow you farm tons of rare and legendary gear drops while leveling up. You can level from 1-25 in only a few hours.
There are a handful of reasons why this is so good for leveling up. The first reason being that the layout is just super easy to follow, it's not maze like at all, you're just in some tunnels they usually create one or two circles. But the main reason being the objective that's present within this dungeon. So in this dungeon, all you need to do is collect animus from animus carriers. So you're basically killing these specific enemies, they drop these little orbs that you walk on top of and it fills up the bar. But every single one of these animus carriers are Elite enemies and Elites give you a lot more XP than normal enemies. You're going to be getting a big chunk of XP every single time you kill one of these animus carriers and they also act like normal Elites, so they're going to drop a good amount of loot as well. So at a baseline, just killing the guaranteed amount of animus carriers that are in here is going to give you a lot of XP. But on top of that, there can also just be a random amount of other Elite spawns in here. Sometimes you'll find as many Elite spawns as animus carriers are in here. So you're just going to be killing a ridiculous amount of Elites. And on top of that, there's always going to be at least one Shrine within this first section, so you can get that Shrine, it can give you really big buffs to clear this section of the dungeon even quicker, and sometimes those shrines or the health fountains you find can also be cursed meaning it'll spawn a bunch of waves of enemies including a handful of more Elites that'll allow you to get a lot more XP. And that's also considered an event, so you'll also get an event chest to give you even more loot.
Once you've killed all the animus carriers and collected all the animus, you're actually just going to leave the dungeon and reset. And you do this by opening up your map going to the dungeon entrance and clicking on it, it will teleport you to the entrance of that dungeon and then you open your map up again, go over to your objectives or quest log at the right side and at the bottom of your quest, there's a red button that says reset all dungeons. That's the entirety of this farm, you enter the dungeon, clear out all enemies, primarily looking for the animus carriers, once you're done, teleport out of the dungeon, reset the dungeon, go back in rinse and repeat. This is only the first section of the dungeon, after you collect all the animus, there's a few extra sections, but going through those sections is going to give you a lot less XP for the time invested than just doing this first section.
While leveling on your character, do these runs in give or take two minutes. Go up or down depending on how many additional Elites you find, if the shrine you find is really good or not. If the shrine you find is good, it is super good to help clear runs quicker. And in these two minute runs, get right around 50% of a level, now that can also change a bit depending on how many Elites you find. If you find cursed shrines for those additional waves of enemies, but on average it was around 50% of a level and this stayed true pretty much the entirety of the way up to level 25. It may have been slightly slower once you get to the high levels, but generally right around the same amount of XP. So that means you're able to get a level doing these in right around 4 to 5 minutes and it may be a bit slower depending on the build or the class you're playing. But on a Sorceress, leveling from like level 8 to 25 the average was around 2 minutes for 50% of a level.
That's all you're going to be doing for this XP farm. You come in this dungeon, complete the first section of the dungeon to kill all the animus carriers and then teleport out of the dungeon, reset that dungeon, go back in rinse and repeat.
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