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FIFA 23 Best 5221 Formation & Custom Tactics - How To Play/Use 5221 Formation in FUT 23

3/20/2023 5:48:23 PM

The formation we're talking about is the 5221, and no it isn't super defensive either with the tactics we use, allthough it is defensive enough.



  • Here with 5 defenders you'll feel more safe in defense, however 5 defenders isn't always a solution, since you can also get stuck in build up play, get intercepted and countered on your own half.

  • This formation has the advantage though that there is good build up play from the wingbacks to the deep wings. You also have a cm on each side for passing. In that sense this formation works very well for build up passing play, if you use the wings.

  • Your striker is a bit alone, so the key is to pass around with your wingbacks, cm's, and wingers. You will have to use your wings to dribble, and while this can sound difficult, holding r1(rb) while dribbling can get you a long way.

  • Allthough we do suggest you learn the elastico, it's quite effective for beating defenders from this position. Just go to the arena and do it till you get it right, it's only one skill move, so it will get it your muscle memory fast. The elastico is a 5 star skill move, but the same move you can use on a 4 star skill player and it will be similar in how you can beat a defender.

  • As for defending, on a counter, don't waste too much time running with your midfielders after an attacker, this game is brutal on the turnover (counter). Switch to a defender and cut off passing and shooting lanes by just standing in that lane and close down on the attacker.

  • When he's holding the ball, don't get restless, and cover passing and shooting lanes while closing down the attacker. You can hold rb to call for an extra defender, but never do this when countered, only when he's passing the ball in front of your defense. Also don't forget, that there is a timer on second man press (calling for an extra defender).

  • Last but not least, when it comes to shooting on goal, if you have trouble scoring, try a driven shot, this is just holding the shoot button for a third of second, they are quite effective. 


  • Formation: 5221

  • Defensive: balanced and 50 depth/width

  • Offense: balanced, balanced, 50 width, 4 players in box, 1 corner, 1 free kick.


  • Striker: Stay forward.

  • Left Wing/ Right Wing: stay forward, get behind lines, get into box for cross.

  • Cm's: unchanged.

  • rwb/lwb: unchanged.

  • CB's: unchanged.

  • GK: unchanged.


  • This is quite important otherwise it won't work. Your striker needs to have some body to stay on the ball, reactions is a very important stat, and that is pretty much the case for any player on the field.

  • For example, players with lower than 89 reactions, especially if their ball control is also lower than that, either don't make the team or I boost it with a chemistry style.

  • It's tempting to put pace on every player, but that isn't always good, sometimes it's better to boost other stats. Centre backs are an exception here though, shadow for all.

  • But back to the striker, it's not because he needs to have some physical, that you need to put drogba there, he needs to be able to dribble as well, again chemistry styles can help you. Rooney with engine would be good here.

  • Your wingers need to be outstanding dribblers, pace is important too. A player that works well here but doesn't break the bank is abedi pélé. If you did mid jairzinho, you can put him here, but he would be good on striker as well, I would put marksman on him.

  • You wingbacks need to be good dribblers as well, frankly how well they defend is not that important. If you're wondering what type of player you're looking for here, then a textbook type of player would be jesus navas or dani alves.

  • For centre midfield it's difficult, you could say that you need to put strong big players here but frankly apart from the heading capability, small players work actually quite well here. Somebody like acuna for instance. Again here the dribbling and reaction stat is important.

  • For centre backs, pace is very helpfull here, but marking is also important. If you're creative you can put fullbacks here, for instance we have miranda rttf here, carlos alberto mid, and base maldini. As for the keeper, whatever rocks your boat.

We hope that helps a few people but it's all really down to an individuals playstyle and finding something that suits you the best. Buy Cheap & Safe FIFA 23 Coin go to

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