We go over how Diablo 4 approaches trade with a delicate balance. Trade is vital to ARPGs, allowing an economy to exist and items to have value even if they are not suitable for your build, path of exile is praised for its unique economy and currency system, full-blown trade enables players to RMT for the best gear, finding the right answer to trade dictates the longevity of Diablo 4.
History of Trading in ARPGs
Diablo 2 relied on forums and D2JSP.
Diablo 3 started out with RMAH before moving to full SSF.
Path of Exile has full trade with dedicated SSF modes for competitive racing events.
How Trade in Diablo 4 Works
Find players to trade on dedicated chat channels for trading on Battle.net.
Discord Servers.
Third Party Website and Forums.
Invite the person you want trade with your party. This allows both players to be in the same World State in Diablo 4.
Head to the trading destination of choice as agreed upon by both parties. We suspect that Kyovashad, the starting town, will become a trading hub.
Get close to the character you want to trade with, and open the action wheel, then select "Invite to Trade".
The other party must now accept the request to trade.
Once a trade request has been accepted in Diablo 4, you can add items to the trade window.
Once both parties are happy with the items in their respective trade windows, they can click on the button saying "Lock in Offer".
What You Can Trade
Diablo 4 has a trade system where only certain items/currencies can be traded.
Best items in the game are legendaries, but you can imbue rares to make them legendary.
Diablo 4 Gold is ueds for crafting, gear activities, tree respecs, and applying legendary powers.
Certain well-rolled rares will be valuable, but BIS items will be more or less soulbound.
Diablo 4 Tradeable Items/Currency:
-Common Items
-Magic Items
-Rare Items
Items & Currencies Not Tradeable in Diablo 4:
-Legendary Items
-Any Enchanted Items
-Quest Items
-Unique Items
-Any Currency Except for D4 Gold
Final Tips
Would be interesting to see Group SSF modes.
Seems like a good middle ground with most items being tradeable outside of the most powerful items.
Well-rolled rares shouls be worth a lot and could be exciting to fun.
Diablo 4 Itemization looks interesting with the ability to turn rares into unique.
Path of Exile is trending towards this with Soulbound items in Sanctum, (Maybe more in Path of Exile 2)
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