It's time to discover the most effective class specializations for the patch 10.0.5 in WoW Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 1. Our WoW Dragonflight 10.0.5 Tier List applies to DPS specs as well as Tanks and Healers. The data is valid for the current affixes which are Fortified, Bolstering, Storming, and Thundering.
In the past few weeks, Blizzard has repeatedly announced new class adjustments. These were mostly implemented with the maintenance work on Wednesday. Patch 10.0.5 went live on realms with maintenance on January 25th. Numerous class changes have already been made in the patch. So it's time to update our Dragonflight Class Tier List for the 10.0.5 patch!
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Dragonflight 10.0.5 DPS Tier List & Ranking
We'll be ranking the ranged DPS and melee DPS classes separately, taking into account the 10.0.5 class changes and performance of each DPS class in PvP and PvE currently:
Best Melee DPS Classes & Specs Ranking
1 - Outlaw Rogue (S Tier)
2 - Havoc Demon Hunter (S Tier)
3 - Enhancement Shaman (A Tier)
4 - Subtlety Rogue (A Tier)
5 - Windwalker Monk (A Tier)
6 - Feral Druid (A Tier)
7 - Fury Warrior (B Tier)
8 - Arms Warrior (B Tier)
9 - Unholy Death Knight (B Tier)
10 - Retribution Paladin (C Tier)
11 - Assassination Rogue (D Tier)
12 - Frost Death Knight (F Tier)
13 - Survival Hunter (F Tier)
Best Ranged DPS Classes & Specs Ranking
1 - Shadow Priest (A Tier)
2 - Balance Druid (A Tier)
3 - Destruction Warlock (B Tier)
4 - Fire Mage (B Tier)
5 - Beast Mastery Hunter (B Tier)
6 - Arcane Mage (B Tier)
7 - Marksmanship Hunter (B Tier)
8 - Frost Mage (B Tier)
9 - Devastation Evoker (B Tier)
10 - Demonology Warlock (C Tier)
11 - Elemental Shaman (C Tier)
12 - Affliction Warlock (F Tier)
Dragonflight 10.0.5 Healer Tier List & Ranking
We'll be ranking the Healing classes and specs, taking into account the 10.0.5 class changes and performance of each Healer spec in PvP and PvE currently:
1 - Restoration Druid (S Tier)
2 - Preservation Evoker (S Tier)
3 - Discipline Priest (A Tier)
4 - Restoration Shaman (B Tier)
5 - Holy Paladin (B Tier)
6 - Holy Priest (C Tier)
7 - Mistweaver Monk (C Tier)
Dragonflight 10.0.5 Tank Tier List & Ranking
We'll be ranking the Tank classes and specs, taking into account the 10.0.5 class changes and performance of each tank spec in PvP and PvE currently:
1 - Protection Warrior (S Tier)
2 - Protection Paladin (A Tier)
3 - Vengeance Demon Hunter (B Tier)
4 - Brewmaster Monk (B Tier)
5 - Blood Death Knight (B Tier)
6 - Guardian Druid (C Tier)
We assume that further class adjustments will be made in the coming weeks and will therefore update this Dragonflight Class Tier List several times.
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