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WoW Dragonflight Best Races for PvP - PvP Race Tier List & Ranking in Dragonflight

1/11/2023 4:31:36 PM

Races in World of Warcraft are groups of unique creatures. Now we are going to go through a WoW Dragonflight PvP race tier list.

WoW Dragonflight Best Races for PvP - PvP Race Tier List & Ranking in Dragonflight 

The following is the WoW Dragonflight race tier list by Snupy, ranking all races for PvP based on the strengths and weaknesses of the different races.

S Tier: Night Elf, Dark Iron Dwarf

- Dark Iron Dwarf is absolutely insane, it is really good especially like for pharaoh players, Dwarves, in general, can get bleeds off, which is very annoying, they get stats when they use their racial except dwarfs get like just 10 reductions on melee attacks.

- Night Elf is S tier, you can melt anything, you can melt stuns, and you can melt damage, not only is it great defensively, but it's also great on the offense as well.

A Tier: Undead, Dwarf, Orc, Human, Gnome, Pandaren

- Dwarf is similar to Dark Iron Dwarf, the Dwarf racial removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. Dwarf is good for a lot of things, especially in Shuffle, but it depends on what you're facing. This is more offensive and it's better than Blood Elf.

- Human is surely A tier, classes work really well on certain races, but Human is still going to be the best option for quite a few classes.

- Orc, on Hardiness you get a duration of stun effects reduced by an additional 20%, it's good to have and blood free is also very nice, they're like a mid-A tier.

- Pandaren is actually really good like for Shadow Priest for Mage, it’s probably a high B or low A.

- Undead is probably necessary, it is high value, and it has Will of the Forsaken, Cannibalize, Touch of the Grave, and Shadow Resistance.

- Gnome for certain casters is quite nice, it could be a high B tier or low A tier.

B Tier: Tauren, Mechagnome, Blood Elf, Kul Tiran, Troll, Void Elf

- Blood Elf used to be insane when they had silence, but they're not that good anymore, sometimes it can be quite useful, it might be like a low B or high C tier.

- Kul Tiran has Haymaker ability, which has some use especially like dealing Physical damage, stunning for 3 seconds, and knocking an enemy back substantially.

- Mechagnome has Emergency Failsafe, which is pretty good, if you have a lot of things to rotate with it and then you get a stacking primer set, they're actually better than Kul Tiran.

- Tauren is probably the best class or race for Paladins and Horde, it is a pretty solid race.

- Troll is not amazing, but not horrible either.

- Void Elf, with the Entropic Embrace, causes your damage and healing effects to deal an additional 5% as Shadowfrost for 12 sec, it can have some cool use in certain situations.

C Tier: Worgen, Goblin, Maghar orc, Highmountain Tauren, Draenei, Zandalari Troll

- Draenei is not very good but not complete garbage.

- Goblin may be a bit better than Draenei, it is going to be in the C-tier.

- Highmountain Tauren is very clunky, but it could have some use in niche situations.

- Worgen, if you're like a less mobile class, that speed can like connected for the kill or get you out of trouble.

F Tier: Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, Vulpera

- Nightborne is one of the worst ones, there's a reason no one plays it ever.

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