So when you watch some dragonflight melee dps rankings, you have an idea on who is performing the best but how much would you enjoy playing a spec that doesn’t feel fun? The most fun melee in Dragonflight is obviously a very subjective take but we do take into account the theme of the spec, talents, rotation and performance too.
Dragonflight Melee DPS Tier List 2023
Let's talk about the best melee speak and most fun Melee spec for us. We do take into account the theme of the spec, talents, rotation and performance too. Most fun melee class? Let’s see the contenders!
S Tier
Outlaw Rouge
Outlaw Rouge who has been like super present in like all the content, you've seen it on all the top of the tearless, it was Giga RNG up until we think shadowlands and when they added a couple of conduits where you will have at least some more control over your all the bones, it's still very rng-ish but not as like degenerated as it was in the past, it's kind of a once you get the hang of it and understand how the world though hold, what the Buffs are and how what to keep, and not to keep and just develop this like high APL stuff, you kind of get into to like the fun aspect of it, so you can do great in cleave like up to eight targets if you take the talent, you will do great, but once you get like nine targets, there will be a ton of other respects that will take your face in in terms of damage, because you will be kept.
Feral Druid
With the recent changes man the changes that they're adding to feral is nuts and froze already good, it's not like Outlaw level, it's not like blowing the damage meters out of the park, but it's kind of like putting boomkin on its feet in terms of like performance, we think it's probably boomkin is taken to raid a little bit more and for a second to dungeons a little bit more or something like this, but either way, Feral is amazing and with the challenges with the swaps of the talents is looking like it's going to be even better after the reset and when everything is going to be implemented for us feral is one of the best smell like specs they have designed, really on par there with Outlaw, this is one of the specs that relies heavily on its bleed damage and we can talk about like the good old days of snapshotting and stuff that was interesting for for some people at time as well.
Subtlety Rouge
When it comes to the fun element, subtlety always used to be like this ambush stealthy ninja, assassination and Sub wins the race, because it's not Target Camp, so when you put me into like what's the deal guitar boss the three boss from our guitar Academy, and you have those No Cap, but sub was interesting in a way where the towns had to do a lot of damage.
Unholy DK
Unholy DK has been like the spec which had a couple of issues going into Dragonflight and then dragonfly came around with its talents, and basically fixed everything, it's pretty much the spec that we have been asking like 99 done, all the cooldowns enhanced with uh all the dishes that we had over the years with the Magus of the Dead, when you had it for Apocalypse with the frenzy monstrosity which we think it has a different name now which was the legendary in challenge which was actually a really cool legendary back.
Windwalker Monk
So you can probably see a pattern here, all the specs that will go into decently funnel giga fun are basically the specs that had a lot of issues in the past, and with dragonflight, all of those issues were addressed and covered and they also feel amazing there, it did have some major drawbacks in the way some of the buddies are tuned like sun kick where it was doing very little damage.
A Tier
Enhancement Shaman
Havoc Demon Hunter
Let's get into a Havoc Demon Hunter, what a roller coaster this pick was on like just go and be a face Shadow Lansing, landing on to dragonfly this, and this has to be one of the better success stories considering that Havoc has been the stigma of this spec doesn't really have a lot, then decided to get good by the end and now it feels like an actual complete spec which is really cool, really weird, but we do see that they took a lot from Legion as well and they kind of took a lot from the legendaries in the past and all of it and it makes sense, because some abilities for certain specs feel a little bit forced when you take covenant abilities and just smash them into the talent tree, it has like consistent AOE damage, it has like a super potent single target burst on.
Frost DK
Frost Death Knight, definitely improvements all across the board, when the season started initially, but Frost is obviously really cool and we have been talking about Frost for the better part of the last year, when it came to its design and it's one of the more simple melee specs, it's not super complicated right on the left hand side you have the big two-hander obliterate playstyles that we personally enjoy and that's what we usually play when we want to have some fun on frost on the right hand side you have Giga AOE breath of Sindragosa.
Fury Warrior
Let's talk about Fury Warrior, because we have covered arms and we kind of exemplified the fact that Fury is there, we think just became like an all-rounder great warriors pick for like mostly everything to do within the game dude that smoothness to it, and fast-paced gameplay, so what could be wrong with this, but Fury just is really well designed man and obviously you can see it in the performance and pretty much everybody's playing Fury right now, and although the difference in numbers is probably not super high Fury just feels good with the way designed, obviously ,the talents come into it in a big way, but the fact that you have your rotations spread across a bunch of mini cooldowns and some big cooldowns, and there's always something to do, and then you're blasting again and then you're like bursting all the numbers.
B Tier
Arms Warrior
We think where maybe you could see a problem is that you still have a little bit more fun with Fury, any few main prop Warrior, let's put all the fun bits go right now, where your Shield is, Kind of like a fan of arms way above pretty much all the other Warriors specs, and it's not like arms, it’s not fun, but it just seems like everybody else is a little bit more fun this time around, it's not bad, but it's definitely a little bit back behind like as it would have been in the past, this is so we'll do these like for all patches and all seasons and stuff but for now like in 10.0.
Assassination Rogue
Same argument as Warriors the talent trees for all Rogue specs are kind of like great, assassination specifically has been like one of the go-to melee specs at least at the beginning of the season for the raid, super Giga pumpy, single target, cleave decent enough, we still think it has some problems in the AOE, but in terms of like the fun Factor, so how it works now the all of the fantasy of like poisons and bleeds and corroding and all of those ticking in time, and then you know just bursting out with a death Mark, doubling everything on your target, then you know putting like a six or seven combo point in venom, having a bag proc as it's just amazing.
C Tier
Survival Hunter
Let's talk about Survival Hunter, at its core, it's a fun spec, it seems like they're slowly getting survival into like decent numbers like we've seen people play Survival and they're doing decent numbers mine is still not Max yet, but they're doing decent numbers, but it kind of brings me back to the old beginning of Shadowland survival where it was like very underperforming all the specs, but at least then it was kind of really fun to play, and then now it feels a little bit awkward and janky, but if you think about it you can have melee Hunters no problem in a grand scope of fantasy universes.
Retribution Paladin
They took what was pre-existent in shadowlands, and they just half baked it into dragonflight, we think like if we could live with how they made the spec tree and you know be at least decently fun into some capacity, but the general talent tree for paladins just makes it so awkward and again such so many opportunities to bake a lot of those things into each individual spec red included here.
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