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WoW Dragonflight Timewalking Guide: iLvl, Rewards, Leveling, Timewarped Badge Vendor and More

1/9/2023 5:04:33 PM

Timewalking brings back previous dungeons in World of Warcraft Dragonflight and gives chance for players to obtain unique items. Today in this WoW Dragonflight Timewalking event guide, we want to focus on the gear item level (ilvl), rewards, leveling, as well as how to get Timewarped badges and where to find the Timewarped Badge vendor.

WoW Dragonflight Timewalking Dungeons, iLvl & Rewards

Timewalking event is running in Dragonflight, which allows players to run dungeons from previous expansions, there are totally six expansions for rotation, including The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Legion. The first one is Warlords of Draenor, but WoD Timewalking doesn't have a raid tied to it. 

When it comes to the item level, all Timewalking bosses in Dragonflight drop gear of 359 ilvl. 

Completing 5 Timewalking Dungeons for the weekly quest will reward you 1 piece of Normal Difficulty Vault of the Incarnates loot. The bag has an opportunity to contain unique drops from the raid, the loot can go up to 405 ilvl. Just access the quest from within the Adventure Guide. You can also earn Timewalking/Timewarped badges by killing bosses of a Timewalking dungeon. 

WoW Dragonflight Timewalking Leveling

You can do Timewalking dungeons from level 60 all the way up to level 70. As far as we know there isn't any like quick workaround for the system as for whether or not you're going to be able to join in before level 60. 

Overall you're probably going to be doing somewhere in between 20 to 25 dungeons, and if they take you anywhere from five to ten minutes pretend depending on whether you're tanking or healing or DPS in your solo or you're with groups, it could be very varied of how long it's going to take, it could take you something like three hours or four hours or you could potentially complete it in an hour and a half, there is a lot of potential doing this and this is also a great option for anybody that just likes dungeon leveling instead of anything else. The only downside is that you don't get any reputation in Dragonflight, so if you're interested in any of the cosmetic rewards or potentially any of the WoW gold making aspects for professions, then this won't probably won't really be a good idea, maybe it would be faster than questing in just by a little bit, but you don't get the reputation, but if you do just want the level 70 to do whatever or you just want a quick way of leveling, and then this is a good thing to do.

How to Get Timewarped Badges & Where to Find Timewarped Badge Vendor in Dragonflight?

The Timewarped badges act as a type of special currency that can used to buy different items related to the rotating expansions such as transmogs, mounts, toys and cosmetics. To exchange items, you need to find Timewalking vendors in capital cities. How to get Timewarped badges in Dragonflight?

- Defeating an individual boss of Timewalking Dungeon: 5 Timewarped Badges

- Defeating an end boss of Timewalking Dungeon: 10 Timewarped Badges

- Completing a random Timewalking dungeon: 10 Timewarped Badges

- Completing a Timewalking dungeon when your character is up for Call to Arms: 50 Timewarped Badges

- Raid quests like Disturbance Detected: Black Temple: 500 Timewarped Badges

- The expansion-themed quests like The Swirling Vial, The Shrouded Coin, The Shimmering Crystal, The Smoldering Ember, or The Unstable Prism: 500 Timewarped Badges

Timewarped Badge Vendors in Dragonflight

Below is the list of Timewarped Badge vendors in different expansions with the zones and NPC locations. 

- Draenor: Ashran (Kronnus [Horde], 43.5, 55.2 | Tempra [Alliance] 37.5, 72)

- Legion: Dalaran (Aridormi, 68.5, 48.6)

- Pandaria: Timeless Isle (Mistweaver Xia, 43, 55)

- Cataclysm: Orgrimmar (Kiatke [Horde] 52.2, 41.5) | Stormwind (Kiatke [Alliance], 75.2, 19.5)

- Wrath: Crystalsong Forest (Auzin, 50.2, 45.3)

- The Burning Crusade: Shattrath (Cupri, 54.5, 39)

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