The new raid Ulduar has been released and phase 2 WoW Dragonflight is right around the corner, it's time to get all of your characters ready for the new raid and the next part of the expansion. Blizzard has given us back the Joyous Journeys buff, this 50% experience buff that will last us all the way until January 16th and it's the fastest way we've ever had to level up your characters in preparation for phase 2. So today we are going to cover the 5 best ways to level Dragonflight during this time with the Joyous Journeys buff to make sure you have as many characters leveled up as you need for Phase 2 and Ulduar.
5 Fastest Ways To Level Alts in Dragonflight Phase 2 - Leveling Alts 70-80 Dragonflight
Top 1 Method To Level Up Fast in Dragonflight
The very first thing you should look into is coming up with the Call to Arms alternate valley, the AV weekend is basically one of the best ways to level up your characters whenever it's active, you can get upwards of 200000 experience per AV and those can take anywhere from 6 to 18 ish minutes. And you will also get so much honor that you'll basically pretty much be honor capped by the time you hit level 80 as well as you can get your characters from level 71 all the way up to 80 in just that weekend. It's actually not even going to take the whole weekend, it's very quick and easy and you do get a boost from this from having your heirlooms and this should also get a boost from having Joyous Journeys. So this should be one of the best ways to level in WotLK & Dragonflight phase 2.
Top 2 Method 2 for Dragonflight/Wotlk Alt Level
Drak’atal - Grizzly Hills (72-78):
Outside of Av, one of the fastest ways to level in WoW Dragonflight is going to be the hyperspawn locations. These locations were used from the racer world first to get people all the way up to level 80 faster than literally possible from any other route. But things like the seal farm will give you upwards of maybe almost 3 million plus XP an hour especially if you're on a Warlock, but almost any character can do these farms and they're actually not that contested right now which is a little bit shocking because everybody has this massive XP boost.
Venture Co. - Sholazar (74-80):
If you want to see all of the locations that you can do the best hyper farms, click here, but the best one by far is the seal farm and then as you level up it's a very easy one to go to is just the Venture Co. farm or switch between Venture Co. and grizzly Hills
Top 3 Method to Level Your Alts in Preparation for phase 2 Dragonflight
The good old tried and true route just genuinely questing is incredibly fast. It feels like you're twice as fast even though it's only a 50% boost, but getting through the questing zones is a blast and it's something you can actually do where you just sit back and relax and follow an arrow if you get something like the rested XP guides. They are phenomenal and really well put together, but you should update it if you want to do this or you can just quest through the zones with something like questy by itself and you'll be able to blast through the levels because you now have heirlooms on top of flying, and flying makes questing for your alts so incredibly easy.
A questing route that is loved by most people is to start in Borean Tundra, just do Warsong Hold in this little area, Coldara is insane XP and then you usually could go up to this section. With the XP buffs, you can move on directly into Dragon blight, do Agmar's Hammer or whatever your zone is if your alliance stars rest and go up here to the crystal vice area, get some quests done here and then you can already move on. Either swing by Grizzly Hills or skip it entirely and go into Zelthrak which will be insane XP here in Light's Breach and Evan watch, moving directly into Ashen Strand. And as you start passing this, you should move on past into the next zone, which will then be shoulders are Basin into a Storm Peaks and Icecrown Citadel. But if you're doing the questing route or any of these routes, go to the next farming location at level 77.
Top 4 Method for Fastest Wrath/Dragonflight Alt Leveling
The next is going to be the Onslaught Harbor Griffin farm. This place was so easy to level, if you were trying harder you can definitely make it over 2 million an hour. So this location is phenomenal, the daily to start doing this is called no-fly zone, so once you unlock that you can start doing this. But to unlock that you need to go and get the quest that will actually say blood in the water where you kill the Sharks and use a little item to suck up their blood and to unlock that in general, you just need to do your quests over in the shadow vault which will send you then over with to rise with all due haste to the location.
Make sure you focus on pulling multiple mobs at one time, there are a lot of times we can get three or four together very easily, make sure to utilize your speed boost on four as well as just focus down on burning mobs with one. If your Griffin gets low, just dismount it and summon a new one.
Top 5 Method for Leveling Alts 70-80 Dragonflight/Wrath
The last best way to level from 70-80 in Dragonflight is actually going to be boosting. Now the halls of stone boost are pretty much the best way to AFK your way all the way up to level 80. It is a little pricey and the experience is better than the AV farms, so realistically AV is kind of the thing you really want to take advantage of the weekend. But if you are going to get boosted, then you want to go to Halls of Stone. You need to be level 72 to enter into the instance and the fastest boosters that you can find are Warrior tanks. Warriors are the best at boosting and then it's going to be Paladins and Mages, but the Paladin needs a ton of gear to do this reliably and quickly. So make sure you're paying attention to how efficiently your booster is actually clearing the dungeon.
Some classes can do some cheeky things within dungeons things like Death Knights, Mages, Warlocks, Hunters and definitely Warriors, so there are some phenomenal boosts there which will actually usually out level any XP gains you can get anywhere else if you're doing them efficiently. So make sure to look into if there's something for your class if you can get it done.
So those are by far the best ways to level up your alts and the fastest ways to level up your alts in WoW Dragonflight and take advantage of the Joyous Journey's buff. Just take full advantage of this because we only have it for less than 2 weeks left and it is incredibly fast to level up right now. So if there's any classes you might want to play in phase 2 Ulduar or even any classes you want to play all the way through out Wrath of the Lich King, then take the time right now especially during the holidays to get it done and level them up.
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