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NBA 2K23 Best Takeover - NBA 2K23 Takeovers Tier List & Ranking

12/26/2022 6:02:13 PM

What is the best takeover to use in NBA 2K23? In this NBA 2K23 takeover tier list, we are ranking all takeovers from S tier to E tier. We want to update everybody on what these takeovers do if you're new to the game and why they're in the ranking that they are.


NBA 2K23 Takeovers Tier List - Ranking The Best Takeover In NBA 2K23

Takeovers are unique abilities that you may give to your MyPlayer. When your takeover metres are full, they will be triggered. We are bringing you the NBA 2K23 best takeovers. We have a lock takeover representing, a glass takeover, a slash takeover, a playmaking takeover, a shot creator, a sharp, and a post shot. So no matter what your style is, there is at least one top-tier takeover you can choose on this NBA 2K23 takeover tier list.


S Tier

-Limitless Range

-Pull Up Precision

-Easy Blowbys

-Team Takeover Boost

-Perim Badge Drop

Limitless range is one of the best takeovers in the NBA 2K23. You shoot from way further. Limitless range the badge, boxout beast the badge, and then agent three the badge are all one of the best badges in the game, so the takeovers definitely correlate even more to that and it's like stackable on the badge. So limitless range paired with the badge and the takeover or even just in general, if you have the takeover active with no badge of the limitless range, it still lets you shoot from like literally like 15 to 10 feet off the three-point line. Anything that gets you a regular jump shot form can be made with this takeover and you don't even need the badge on by any means.


Pull up Precision is going to be one of the best 2K23 takeovers in the game. People can make whites on fades with this takeover, it just helps you make your fade away shots that much better. Pair with agent three, Trae Young fade, or even the KD fade, and you're just unguardable. People are going to like demand multiple defenders to guard you with this whether you're on threes, or twos, multiple defenders on twos become a problem for that matter, and then ones you literally can be held. Then for Pro-Am, it demands two to three defenders when you have this on. Same with limitless range though, it definitely demands two or three defenders to really like focus in on you and key in on you, or maybe even just in general two guys be sent at you fully on a straight double team.


Next up we have our two C tier takeover in season 1 moving up to the S tier. Easy blowbys make your dunk meter even bigger. It is a huge crutch for the smart like the people who maybe don't use the dunk meter as well or aren't as good at the dunk meter. It'll definitely be your training wheels, you will be able to learn how to use the dunk meter even on the like without takeover. Because this makes it that much easier and then for that matter too, you just can let stuff fly when it comes to having this active. You go crazy with this thing not to mention by the way just the easy blow buys factor of this that, you really like almost even have more clamp breaker when you have this thing on. In general, it's probably a slasher's favorite takeover.


Team takeover boost is a really underrated takeover. Team takeover boost is going to be one that is definitely for the people that have steal ratings on their builds. They have like 95 to 99 something like that. We don't recommend it if you have around 85 to 90 steal and only silver glove. But if you have like gold or Hall of Fame glove and put that print badge drop it on. It's a problem for other people. At that point, let's just picture the 99 steal builds that have Hall of Fame glove 99 steal the person you're going against likely has gold unpluckable for the really small elite point guards out there they have Hall of Fame they have 95 plus ball handles but for most people playing this game they have probably gold unpluggable which would be anywhere from like 84 to 94 ball handle. This stuff goes so hard at dropping their unpluggable from gold to silver. Gold to silver is probably the worst drop of unpluckable you could ever see and when they do have that thing on Silver and you have Hall of Fame glove, 99 steal and lock take active. You better believe that ball is flying out. This is your big five best takeovers in NBA 2K23.


A Tier

-Boxout Wall

-Post Shot Daggers

- Spot Up Precision

 For boxout wall, this is actually the exact same thing as boxout beast. Boxout beast is a very good badge and for that matter too, it's just a mechanic that's really crazy when it's on. Boxout is a boxout. If you just get it good, you just get it good. But the worm aspect of the boxout wall is what's so devious and crazy. You cannot be touched, you get really quick instant ones too. Boxout wall is a great takeover, it's definitely more big man oriented, more 6’10 plus.


Next up we have post shot daggers. This is going to be for your post hops, post fades, post hooks, shimmy fades, etc. For the post shot daggers, it's really cool. When you have an outside-oriented postcard, it works really well for it. So anything that's not doing like a drop step or a post-spin, anything that is just a post shot is going to be boosted and this is a really good takeover. It's probably one of the best NBA 2K23 takeovers.


When you shoot the ball on a standstill shot, whether it's caught and shot or just in a general standstill, this is going to be boosting your shot making ability by an unbelievable amount. People can make whites with pull-up positions which is an unbelievable thing to do in this game. It's a very rare thing that will pop up. But when on takeover it's actually kind of common.


B Tier

-Post Shot Daggers

-Stuff Blocks

-Negative Impact

-Anklebreaking Shots

-Extreme Clamps

-See The Future

-Team Badge Boost

-Paint Intimidation

Team badge boost is going to be only for if you pass your teammates the ball. Team takeover boots and team rating boosts don't work like that. Team rating works very passively, you can literally just spot in the corner, and you don't have to pass to a teammate to activate the takeover. Same with team takeover boost, you can have this on yourself and help your teammates actually get it. But team badge boost is very specific to being a ball handler, this is a point guard takeover. So if you have the ball as a PG and you pass to a corner, that corner shooter is going to get his clutch shooter, corner specialist, catch and shoot, claymore, all that stuff blinders even for that matter all boosted within like a maybe two-second frame of catching the ball. So you can also do a catch and run into a dunk and then those badges will be boosted as well between let's say posterizer, slithery, Limitless, takeoff all types of stuff like that so it's a more point guard related takeover it's really good for PGs. If you're just a corner spot-up, team badge boost is not it, make sure you're running something between team rating boost or team takeover boost if you're more of a spot-up player that doesn't always have the ball in his hands.


Next up we'll talk about the shot creator takeover. So we have ankle breaking shots and negative impact both staying in the B tier. Ankle breaking shots is good for hop-back jumpers, hop jumper, and spin jumpers. It boosts your shot percentage when taking shots and you can make people fall on them pretty reliably. Pull up precision is much better of a takeover when it comes to shot creator, negative impact, or ankle-breaking shots. These are more for the niche things that you really really want to say for have like more blinders or more dead eyes. Negative impact works like that, it's a really good takeover as well it's just once again it's kind of weighed down by the fact that it's in the same category as pull-up position which is God tier in this game as well.


Stuff blocks is more for the pick-and-roll defenders that are hedging high and want to be able to get better chase downs. Think of stuff blocks as more chased down and just shot blocking in general whereas paint intimidation is more of your hands up into your defense boost where it's going to make it way harder for people to get the masses on you.


Next up we have to see the future that's going to help you track where the ball is going to go when a shot goes up. By the way, when you stack this double it pops up almost instantly. This is still pretty good with only a single. But boxout wall is so good when it comes to the glass takes. See the future definitely a nice second when it comes to the glass takes still. See the future just helps you track where the ball is going to go. As soon as the shot goes up, you will see it with double, with only one see the future active though as in your primary. It will be a little bit delayed but it's not like detrimental.


Extreme clamps is definitely a solid lock take. Perim badge drop is going to be in a really good spot. As perim badge drop is moving to the S, that's why we don't think extreme clamps are really worth running that much. If you're a pure lock, this is the one example that we would run extreme clamps instead of perim badge drop and it's just in your secondary spot. Perim badge drop does not drop your badges by two levels if you stack them. So we would advise if you're a pure lock was running double lock take to put extreme clamps in your secondary and then run perim badge drop as the primary.



C Tier

-Team Rating Boost

-Advanced Post Moves

-Finishing Moves

This is pretty much just going to up your team's ratings by four for every person that has it now. This is stackable by the way. So let's say for instance maybe you have three people on the team that want to run team ratings boost secondary. Just for this case that maybe you get a team takeover in Pro-Am and then at that point when you're on team takeover all three of those people that have a team rating boost get their takeover activated. It means you're getting a whole team plus 12. That's the only real situation this is good. We would much prefer two different playmaking takeovers when it comes to being a point guard. We have team badge boost and then team takeover boost.


Advanced post moves and finishing moves moving down from the A and the B tier down to the C. Let's start with finishing moves, this is really just because like easy blowbys are so good and just there's no reason to run finishing moves. It's still a very good takeover, it makes your contact dunks way more makeable, actually, it's used in retrospect like easy blowby is the ultimate slasher badge just to have or the slasher takeover to have. Finishing moves will help you as a lob catcher definitely. If you're in MyCareer grinding like the alley-oops or if you're just a lob catching big in general, you want a slash takeover, finishing moves will be good for you. What this is also good for is that your contact dunk meter is still bigger. But easy blowby does both, it makes your contact dunk and your open dunk meter bigger.


Advanced post moves also move down from the B to the C. Advanced post moves are not competitively usable when it comes to 3v3, Pro-Am, or Rec Center. But if we're talking 1v1, it really could be more like A tier or B tier.


D Tier

-Class Clearing Dimes

-Interior Badge Drop

-Enhanced Jumpshot Contest       

Next up in the D tier of the NBA 2K23 takeovers ranking, we have glass-clearing dimes that is being the worst of the two. It's pretty much just a brake starter but it is also kind of post-playmaker at the same time too. So essentially if you grab an offensive rebound kick back out to a teammate, glass-cleaning dimes can be boost shot up for it. Also for that matter, you throw better passes on the fast break also helps the shot percentage on the fast break too but again just an undervalued takeover when it comes to the other ones in its category for instance with see the future and boxout wall.


One of the cool little things about interior badge drop is that if you have this on, it drops people's brick wall even if you're on the perimeter. So any interior-related badges are being dropped and brick wall happens to be one of the Interior related badges.


Enhanced jumpshot contests can be moved down to the D tier. This is just a takeover that is not good. It doesn't really get you that much. With Challenger or even without Challenger, it just is easy to get jump shot contests on the ghost on hands-up defense. This takeover has just not been good for multiple years in a row.


E Tier

-Advanced Gathers

-Power Backdowns

-Post Playmaking


The reason we don't like power playmaking and post-playmaking is that there are literally badges in the game for them. They're unimportant badges or takeovers in the first place. For post-takeovers most times it's probably going to be advanced post moves or post shot daggers, one of the two. Then moving on to Advanced gathers, this is just not good at what it's supposed to do. It's not good at the gathers, it's not good at the spins hops euros all types of stuff like that. At the end of the day just to doing hops and spins on takeover is kind of trash.

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