We'll put all of the different specializations between S and D tier, we can tell you where we think the different classes rank in terms of their viability, so we're going to be looking at classes overall in terms of their kit, so they're consistent damage, their burst damage their defense, their offense, all that good stuff.
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WoW Dragonflight DPS PvP Tier List
S Tier
-Havoc Demon Hunter
-Demo Warlock
-Affliction Warlock
-Shadow Priest
-Feral Druid
A Tier
-Destruction Warlock
-Outlaw Rogue
-Ret Pala
-Windwalker Monk
-Arcane Mage
-Survival Hunter
-Unholy Death Knight
B Tier
-Fury Warrior
-Elemental Shaman
-Enhancement Shaman
-Subtlety Rogue
-Frost Mage
-Beast Mastery Hunter
-Devastation Evoker
-Frost Death Knight
-Balance Druid
C Tier
-Arms Warrior
D Tier
-Fire Mage
-Marksmanship Hunter
Havoc Demon Hunter is S plus, they are the winners and the biggest losers, we would say are fire Mage and Mark's Hunter, but that doesn't mean that they can't get buffed, so if you like the fire image you guys like the Marx Hunter, Don't totally give up hope but in terms of the beta, we would say this is like this is like a pretty decent estimation, now one thing to keep in mind is we feel like a lot of these B tier specs and A tier specs, they're on the cusp like we think one of the things that makes the S tier, the S tier is that they can't die a lot of them like even though just can't die, warlocks can't die, Shadow priests rarely ever die like Shadow priests can die, but man it's not easy and they're I feel like they're particularly Immortal against casters like maybe if you get a solo Shuffle Lobby where you're getting run down by like windwalker Warrior or windwalker Demon Hunter like you're having a rough time, everyone's having a rough time, fighting that stuff, but against like casters and stuff we feel like Shadow priests are borderline Immortal, so this is the current tier list that we have for you.
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