We'll do a pre-patch tier list for WoW Dragonflight, ranking all the specs including tanks.
WoW Dragonflight Warlock Tier List
S Tier - Affliction Warlock, Destro Warlock
A Tier - Demo Warlock
Let's dive into it shall, we we think we'll start with like lock specs or like start with like one class in their specs right, so I'm gonna start with warlock now, starting off with Affliction, in the pre-batch and on the beta, we think death Pack's probably like what makes him like super insane, and we think in Shuffle, they're also very strong, we think like the same reason obviously works in trouble great, it's the same reason for all is very good truffle like just the the cleave pressure is huge, we can Shuffle either gotta cleave hard or one shot, and after they can clear very hard, so let's go outfit up there demo, so Destro is like a lot better in the pre-patch than it is in 70, and this because of decimating bolts which means they can just crit, very high and incinerates, do like 70k people have 100K HP so we think destro's quite insane as well right now.
WoW Dragonflight Mage Tier List
A Tier- Frost Mage
B Tier- Arcane Mage
C Tier - Fire Mage
Arcane Mage Mana, we've actually faced a few archimators now in Arena, we think they're decent, but they're not great, it's like a beat, they kind of pump, fire mage, you don't see much fire man, we think fire is quite bad in in pre-patch like you don't see any fire Mages like you see Frost and arcane, Frost is definitely better than fire, Frost is better than Arcane as well in the pre-patch right now.
WoW Dragonflight Warrior Tier List
A Tier - Fury Warrior
B Tier- Arm Warrior
Let's go with Warrior, so terrorist attacks are good content, arms Warrior they're definitely worse than Fury, that's for sure, definitely worse than Fury, and arms has not really been on top for a while now like arms, so Fury we're putting it right in A.
WoW Dragonflight Rogue Tier List
A Tier - Assa Rogue
B Tier - Sub Rogue, Outlaw Rogue
WoW Dragonflight Hunter Tier List
A Tier - Beas Mastery Hunter
B Tier - Survival Hunter, Marksman Hunter
WoW Dragonflight Death Knight Tier List
A Tier - Unholy Death Knight, Frost Death Knight
WoW Dragonflight Monk Tier List
S Tier - Mistweaver Monk
A Tier - Windwalker Monk
WoW Dragonflight Demon Hunter Tier List
God Tier - Havoc Demon Hunter
WoW Dragonflight Priest Tier List
S Tier- Holy Priest
A Tier - Disc Priest, Shadow Priest
WoW Dragonflight Shaman Tier List
A Tier – Resto Shaman
B Tier - Elemental Shaman, Enchancement Shaman
WoW Dragonflight Paladin Tier List
A Tier - Holy Paladin
B Tier - Ret Paladin
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