In this guide, we go over the most powerful, most OP and strongest Death Mage build in Elden Ring, this crazy mage makes use of very lethal weapons and sorceries. You don't need to defeat a single story boss or do anything for this INT/FAI build in Elden Ring but this is an insanely OP build that you can make right at the start of the game in Elden Ring. We go over weapons, the build, the Death Mage way, gear, upgrading your weapons to nearly MAX at the start, sorceries, staff, death sorceries, int/faith sorceries and incantations, intelligence & faith, tips, extra buffs and everything you need to know to completely destroy any and every boss in Elden Ring. With this build you will truly be an OP Death Mage (INT/FAITH) build in Elden Ring and nobody will be able to even touch you.
Get OP Early
First of all, go to the Gatefront side of Grace, get your mount for Molina, then go back to the starting area right way just to make your BFF and mount and ride to the beach in the southern part of this place, it is really close to the starting area, on the beach you will find a Golden-Pickled Fowl Foot which you you will want to use in a second, then get the Morningstar weapon in the northern part of the Weeping Peninsula, so near Limgrave in the chest and it's now time to go to gave it, go to the Third Church of Marika, pick up the goodies that are laying around here for you to pick up, and then go beyond the church and take the teleport, this will teleport you to exactly here on the map and you want to go south till you reach Fort Faroth, that's this spot on the map ignore all the enemies on the route to the Fort no matter how big they are, and when you arrive at Fort Faroth, you want to pick up a very nice Talisman you want to ignore all the bets while you're running inside, and move towards the ladder, just run climb up and then pick up The Dectus Medallion, this is very important so don't forget to do that then keep moving till you get to the second Gap, and jump down move to the right of yours pick up the golden Rune that's laying around there, and then jump to the sneaky Pathway to your right keep moving till you can jump down again and there will be the radical Source heel if you're not familiar with this salesman, it's a very good Talisman that will help us out because it provides a lot of relevant stats right at the start of the game, then go outside kill Grail the big ass dragon with your Morningstar weapon equipped so you broke bleed, and kill him quickly, when the dragon is almost dead make sure to pop the golden pickled foul food that we just picked up, so we get a bunch of extra Elden Ring runes, now you'll have a bunch of Elden Ring runes, and it's just really a nice way to get a good start as it's pretty much free, now that we've done the standard get op early stuff we can start with the actual build, make sure to also use the golden rune that you picked up inside the fort as well then go level up.
Attributes & Stats
Equipment of OP Death Mage (Intelligence/Faith) Build
Right Hand Armament 1: Sword of Night and Flame
When you arrive at Caria Manor, you can immediately pick up a nice sorcery that also got a really significant buff recently, and makes using the sorcery a lot smoother now, basically just move like this till you get to the Scarab, kill the Scarab, and you will get the Carian Piercer sorcery, we're recommending the swordship before the recent buff so for sure pick it up when you're here it is really good, now going back to the entrance you want to progress to get to the manor Lower Level side of Grace basically, from this side of Grace onwards, it is pretty easy you just want to move like shown in the footage until you basically can jump onto a roof to your left, here you'll see a hole in the distance where you can climb down, do so and when you're down you will see a chest, in that chest is the sword of Knight and Flame, finally we have it, before we go over the sword, however, we need to upgrade it.
Left Hand Armament 1: Prince of Death's Staff
The Prince of Death's Staff is the staff that actually fits this build thematically and functionally, but as the staff we'll be using in the follow-up guide, for two reasons basically the staff is in the deep root depths, so it's basically impossible to get it at the start of the game, and even if you get it with relatively low sets for instant faith, it doesn't shine enough, and the meteorite staff will easily beat it, so definitely just use the meteorite staff early to mid game and you'll be good to go.
Left Hand Armament 2: Meteorite Staff
We have to go back to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel, we hope you do like this place, because as you will see you will be going here a lot, go outside and mount up, move something like this to get to a staircase right there, and it will lead you to the great rock sling build, definitely pick that thing up, because it is one of the best spells that you can pick up at the start of the game, it deals great damage, and it also deals great voice damage, meaning you will have a nice tool to stance break your opponents relatively easily, near the spot you will also find the meteorite staff, laying around here, exactly here pick it up, because it is without a doubt the best death that you can pick up at the start of the game, the reason of this is that the meteorite staff has a very high scaling AST scaling, it also boosts gravity sorceries.
Gear: Royal Remains Set
We need to get the Royal Remain set for this, you want to go back to Liurnia Lake Shore, pretty much all the way in the South, and keep moving towards the Village of the Albinaurics, when you get into this Village, keep moving up the hill basically till you can slap the out of the guy disguised as a bolt, after doing some of that, he will show his true face, and give you the right side of the Haligtree Secret Medallion which is like a nice thing for way later on in the late game, but most importantly, it functions as a trigger, because if you now go back to the round table hold, the edge load that is usually quiet, and doesn't want to talk to you will now start attacking you and with our legendary sword of night and Flame, this fight is a complete joke, and you just obliterate him, you will get his entire set, afterwards may go to his usual standing spot, this set fits thematically perfectly, but more importantly, it has a bunch of defensive stats for us, so we can sustain hits even better now, it also has this unique property that if you're really low HP, it will heal you in effect so you get around 18 of HP which is nice if you have like poison undertaking, it literally prevents you from dying from annoying damage over time effects, and in a general sense, it also just gives you this nice heal for free.
Helm: Royal Remains Helm
Chest Armor: Royal Remains Armor
Gauntlets: Royal Remains Gantlets
Leg Armor: Royal Remains Greaves
Wondrous Physick Mix:
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear
Radagon's Soreseal
Carian Filigreed Crest
Golden Vow
Flame, Grant Me Strength
Good Sorceries to Complement the Build
-Rock Sling: Long range monster insane poise damage.
-Carian Piercer: Great poke spell.
-Carian Greatsword: Hard hitting aoe melee ability.
-Carian Slicer: Extremely efficient fast spell.
-Glintblade Phalanx: Defensive sorcery.
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