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WotLK Classic Hallow’s End Event 2022 - Start & End Dates, Headless Horseman, XP Buff, Items, Mount & More

10/20/2022 7:29:40 PM

Blizzard dropped the Hallow’s end event in WotLK Classic which is a Halloween-themed event that will last until the end of the month, covering some pumpkins, loot, and stuff that you can use at level 80 as well as for raids. There are a couple of things you might want to do during this event, if you don't do now, you're not going to be able to do them until the next year. Let’s get straight into this WotLK Hallow’s End guide and learn all things to do during the event Hallow's End!

WotLK Classic Hallow’s End Guide - Start & End Dates, Headless Horseman, XP Buff, Items, Mount & More

What Is Hallow’s End In WoW WotLK Classic? 

Hallow's End is World of Warcraft's Halloween event. But there's a bit of a twist in the tale, as revealed by the game's evolving lore. According to the WoW lore, Hallow's End commemorates the day a band of undead escaped the control of the Lich King. As time passed and they won their independence, this group came to be known as the Forsaken. It is celebrated by setting alight a Wickerman. Similarly, the Alliance celebrated the end of harvest in Lordaeron on Hallow's End.

WoW Hallow’s End Start & End Dates

WoW Hallow's End 2022's version has a start date of 19th October. It is expected to end on 1st November 2022.

What To Do During Hallow’s End Event 2022 WotLK 

Tricks and Treats of Azeroth, Gold and EXP

The first things are the Tricks and Treats of Outland Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom, all three of them. You're going to get 4 different achievements, and you can get experience to level your characters and if you're level 80, that experience will be converted into gold. If you do all of the trick and treats of the world, you're going to be getting about 4 to 500 gold, but a lot of experience as well. For example, a level 71 Rogue gets 10000 experience from one single candy bucket which is just an instant quest that you can complete anytime. However, if you equip the heirlooms, you can equip two heirlooms, the chest from emblems and the shoulders from winter grasp, you are going to get 12000 experience. However, there's going to be a buff available during the peak hours in the game, it's called the Wickerman invocation which is going to be another 10%, so all the way up to 13000 XP, it's just as easy to go to any Innkeeper, press complete, get the achievement for trick and treats and get your experience or WotLK Classic gold if you're level 80. The reason to do this is because it's an achievement for the WotLK events called Hollow's end and you have Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor of Eastern Kingdoms and at Outland, all three of them will give you the full achievement. 

There are more achievements, and there are easiest ways to do it with questy. If you do slash quest into the game and your character is too high level, you're not going to be able to see the quest on the maps, you do slash questy. You want to though show all quests below level and range or enable minimum low level offset so you can start here from level 70 if your character is level 70 and put it to 80. So you don't go below and see all the quests in the world or you can just click show all quests below. And another way to do it is to get the add-on called handy notes and handy notes NPC. 

With handy notes, press on the map and you're going to have something called NPCs. You want to disable all of them because it's going to show everything in the map trainers, flight paths, everything. And then after you disable, everything you did show in keepers. On the minimap even the sexy map, add-on is going to show them, it's going to show you a Hearthstone on the map and then you can go and do your quests. Either with handyman notes or with quest, you can go all over the world with all your characters and complete the achievements for the Hollow's end.

The next great thing about Hallows end which is the Headless Horseman, you can do it five times per group because each people in the group can summon it once you go to Scarlet graveyard and you fight the Headless Horseman. The Headless Horseman is an easy fight takes two minutes per character, in 10 minutes you should be able to summon him five times and try to get some of the items that he drops. The fight is quite straightforward, you fight him, then you fight his head, then you fight some ads, he heals three times and then you kill it.

The Headless Horseman, Free Epics

If we go to the loot table, you have to go to the classic add-on into Scarlet graveyard and select the Headless Horseman. 

- Ring of Ghoulish Gee: The first thing that you see on the loot table is a ring that it's basically a mini ring from eye of the eternity, surge a needle, it has agility hit crit and attack power.

- The Horseman’s Seal: The next one is a great forecasters, it's at heat haste and spell power compared to the ones from heroic which only have haste and spell power, it's quite great as well.

- Wicked Witch’s Rand: This is a potential healer ring as well.

- The Horseman’s Horrific Helm: It is pretty good, also hit critical strike rating and a lot of strength, meta socket.

- The Horseman’s Baleful Blade: It is great for Frosty case, for Rogues, it's the new pre-best for Rogues. It's going to be like 12 days where we're going to have a 5 chances every day to get it, it's pretty much almost guaranteed to get it if you do it a couple of days in a row.

- The Horseman’s Reins: It's a mount that looks great, it looks similar to the one from karazhan, it's kind of a low drop chance, but if you do it every day, there's a huge chance that you might get it. This is a ground mount but it looks awesome.

- Swift Flying Broom: Fun things that you get from here are the flying brooms which are only have a duration of 14 days, you have ground ones and flying ones. After 14 days, they will expire. The great things about them is that they're instant and you can just jump on them and move on.

What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been - Violet Proto-Drake

This is the last thing to do for Hollow's end, you want to go for world events and there's an achievement called what a long strange trip it's been. You have to complete all of the achievements, you're going to have to do the Hallowed Be Thy Name, the Flame Keeper, Merry Maker, so basically during the whole all the holidays through the year you have to complete all of the achievements. And you can start with doing the Hallowed Be the Name. 

The reason why you might want Violet photo Drake is not because of the looks, it's because it gives 310% movement speed. Normal mounts are right now 280, so this one is going to be at 310, 30% more movement speed and it's huge. If you do all the achievements, by the next year during Brewfest, you're going be able to obtain your valid photo drake.

Items to Earn in Hallow's End WotLK Classic

Here's what there is to earn for both Classic and Shadowlands.

- Flimsy Masks

- Hallowed Wands

- Hallow's End Pumpkin Treats

- Jack-o'-Lanterns Bag

- Pumpkin Bag

- Treat Bag

- Costumes

- Weight Jack-o'-Lantern

- Handful of Candy

- Candy

- Trick Treat

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