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Wotlk Brewfest Event Guide - How To Complete Brewfest Achievements In Wrath Of The Lich King

9/23/2022 4:34:26 PM

Brewfest event started on 20 of September in Wrath of the Lich King. Welcome to Wrath of the Lich King Brewfest achievement guide, this time focusing on Brewfest which is one of the 8 required meta achievements for what a long strange trip it's been. We will talk about the best way to complete WotLK Brewfest event achievements.


Wotlk Brewfest Event Guide - How To Complete Brewfest Achievements In Wrath Of The Lich King

First celebrated by the dwarves, Brewfest now holds appeal among all the races of Azeroth! The Brewfest achievements are pretty easy and take an hour's absolute max to get most of these except for Brew of the Month. However, if you are a seasoned Achievement Hunter, this is one of the few ones that you could have prepared for prior. So today we want to go through most of these Wrath Pre Patch Brewfest achievements and how you might accomplish them.


Achievement 1 - Down With The Dark Iron

The first achievement we'll have a quick look at is Down With The Dark Iron. This requires you to just fight off the dark iron attacks that'll come in the Orgrimmar or iron forge Brewfest camps and it basically just keeps spamming the complementary Brewfest button, you don't even have to target the invading dwarves. You just keep throwing and throwing and throwing until they're all gone. The invasions happen every three 30 minutes and they last for about five. So once that's done, you then go click on the wheel that will spawn. If you actually succeed in the event, complete the daily, and the achievement's yours. You should note you want to complete this, keep completing this daily, so you keep getting the tokens for future achievements.


Achievement 2 - Does Your Wallpaper Wolpertinger Linger

The next achievement on the list is Does Your Wallpaper Wolpertinger Linger? This is pretty simple, it just does a quest for one of the Goblins in the camp. Thankfully there is a war between it in a fairly wide radius around it. Even if it's crowded, it's a lot easier to actually get it. All you need to do is be drunk or have the drunk specs from the same Goblin that you get the quest from. Just throw the nets on five of them. Once this achievement did and an extra companion for the companion total quest.


Achievement 3 - Strange Brew

Strange Brew is also very easy for your level 70. All you have to do is go to the three vendors at any Brewfest camp in front of any Capital Cities not just the big ones in front of Orgrimmar and iron forge and buy the three available Brews that aren't level 75. Now you do need to be level 70 as the highest tier of beer requires you to be level 65 from the ogres. Other than that, this achievement is just buying nine beers and drinking them.


Achievement 4 - The Brewfest Diet

From drinking to eating with basically the same game achievement, the Brewfest diet whereas instead of drinking nine things, you have to eat eight different things and you just go to the cheese vendor, the bread vendor, and the meat vendor at the main Brewfest Camps. So organ iron forge and you just buy all the things that are unique to Brewfest. That's all the achievement, you do need to be level 65 similar to a Strange Brew to actually eat all the food. But other than that, another simple one to tick off the Wotlk Classic pre patch Brewfest achievement list.


Achievement 5 - Have Keg, Will Travel

For this, you need to either obtain a Brewfest Mount from Coronado Brew or far more easily spend five or two tokens on hops from the vendor. Press it and boom another achievement in Wrath of the Lich King Brewfest.


Achievement 6 - Drunken Stupor

The next achievement is Drunken Stupor which isn't something you need for the Brewmaster meta achievement but it's still 10 achievement points anyways. Now you just need to fall 65 yards without dying while completely smashed during the Brewfest Holiday! Another free 10 achievement points for this one as well.


Achievement 7 - Brew of the Month

Take the quest from Blix Fixwidget. This requires 200 tokens. You buy Brew of the Month Club Membership Form and you do the quest, it's pretty short and simple. It does lead on to the Brewer of the year which is just drinking the beer that they send you each year, that's all you need to do.


Achievement 8 - Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm

The next one is not an achievement but you can get Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm for a hundred tokens which is just another pet for the pet collection achievement.


Achievement 9 - Disturbing the Peace

Finally, you can't do it just yet, but there is the achievement for dancing in Dalaran. With three parts of the Brewfest outfit which two total 350 tokens. You better keep on your dailies even in Wrath if you actually want to get it this year. Thankfully that one isn't part of the Brewmaster achievement meta but you might not want to wait a year to get it. Although these will last for more than a year so keep them in your inventory or your bank after the fact for next year regardless.


Achievement 10 - Direbrewfest

To kill Coren Direbrew, you go to the Grim Guzzler in BlackRock depths which can be achieved the old-fashioned way of going to Blackrock Mountain. Then run through BlackRock depths to it or alternatively if one of your party members has the dire remote, then you can just zip straight. There you can do this five times a day because everyone can run the daily. And the first time you do it you get a nice little chest quest and another 40 tokens for doing it.


WotLK Pre Patch Brewfest Tips

Normally you kill all the Abominations in front of the slaughterhouse Ramstein comes out, you kill him, and then there are a few waves of just peasant Undead dudes who Rock up now that takes a minute or two to clear out. It's not hard but there are quite a lot of them and then you have to wait another minute for the Black Guard to spawn. What you can now do instead is if you go inside the doors and kill Ramstein behind them, then the black guards will instantly spawn and instantly give you access to Baron. So that should save you a good couple of minutes on every Baron kill.


That's all the Classic Wrath Pre Patch Brewfest achievements you need to do.


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