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WOTLK Pre Patch Gold Farm Guide - 9 Best Ways To Make Gold In Wrath Of The Lich King Prepatch

9/2/2022 11:54:26 AM

What are the different raw gold farming locations in the Wrath of the Lich King pre patch update that you can do as a fresh level 70 character? This is the WOTLK Classic pre patch gold farm guide to give you an idea of what will be possible on the upcoming first servers for those of you who actually managed to reach level 70. 


Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch Raw Gold Farm Guide

Like in the previous World of Warcraft expansions, WotLK Classic gold is essential if you want to do things like buying the latest and greatest gear, or just buy everything you want. In order to purchase the numerous new items, pets, and mounts available in WOTLK Classic, players will need to farm out gold. Therefore, we will talk about the 9 best ways to make gold when WOW Wrath of the Lich King pre patch releases.

No.1 WOTLK Pre Patch Best Gold Farm - Shawdownmoon Valley

The first best Classic WOTLK Prepatch Gold farming location takes place in Shadowmoon Valley at this location near the Black Temple. Before you start doing the poles, there's one thing you need to be aware of and a lead is patrolling in the area. So make sure to mark this, so you don't accidentally pull this at the same time. If you're new at this location, just make sure to pull a few of them to learn about the damage. But also how many you're able to kill at a time and then you can slowly increase the number of monsters that you pull. You can even go to this location before your level 70 to get some experience at the same time. Just remember it's an open world spot so that might be competition.


No.2 WOTLK Classic Best Gold Farm Area - Shawdownmoon Valley

In Shadowmoon Valley, there is yet another decent raw gold farming location that you can mount up and pull between 5 to 10 at a time. You can do this as any tank but most likely also as a mage and even a druid. Even if you do this on a fresh geared character, if you had some decent gear, you could probably pull an additional 5 to 10 more monsters. There's next to no downtime where you need to wait for the monsters to respawn. All you need to do is just to run in a circle and by the time that you get back to the starting point, there will also be new things to kill.


No.3 WOTLK Pre Patch Best Gold Farm - Eastern Plaguelands

In Eastern Plaguelands, you will find an area with so many different humanoid targets. These targets are stacked so well together that it's possible for you to pull 15 to 20 at a time. The moment you have killed these, you don't need to run too far before you can pull another 15 to 20 monsters. This is a big reason for why Eastern Plaguedance is one of the best gold farm in Wrath of the Lich King pre patch update. But also because we can do gather professions at the same time. So if you ever need to wait for respawns then you could always do herbalism or mining.


No.4 Best Classic Wrath Prepatch Gold Farm - Tanaris

In the Zone Tanaris, you'll find the dungeon sulfur rack. In this dungeon, you will have no competition simply because it's not an open world farm. You can adjust how many monsters you would like to pull at a time. The way you pull these is simply just a right click on a grave and this will spawn one to two monsters. Each of these graves will only spawn monsters the first time you click them. So the second time you click on the same grave, you will not spawn anything. This is definitely one of the most effective gold farms in the Wrath pre patch. You can do this as a low-geared character. But the better gear you get, the more gold you can also make every single hour. Simply because the better gear, the more of these graves you can open at the same time.


No.5 Best Wrath Prepatch Gold Farm - Isle of Quel'Danas

At this WOW WotLK Pre Patch gold farm location, you'll find many different humanoid targets and some of them being casters. The way you deal with this is simply just to pull them and run into a building. This will line outside their cast so now they're forced to run into the building with you, allowing you to aoe weigh more targets at the same time. On top of this, we also recommend you pick up all the different daily quests on the Isle of Quel'Danas. This will easily reward you 100 gold in less than 1 hour. Remember these are daily quests, so tomorrow you can do them once again.


No 6. WOTLK Pre Patch Best Gold Making - Slave Pens

Next up is another dungeon farm you can do. But this time it's a Burning Crusade dungeon also known as the Slave Pens. Just make sure not to pull too many at the same time. If you pull too many, you'll definitely end up dying. So start pulling a few of them in the beginning and get a feeling about the damage. This farm drops so much more silver. We're talking about 30 to 50 silver for every single monster. On top of this, they also drop other items we can winter to make some more gold. This is either my top 1 or 2 raw best gold farm in Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch. You don't need to use the auction house in any way, you can simply just loot a lot of silver and render all the trash items that you find.


No. 7 WOW Wotlk Best Gold Farm Pre Patch - Ramparts

The level of these creatures is a bit lower compared to Slave Pens. If you struggle in Slave Pens, then Ramparts might be the dungeon for you. Just be aware of three things in the dungeon. Some of these targets will disarm stun and even apply mortals right to you. So don't pull too many targets at the same time unless you would like to die. But a big benefit of choosing this dungeon is that these creatures have a high chance to drop cloth and at the same time drop a high amount of raw silver.


No.8 Best Gold Making WOTLK Pre Patch - Sethekk Halls

If you wish to do a dungeon that is a bit more difficult to do then we would recommend your static holes. This might also require you to get a bit better gear, you can of course do this as a fresh level 70. But the better gear to more of these creatures, you can also pull at the same time. Some of the benefits of choosing this dungeon are that you, first of all, can combine this together with the gather profession mining. In the dungeon, you will find so many different veins that you can mine. On top of this, there will also be different chests that you can open. These chests will always have at least 4-6 gold and maybe even a green or rare item that you can winter as well. One thing you need to pay attention to is that some of these creatures will cast a totem and this totem will attempt to mind control you. So if you are too far away you will automatically run back to the totem and all the creatures will evade. So make sure to stay close to the totem during the mind control and you should be just fine.


No. 9. Best WOTLK Prepatch Gold Spot - Shattered Halls

This is also a high-level dungeon where most of the creatures are level 70. But because these creatures are level 70, they also do a high amount of damage. On top of this, they will also attempt to stun you. One potion that will be extremely useful here is simply going to be the free action potion. When you use this you will be immune to stuns for the next 30 seconds. This is definitely one of the best gold farms in the WOW WOTLK prepatch, but it also requires you to at least be a protection paladin. some other classes might be able to do this for example a projection warrior, a feral druid, or maybe even a blood death knight.

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